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201208987 <br /> A1l insurance policies required by Lender and renewttls of such policies sha11 be subjec[to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove such policics, sha71 include a standard mort�gage claztse, and shall nan�e Lender ea mortgagee <br /> And/or ae an additioual loss payee. Lender shall have tlio right to hold the policies and senewal certificatea. If <br /> Lender requires, IIorrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipes of paid prutiroiums at7d renewal noticea. <br /> If Borrower ol�taias any forin of instuazice ebverago, not oYherwise required by Lender, Por clamage lo, or <br /> desh•iacHon of, the Property, such policy shall include a sYandard inortgage eleuse nnd ahall name Lender as <br /> mortgagae a��id/or as an addi¢iona] loss payco. <br /> In Yhe ev�ntt ef loss, 13ortower shall give prompt notice to the iusurauoa ca�rier 2uid Lender. Lender mey <br /> malce�rooP oP loss iP uoC made pxo�v�aCly by&n�rowor. Un]esF Lcndcr and f3orrower otl�erwiae agree in <br /> �iituig, Any inew•ance proceeds, whether or not the unde�lying inaui�2nce was required by Lendcr, eh111 bc <br /> applied fo resl'oration or repair c�f thc Property, if thc restoration or repair is econoinIoally£easibla�id <br /> Lender's secw•ity ie not lessenecL During suoh repeir aud restoration period, Lendcr shall huve tho right to <br /> hold such iusurance proceeds unEil Lender has hnd an opportunity to inspect such Property fo ensure the <br /> worl<has Ueen wtnpleted to l.ender's satisfaotion, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken <br /> prompCly. Lender n�ay ciisb�u�se procceds for thc rc�airs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of <br /> progress payments es the work is eampleted. Unless an agreen7ent is m�de is�writing or Applicable Law <br /> requires interest to Ue ptud on such insw�ance proceeds, Lander shall not be required to pay Borrower nny <br /> interest or earninbs on such proceedy. Pees far publio adjusterg, or other Uiird partiies, retained by Borrower <br /> shall not bc�aaid out of tho ineurancc procccdti and shall bc thc sole obligafion of 13orrowcr. Tf the rcvtoration <br /> or repnir is uot economicelly feaeiUle or Lendex's security woulcl be leseened, Che insurauoe�roceeds shall be <br /> zpplied to the swns secwed by this SecuriTy Pnstr•wnent, whether or not then due, wifli Yhe excess, if any, <br /> paid to Rorrower, Suoh in5urance�rocceds sha7l be applicd in the order proVided for in Secfiou 2. <br /> Lf Aorrower abutdon�Hte Property, l.euder may file,ne�otiate u�d setfle a�iy auailable insw�ance claim uid <br /> relateci matEei�s. I£Borrower doe�noC respond wilhin 30 ciaye Co a no�ioe frc�u�Londcr that the insurancc <br /> cariier has offered to settle a elaim, theu Lender may negotrete and settle the clnim. Tl�ie 30-day period will <br /> begin wheu Yhe notice is given. In eiYher event, or if Lender acqiaires the Properry under SecPion 22 or <br /> otl�erwise, Aorrowar hereby assig�y to Le�1de�� (a) T3orrowet's xights to any instiutuica proceeds in An amotuit <br /> noC to exceed the amount�s unpaicl imcier the NoCe�r Lhia See�triLy InsCr�unenC, and(b) any oLhcr of <br /> Borrov✓er's righte (oYher thnn Yhe right Yo any refund of uneained preminms paid by Borrower) nnder nll <br /> inei�rance��licics coveririg tke Yroperty, insofsr as suel�righte are applicablo to tho covcrago of thc <br /> Property. Lender may iise the insurnnce proceecls either to rep�ir or restore the ProperCy or to pny amoLw[s <br /> unpaid under tlie Note or tlue Secu�ity Instrument, wl�ether or not Chen due. <br /> 6. OCcupancy. Borrower sha1T occupy, establieh, aud use tl�e ProperCy as Borrower's prinaipal rasidence <br /> within 60 days aftcr thc exccntion oP this Security Tnstrunxent and sl�al l contiriue to occupy the Yrowerty as <br /> I3orrower'a principnl residence for nt least one year after the dale of 000upa�ioy, imless Iender oCherwiec <br /> agrees in wriYing, which coirsent shall not be w�re�souably wiEhheld, or unless extenu�ting circumstances <br /> exisf wliich are Ueyond T�on�ower's conhol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower sl�all not dest�•oy, <br /> damttgc or impair ilxo Property, allow thc Yroperty to dcteriorate or corron�it waste on t1�c Proparty. Whethei� <br /> or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrower sh�Il maintain the Property in order to prevent the <br /> Properry' fi�oin deterioraking or decreasing in valua due Eo iYs condiEit�n. Unless it is determined pw�suent to <br /> Section 5 that repair or restoration is not economically feasible, Rorrowe�� shall proinptly repair the Pro�erty <br /> if dnmaged lo nvoid fiu�fher deCeriorat�iov or dun�ge. IP insurance or wn�lemnatiou�roceecis are�paid in <br /> eonnection with dunege to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrower shnll Ue responsible fox repniring or <br /> resCorivg the ProperCy only if Lender has released p�oceeds for such purpoees. Lender inay disbm se proceeds <br /> 2aaozssa <br /> N EBNASKA-SIngle Fem Ily-Fannle M aelFreddle M ac UNIFO Wvl INS"I'HUA4 EN'I' Form 3a 28 1101 <br /> VMP �p VMPB�NE)(1'105) <br /> Wollors Kluwet Finnnciel3ervlaes Pnge 7 of 11 <br />