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201208987 <br /> Any applicaCion of p�yixients, iiisurance proceeds, or Miacellaneous Proceeds to priuoi�ial duc undcr thc Nofc <br /> shall not axtend or postpone the due date, or chnuge the aznowrt, oP Yhe Periodio Payments. <br /> 3. rnnde for Escrow Itcros, Borrower shnll pay ta Lender on the dny Perindic P�yments are due iuider Lha <br /> Note, mrtil the Note is p�id in fu11, a suui(tl�e°Fwicls")fo provide for payinenC of vnounts due for: (a)Yaxes <br /> and asscssmcrtts and ot1�cr itcros which can attail7 pliarity ovcr this SecUrity I'ustewnent as a lien or <br /> eneiunbxance on the Property; (b) leaeehold payv�enCs or ground reuls on tl�o Property, if any; (c) prcmiums <br /> for flng and all ineurance required by Lender untler Section 5; ancl (d)MarCgflge Insurnnce preiniums, if any, <br /> or any smns payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu o�f the paynienY of Mortga�ge Insurance premiums in <br /> accordance wi'tl� the provisions of Section 10. These itenzs are called "F.ecrow Items." At origination or at <br /> <nny Cime during tl�e term pP Che Iqan, Lender n7ay i'eqiure that Commtmity Agsoo'tation llues, Fees, and <br /> Assessi�aot�, i�f any, be escrowed by Rurro�aer, and such dues, Pees and aesessinents shall be ui Escrotu <br /> Item, Boirrower shall proinplly £eimish to Lcndc;r all noticas of amom�ts to be paid under tl�is SecEion. <br /> Borrower shnll pay Lender tke Punds for$scrow Items nnlesa Lender waives Borrawer's obligation to pay <br /> the Fwids f'or any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower's obligation to pny to Lender runds for <br /> twy or a11 Escrow Items at� any time. A�ry such waiver may only Ue in writing. In tlie event of sueh wxiver, <br /> Bon�owcr slitdl pay �iirectly, whcn and wl�cn c payablo, the amotiints due for any F.scrow]tems for which <br /> payinenh of Funds has 6een wnivecl by Lender anci, if Lenc�er rec�rurea, ahal] furnish to Lcnder reccipte <br /> evidenciug siich payment within euch time period as Lender may require. Borrower's obligakion co make <br /> such payments and to provide recaipts shall for all purposes Ua de�ined to be a co�en�nt and ageeement <br /> contained in fl�is Security Jns6ument, as tl�e p6raae"covenant and agree�nent" is used in Section 9, Lf <br /> Boirower is obligaked to pay L�scrow ICentis ciirec6ly, �nusuanf fo a wniver, ai�d BorEower Pails Io pay�tl�e <br /> �mouut clue For an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its righta under Bection 9 and p�y sueh�unount and <br /> L�orrower shall then Ue obligated under Section 9 to repay to l.euder any sucli amount, Lender may revoka <br /> fho waivor a�to any nr e�ll i,scrow Itcn2s at any tiine by a noflce givcn in accordance with Seetion 15 and, <br /> npon such revocation, Barrower shall pay to Lender all F'nnde, And in such�moimts, th�t aee then reqiiired <br /> under tlus Section 3. <br /> Lender mny, ¢t nny tiine, collect and hold Punds in an amounk(a) sufficient to�ermit Lencler Eo apply the <br /> Fuuds at tha lime speciYied aider RLSPA, and(b)not to exceed the maximum unount a 1ender can requira <br /> timdet RHSVA. Lcndcr sl�all cstimatc$�c ttinount of Fm�ds due oii the basie of currenC dala and reasonable <br /> estnnAtos of etpenditw'as of futtu'e Eecrow Items or otl�erwise iia accordea�ce with ApplicaUle [.�w, <br /> 'Tho Ftuids eha11 be held in aai ivsCitution whose deposite are insnred Uy a federal age�icy, instrnmentality, or <br /> eirtity(inchiding Le�rder, if Lender is an instit�ific�n whosc depoeiCs are sc�insured) or in any Pederal Hoine <br /> Lozn Bniilc Lender shall apply the Punds to pay the Escrow Items no later th<1n the tane specified under <br /> ILESPA. Lender sha11 not ch�u ge Borrower for holding and a}�plying the Fwids, �aiuLially aualyzing the <br /> escrow account, or verifying the Fscrow lte�a�s, unloss l,E;nder pays 13orrowet inWre,st on tl�e Funds zuid <br /> App1icable Lttw permite Lcndcr to n�ake such a charge. Unless a�i agreement ia made in wi7ting or <br /> ApplicaUle L2w requires interesi [o be pnid on tlie Punds, Lender ski211 not Ue required to�tiy Borrower any <br /> interest or eazuings on the Funds. Borrowex uid Lender cau agree in vniting, however, fliat interest shall be <br /> paid on the Funds. lznder shall give to Rmaower, wifl�o�it vhargc, an annunl �ccounting of the Fimcls ae <br /> r•cqttircd by 12P5PA. <br /> if thccc is a surplus c�f Funds held in escrow, as defined under I�F,+SPA, Lender sh�ll aeoonnt to Borrower €or <br /> the excess funds in nccardance with RESPA. If there is a sliortage of Fwids held in escrow, as defined under <br /> RFSPA, Lender shall noti`rfy Borrower as requu�ed by RPSPA, aud Roi rower sha11 pay to Lcndcr the amount <br /> necessa�ry to m�lce tiip the shortage in accordance wi11i RLSPA, l�uC in no more than 12 monChly payn�ents. If <br /> thore is a doficiency of Funcis helci uz esoxow, ns defined undex RESPA, Leuder shall notify�3orrower es <br /> zaao2asa <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�Family�Fannie MaNFreddie M uc UWFORM INSTRUM GNT Porm 3020 1l01 <br /> V�17 P O VM PG(Nf:)(7105) <br /> Wol4ers Kluwer Flnenclal Servlces Peqa of 1/ <br />