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�0�20907� <br />fails to pay these s�ums prior w the e�riretion of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permiaed by this <br />Security Insavment withaut finther notice ar demand on Bmrower. <br />Borrowec's �6t to Ideinswate. If �oanwer meats eettain conditiuns, �orrower sball have the dght to have <br />eaforcemem of thi.c Security Instnmtant disconrinned at any time prior w rhe earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such athar <br />geriod es Applicable Law may specify for reinstatemant) before sale of ehe PropertY Pvrsqant to soy power of sale <br />cantained 'm this Sec►�ity Instru�na�t; or (bj entry of a judgment eaforcing this Security Instrument Those <br />conditions ara tfiat BoTrower: (a} pays Lender aU sums which then would ba due under this Secur3ty Inscroment <br />and t{te Contract es if no acceleration liad �curred; (bJ cutes eny default of a�r other covenants or agreemepts; (c) <br />pays all ex�nsea inc�ced Ia ent'ancin$ tlus Securhy Instrument, inaluding, twt aot limited to, reasonable aaornoys' <br />fees to the e7uent pecmitted ity law; and (d) takes such actiaa as L.ender may reasonably require to assure thtat the <br />lien oFthis Secu�ity instrument, i.cnder's rigM� in the Property end Barrower's obtigadon ta pay the sums secured <br />by this Secw�ity L�sdnrment shall coatinue unchanged Upon reinstatement b}+ Borrowee, this Security instrumeat <br />and tite obli$etivns sec�ued hereby shatl remain fidly effective as if no aeceleration bad occurred However, this <br />right to reinstate ahall not appiy in the case of �ccelc.mtion �mder d�e section dcted Traasfer of the Property or a <br />Beneflcial3�ter� in Borrower, <br />Hazardons Snbstaaecs. Barrower shalt not cause or permit the presence, use disposal. storage, or relesse of az►y <br />H898td6U3 SU�COS O� OT Iit tI1B Pt6�TiY. BOJ[OWfd` SI10U Itar d0 nar allow anyone else ta do, anything affecting <br />the Property that is in violazion of any Enviroam�tat Law. Th� preced'u� two sentences shall not aPPi3' w the <br />presartca, use. or starage on ihe Praprrry of smap quantities of Har.�rdaus $ubstances that aze genecally recagnized <br />w be approptiete to iroTaial resideatial uses and to maintenaace of the Property: <br />Borrower shall pramptFy give Le►eder written trotice of aey inve�ig�ion, claim, demand lawsuft or o�er acdon by <br />any goyetnm�tal ar regulawry agency or private party involving the Property and aay Hamtdatffi Subs� or <br />Envleonmeuts�l Law of which Borrower has actuai krtowledga. Gf Boerawer teatns, or is noti�red by eny <br />governmental or regrdat�Y ��Y, �at any ramoval ar other remediadon af any Hezardous Snbsranca sfTeccing <br />dte P�Qerty is necessaty, Sorrower shali �ampNq take all necessary remedial acGo� ia accordance with <br />Environmental I,a�v. <br />As used in t6is paragraph, °Hazerdaus SubsFa►►ces° a�e those substencQS defined as toxic or harardous substan�c�s <br />by F.