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�0�20907� <br />Horrow�,rc st+aU promptly discharge any tien which has priority over this Seeurity Instr�aznern �mless Borrmver: {a) <br />agrees in writing to rhe payment of the abligedon secured by the fien in a manner aeceptablc to Lender; (b) <br />contests ip ��tl faitfi the llen by, or defends a�ainst enforcemeat of the lien in, legal pmceed'mgs which in the <br />Lender's opinion aperate w prevent t6e enforesment nf the I�ea; or (c) secures from the hoider of tha lien an <br />agresment satisfactary to Lend� subordinating the lien to this Secwtity Ins4vment If Lsnder determines thst any <br />part of the Praperry ia subjed to a flen w?uch may attain priotity over this Security Instnrmeat, Lender may give <br />Horrower a notice ideMiiyiag the lien. BoYtower simll satisfy the lien oc take one or more af the actions set fnrth <br />above witliln 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />HazArd or Property tnsurance. Borrower shall kcep the irnprovements nqw existing or hereafter erected on the <br />Prope►ty insured agair�at lc�ss by flre, hazards inctuded within the term "exbended coverage" and any oth�r hazards, <br />inclnding flaods or floodtn� for which Lender requires insw�nea. This inswance shaU be mairnained in the <br />emounts and for the periods that Lender reqniras. The insurauce cerrier providing the insurance shai! be choseu by <br />Borrower subJect to Lender's appraval which shatl rwt be unreasoaably wi�hheld if Borrower f�ils to maintau► <br />coverage descn'6ed al�ve. Lander may, at Lende�"s aptian, �bta� coverage to protec[ Lendet's dghtv in the <br />Properry in accordance with sectian dU� Protectioa of Lender's R�hfa in t6e Property. <br />All jnsaranca pplicies and renex�alv shall be acceptable w Lender end �all include a standard mortgage clause. <br />Lender shall have the right to hoki the polieles end t�tewal�. If Lender requ'v�.9, Bwrower shall promptty give to <br />Lender all receipts of paid premi�ans snd renewal norices. In the evem of losa, Barrower shali give prompr notice <br />et1 th� i»suranrs camtat and l.ender. Lender may make proof of It�s if not made pmmpfly by Borrower. <br />Unles� Lender ar�d Borrowar otharwise agree in writtng, �an� pro+caeds shall ba appGed to restoration or <br />repair of the Propetty dameged, if the restoration or repair is economicelly feasible and I:ender's security is not <br />Iessened. If tbe restoration or regau� is not eeonomically f�'ble or Lendei's sec�uity woutd be lessened, the <br />insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by [his Security Instrument, whethar ar rtot then due. with <br />atty excqs paid to Borrower. If Berrrowear abandcns the Property, a� floes not az�swer wld►m the nwnh� of days <br />prescribed by Applicable Law as set forth in a natice from Lender to Borrower that the insurance camer hes <br />offe�ad to setde a alaim, then l.end�r may collecr the insarance praceeds. Gender may use the proceeds ta cepair or <br />restore the Property or to pay aums sec�esl by this Secueity IasErument, whether or not then dua. The period of <br />time far Bormwer fo enswer as set farth in the nodce wIll begin when tbe nodce is �iven. <br />Unless Lander and Bmrawer otheivvise agree ln wthlnffie �Y aPP�cation of proceeds to princigat shall nat exo�nd <br />or postpone the due d�e of ffie payments dua under the Contract or change the amount of the payments. lf under <br />tb� aection titled Accelerattoa; Remedies tl�e Ptapeely is acqttired by Lenda, Borrower's right to miy ins�aance <br />poltcias and proceads rasukin$ &am dama�e to the Property prior to ehe aequisition shatl pass Yo Lender to the <br />exte� af the sums secured by this �urity Instrumeatt tmmediately prior ta �e acquisidon <br />Pi�eservedon, Maintenance and Protection af t6e Pro�rty; Borrower's Loan AppUcatian; Leaseholds. <br />Bortawor shall ant destroy, dama�e ar impair th�e Property, allow the Property to det�iorate, or cammit waste on <br />tttc+ Pr4periy. Botrovuer shall l� �n default if auy fnrfeieure acttan or proceeding, whether ca�il or criminal, is he�t► <br />that in Lerider's goai f�ith judgment cautd result in forfeitwe of the Propeity or othenvis�r materiatly impa'v tl�o <br />Hen created by this Security lnstrumeot or Lezaler's security interest. Baitower may cure such a deti�utt and <br />reinsmte, es provtded in �cNoa titled Barrqwer's Rigtit 4o Reinstate, by causing the ae6an or proceeding to be <br />dismissed with a ruling ttiat� in Lend�'s good faieh determinadon, preclud� forfeiture of the Borrower's interest ia <br />the Property or other material impairment of the Iten cteate.�i by this Security Insttwuem ar Lende�s sacurity <br />interest. Barmwer shall also be in det�ult if BonoweG d�ving the loao appficadon process, $ave matexially fatse ar <br />mACCwate infarmadon o� atatemeats w Lender (or failed to provide Lender �vith any matarial infa�mation) ui <br />connection with tfie laan avidenced by the ComBact. If this Sec�uiry lnsdvment is on a leaseholii, Borrawer shail <br />camply with aU the provfsians ofthe lease. If &�mwer acquiras fee atle to the Propeny, the IeASehold and the fee <br />tittc sFiall not merge uniass Lender egrees to the merger in varitin�: <br />Protection oC Leader's RigBts in tLe Pro�rly. If Botrower fails to perfomt �►e cov�snts and agreemeats <br />camaiaed Sn this Security lastnar►eM, or tbere is a legel proceeding that may si�niftcantiy affecx I.ende�'s rightv in <br />the Property (such as a proceeding in bantauptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeieune or to enforce laws or <br />regulatians), then Lender raay do and pay fer whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and <br />Lender's rig6is ig t� F'rope�ty. Lenda's actions mey lnclude paying any sums sec�red by a lieo which I�as priority <br />aver this Securit�+ Imstcument, appearL►g in court, peyin� reasonable attarnoys' fees and enoering on t6e Property to <br />make repa'vs. Atthwigh Lender may take actioa uader dils secdoa, Lenr�rr does oot have to do so. <br />Any amounts disbw�sed by Lender under this sectioa sh�U become �dditianai debt of Horraw� secured by this <br />Security Inshvment Unleas Barrower and Lender ag�t+� to other tanns of gaymem, tl�e amoimts sNaU bear <br />interest from the date of disbarsement at the same rate assessad on adwaaces und� the Ca� and shail be. <br />pa3a61e, whh int�esk upon rrotice from Leraier to Borrower cequeseing Payment. <br />Iaspection. Lendea or its ageat may make teasonable eMdes upon and ins�ctioas of ifia Property. Lender shall <br />give Borrower notice et the tlme of or priaelo an ins�ction specifyh►g reasanable cawce for the inspection <br />Condemaalloa. T'ho pmceeds of any award or claim for damagea, direct or cansequendal, in cannecdoa with sny <br />condemnatioa a� ather takin$ of aay Esart of the Property, or for conveyance tn Ileu of condemnation, are heeeby <br />essigned and sNslt ize paid to L.end�. <br />emna-aau coma'�s�.� nncn-secs-m�� <br />