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201208987 <br /> required by ItESPA, ttnd Borrower shall pay to Lender the lmount necessnry to innke up the deticiency in <br /> accordancc witl� 12�SPR, but in no more than 12 inontlily payments. <br /> Upoi1 payment in full of all swne secm�ed by tl�is 3ecurity Histrument, Lender shall pcotnptly refund to <br /> Bon�ower any Funda held by Lender, <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrov,�cr shall pay all taxcs, assebs�neuts, charges, Si2es, and iinpositions attribut��ble to <br /> lhe Property wldch can attain priorily over this Security Instrumcnti, ]caschold Uaymente or ground 1'ents on <br /> the Property, if any, and Community Association Dues, IIees, and Asae�sinent�, iP any. To tho extc�nt that <br /> Yhese itams a��e�scrow Items, Borrower shall pa�y Uiem in the manner provided in Secrion 3. <br /> Ron•ower Rhall pirompfly disaUarg�e any lien which hes priority over this Seonrity I�iskriiment unless <br /> Borrower: (a) ngrees in wriLing Co Che paymene of Ihe obliga6ion sco'ured by thc lie��i�i a tnamier acceptable <br /> tn Lender, but only so long as Boirower is perfornvng such ng�eeinent; (b) contesCs Che lien in good faith by, <br /> or defends against enforcement of fhe lien iu, legal proceedings wluch in Lender's opinion operate to prevent <br /> the euforcament of H�e lieii wUilo tl�o5e proceedings ara pe��ding, Unt only unYil suah proceedings v�e <br /> eoi�cluded; or(c) eecures G�om the holder oP the lien an ag'cement ea6sfactory to Londer subordinating tl�e <br /> lien to this Security Tnstramenk If Lendee detern�inea that any pnrt of theProper6y is sabject to a lien which� <br /> aesi ntYain priority over tlus Secw•ity Iustrwneut, Lender imy give Boirower a notice idenrifying the lieu. <br /> Withiu 10 days of the date on which that noYlce is given, Borrower shall satisly the lien or telce one or more <br /> of thc acfions set forlli abovc in this Scwtion 4. <br /> Lender may require Horrowcr to pay a onGtima charge for a retil estate tax verification avcUar reporting <br /> aeivice used by I,ender iu ootmection with this Loan. <br /> 5. PropeMy Insuranee. Boxmwer shall keep the improvementis now exialing or hereafCer nrectai on the <br /> Property insured egainst loss by fire, huzards inchided within the term"exteuded coverege," and �tiy odier <br /> hazards includiiig, btiit not limited to, earthqualres and floods, fot whicli l ender req�urea inem�uioa. Tl�is <br /> insuraitco shall be mainClineci in tke auioim�s (inchidii2g deducCible levels) �uiil For tho periods that Lc��ider <br /> reqi�irea. What Lenden•requires pursnnnt to the preoeding sentences oan change during Che ferni oP the Loan. <br /> The insurance carrier providing the inaivance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to T,ender's right to <br /> disapprove Rorrower's clioice, wl�icl�righE sl�all nat be exercised unreasonnbly. I,ender may require <br /> 13orrower to pziy, in comiection wihh (his Lonn, eiCher: (a) a on�tima cluuge for flood zone detennivation, <br /> certiticaCiou and ta•acldng services; or(Uj a one-time charge for flood aone deternnnation and cerCification <br /> servioes and dubscquont chatgen cach timo rcmappinge or ni�nilar ol�ai�ges occw which reaeonably n�ight <br /> afPecC suoh detemunation or cettific�tion. Borrower shall elsa be responsible for the p�ymenl oP any fees <br /> imposed by the Federal Einergency Manegeinant Agancy in comiectiqn wlth tlie review of any flood zone <br /> deteriniuetion resulting from an objection Uy 13orrower. <br /> If Borrower fails to m�hrttin any of$�e coverages descriUed aUove, Lender may oUtain insurance, <br /> at Lend�K''s option avd Borrower's oxpcnse. Lcnds;r is undcr no obligation h�}surcl�asc any Uarticular typa or <br /> aniouut oP eoverage. Therefore, suoh coverflge ahall cover Lender, bul n�ight or might noC pirohecC Borrowex, <br /> 13orrower's equity in Yhe Property, or Y1ie contents of the Property, against any risk, haz�u•d or liability nnd <br /> inight provide�reater or lesser cover�ge th�n�vas previously in effect. Borrower aclmowledges tliat flie cost <br /> of t1�e insurancc c�vcragc�o obtaiiicd migl�t signiflc�.nlly cxccccl t1�c�cost of insurnncc ttiat�3orrower could <br /> have obtained. At�y�mounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall Uecome addi6onal deUt of <br /> Borrov�ar secured by tliis Security Instrwnenk. These amounts ahall Uear interest at the Note rate fioin tha <br /> date of disburscmnnt and sh�ll be paqablq wiCh snek ii�terest, upon notic c from Londcr Co Borrowev' <br /> requesUing payment. <br /> 24002534 <br /> NE6RASKA-Single Family-Fannle bl ealFretldle W ac UNIFORId INS fRUM EN"f Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPA(N[)(1105) <br /> W olters Kluwer Finonclol Services Pqqe e o11% <br />