�viromm�ental Law and the foltmving substences: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum <br />pIW�I1CL9; tOXIC pESHC�6S � I10CUjCld09� V018t�� 90IV�IIt9� LI'18d2I1FlLS COAt21AiAg 88I?09t08 OP fOri118I11C{1)'dC and <br />radiaactive materials. r1s use�i in d�is paragraph "Environmenbl t.a�r" means federal laws and laws of die state of <br />Nehraska [hat relate W healtb, safety or em�ironmenral protection. <br />Acceleeation; Bemedies, Lender s6a11 �Ive pot�e fo Barrower prtor to acceleradon iollowing Borrowec's <br />breac6 of any arvenant or agreeaent in t6� Seeprity Instrnment or the Contract uader whish acceteration <br />i� per�itted (bnt not prfor to acceleratton uader the a�Non titled Transfet of the Aroperty or e Benefletal <br />Inter� in Bormwer, unless Appltce6le Law provides otherwise} 'T#e natfce s6a1! speeify: (a) the default; <br />(b) tBe aettoa reqaired W care the defant� (c) a date, oot less c6an the miniwae� number of days <br />estabt�hed •6p AppUcable Law f�om the dafe thc nottce � givea to Borrower, by whk6 the detanit mnst be <br />cared; and (� t6et fsilare W care the defaalt on or before the date specified 4a the notfce may r�suB is <br />aceeleratioa ot the snms secured by thLv 3eearitp insErumeat and sa� of tbe Propsrty. To t6e esteat <br />permitted by taw, t6e notice shall fnrt6+ar iaform Harwwer oi tLe r�6t W reinstate nfter acceleratIon aed <br />the rig6t ro brisg a conrt acHan to savert t6e aan-es�teace of a defanit or any other defea� of Borrower to <br />acceleeetloa and sale. It the defanit � not enred on or befare the date ape¢f�ed In t6e ooUce, Lender at i4v <br />optioa mag require immediate paymeDt in fuA of all snme se¢ured by th� SecurHy Ir�eq�ament wft6aat <br />fnrther demand ao+l map iavohe lhe. power of sa}e end any otber remedies permitted 6y Appliceble Gaw. <br />To the aatent permitted hy law, l.ender sUall be enHtled to coUect aI! expenscg faearred io porsaing the <br />remwiles provided in this Seetloo, inc[uding, but not limlted to, reasonablo attorneys` fees and eosts of title <br />evidanee. <br />Iit6e power of sate Lv Invok�i, Trnstee s6aU r�ord s not�e af defauit ia eacq oouaty fo whic6 any part of <br />the Property Lv laested sod a6ali ma� copl� of snc6 noHce in tbe maneet prescHbed by Applicable Law to <br />Borrower and to the other persons p�cribed by Appifucable Law. After We time ccqnired by Appitcable <br />Lew, Trustce s6aU �tve pebiic notice of saie to t6e per�os aod in the maoaer prescribed by Applicabte <br />Law. Trastee, withoat demand on �rrower, s6aI1 sall t6e Property at publte suction to tbe highest bIdde� <br />at t6e time sad place and ander tha terma designated in t6e uadce oi sale in one or mor� parcels and in sny <br />arder Trestee determiac�s. Trnstee may postFon� sale o[ aU or any percel of t6e Property by publk <br />aaaouaceme»t at the time a¢d place oY aay previons3y schedaled sale. Leader or Ifs designee msy pnrchase. <br />t6e Prapert� at any sai0. <br />Upon reeeipt of paymoot of the pciee b&1, Trustee sdaU deJtver w t6e parehaser Teostee's deed conacyin� <br />the Property. The reei�l.a in the Trustee's deed shall be prtma facie evideace ot the tcutd oi We statementa <br />made thereia Tavstee shetl eppip the proceeds af the sale ia t6e followiag order. (a) to aii costa nnd <br />expenseg of eacrc�ing the �ww� of sat� and the s�le, indadL�g the payment of the Trastee's [e¢s actualiy <br />faeurred and reasoaable attor�eys' fee,v as perm�.ted by Applieable Law; (b) to aU snms secnred by thb <br />5ecurity InsWment; and (c) enp eacess W t6o persan or persoas kgally eatitled to it <br />R�oaveyaace. Upon paymeat af all suros seciued by d�is Secw�il'y Inst�ment and termination af Borrowe�'s right. <br />to obtain fiut�er advances under the Gonuac� Lender ahall. request Tnistee w reeonvey the Prapetiy and shaU <br /> co,�ea�.s�.emnoca.sace-zoiu�.�e.aur <br />