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�0�20907� <br />[n the evenl of a total takin� of the Pro{�rty, tho proceeds shall be applied ta the swns secured by this S�urity <br />Instnnnent, whethchr or not then due, with any exce� paid w Botrowar. In the event of a part3al tal:ing of tha <br />Property ro�ahich the fair maz[cet value of the Prpperty immediately befoce the taking is equal to or �reater than <br />the amount of the sums se�t�red by this Seciuity Ins�went immediately before tha taking, unless Borrawer and <br />Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secuced by thia Se¢arity [nsnvment stia116s reduced by the amoumt of <br />the proeeeds multiplied by the follocving fractEon: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediateiy bsfore the. <br />talcing, dlvided by (b) the fair inadcet value of the Froperty immediatety before the taking. Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrotver. In the evenf of a pmtial taking of the Proparty in wiuch the fair market value af the Praper4y <br />immediately befora the taking,is less than the amount of the sums sQCUred immediateiy bafore the taking, unless <br />Borrvwer and Gendei� othenvise a�ree in �vrlting ar tmless Applicable otherivis� provides, the praceeds shall <br />be appt�ed w the sums secured by this Secw'ity Instrumem whether or not �e su�ps are dien due. <br />!f the Property is abandoned by Boimwer, or if, after dotice by L.r,nder to Borrower tfiat the condemnor o�'ers to <br />make an award ar seale a claim for damages, Borro�eer fails to re�aood ta E.end� withia tba miaimum aumber of <br />duys estabtished by Applic�ble Lew after the date t{� noNce is given, Izader is autiiorize�t W co3lect and apply tha <br />pr�eeds at its ogtion, either to restaration or repair of the Property or ta ihe su� secured by �is Security <br />insqwnent, whether or not th� due. <br />Unless Lender and Boaowerotherwise agrea in writing, any agplictttion of praoeeds to principal shaiF cm! extend <br />or Emstpone the due date of the gaymenL� due under the Contrract or ohan�e the amaunt of such payments. <br />Borrower Not Rele�sed; Eqrbesrance By Lender Not a Waiver. E�easion af the time for paymeat or <br />modifieatian of amortizgtion of the sums secured by this Security ]nso�uumeat g�antat by Lender to any succe�or ni <br />interest af Bar�ower shall not operat� to release the liebiliry of the cirigmal Borrower sx Borrower's successors ia <br />intra�est. Lend� shall not bq required ta commeace ProceediQS,s ageinst an5' successor in irtterest ar �efuse to <br />extenii time far payment or atherwise modify amortiaation of the swma secitt'e+i by this Security Instrument by <br />reasoa of auy demand made by the original �omowe� or Borrower's snccesstirs �t iatere:sG 1�,ny fotbeatanes by <br />Lender in exar�ising say rig6C a tcmedy abalt not be a waiv� af w pteclude t�e exercise of aqy rig6t or reattedy. <br />Succe�ors and Assigns Boand; Jo1nt �nd Several Liability: Acwmmodat[oa Signera The eovenaa� a�►d <br />ugreamems oF this Security lnsuwnsat shaU bind and beneSt ehe successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of seaion tjtled Transfer of the Property or a Bene�ci�l Intsrest ia Boreower. <br />Sortowet's covenants and agreemants shaU 6e jot�rt and seve�al. My person who casigns t6la Sec�ity In�n,�•nt <br />but has nn persnnal IFabilhy imder tha Conhact ("Accommodation 5i�►a"): (a) is casigring this Sacuritp <br />instrumem only to mottgego, grant and eonvey that Aceommotlatian Sign�r's inter�t in tha Property nnd�r the <br />tcrms af ihe Securiry Ins$vment; (b} is not personaliy obligated to pay ifie sums sec�red hy this Seciuiry <br />[nsAwne� and (c) agn�s thet Lender and any athar Borrowet may agree to ext�d, modffy, forbear or makc �y <br />accouunodstions with ragard to the eerms of this Securhy lostnunent or the Contract wideout if�at Ascommadatioa <br />5igner's cAnsenk <br />Loan C6srg�. if fhe loan secured 6y dtis Security Instrume� is subJect to a law which seta maxlmum losn <br />charges, and ths�t law is finatly interpreted so tI�t the i�erest ot odier loan chazges copected o; to be collected in <br />connection w�ith the (qan exceed di� pennitted limhs, then; (a} atry sush loan charge s6a11 be r�uced by the <br />amount necessary to reduce the cliai�ge to the pertaitf�l limits and (bj any sua� aL�eady cotleated &om Borrowae <br />which exceeded �rmtued I�►its will be refimded w Borrower. Lender may c6�se to make dils refuad bY <br />reducin� the principal owed under the CoMaact or by makin� a direct payirtent to Borrowet If a i'efttnd reduces <br />princigal, the reduction wilt � tmated as a paNsl prepayment und� ihe ContracK. <br />Notices. Any notice to Harrower provided for in this Securiry Instruarent shnp be given by dalivering it or by <br />maiting it by Pffst class mail unle� Applicable Law reyuires usa of another metbod The rtotice shall be d'uect� to <br />the Property Address ar any other addr�s Bor[ower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice W I.endet shall be <br />given by flrst ciass mail to Lander's addre� stated herein ar a�ry other adi�ess Lender designates by notice to <br />Boirov,�. Any notice provided for in tfiis Secw�ity+ Instrument shall be deea�ed to have been giv� to Botrower or <br />Lender when given as provided 'm this paragtaph. <br />Governing Law; Severability. This S�xurity Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the laws of the stete <br />of Nebras&a In t6e evopt that any provistoa or clause of d�is Sec�aity Instsument or the Contract conflicts with <br />Applicabte Lsw, such conflict shall not aff�t other prr�visiaas of this Security )nsvumenf or the Connact whic6 <br />can be �ivan effect without the conflicting provisiou To this end the provisians of thls Securiry InsUUmeat and the <br />Contauce aire declared to be severable. <br />Borrower's Copy. Borrowar shall ba given ane confmmed copy of this Security Tnstrnma�rt. <br />Traasier of the Properiy or a Benefleial Interest In Barrower. [f $ll or any part of �te Pro�rty or any interest <br />in it is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial iatarest in Bonower �S sold or transfemd and Boaower is nat a <br />natural parson) wit6ow Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, ac its optioo, reqmre Immediate payment iu <br />fuli of all sums secured by this Securiry Instr�ment However, this optian sh�aU not be exercised by Leader if <br />exercise is prohibited by fedaral law as of the date of this Security Instnimerd. <br />If Leader axercises this option, Lender sl�all give Borrower natice of acceleratian. The notice shall provide a <br />p�riai of not less than the miaimum number of days establlshed by Applicable &om tha date the notice is <br />delivararl or mailed within which Burrower must pay all sums sectaed by tbis Sactviry Inserumedt If Boirower <br />O 1lWam11 Camptlamo S�stem�, Um ADCR96C0 • MIOL4.IRi61 <br />
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