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201208987 <br /> BORROWER COVENt1NTS that Borrower ia lawfully noisnd of llie eslt�te hereby conveyecl and haa tha riglit to <br /> grant�md convey the Property tmd tli�t Hic Properiy is unencumbered, except for ancumUrauces of record. <br /> Aorrower warr�urts ttud will c�efend getierally the title to�lie Property against a11 claims and dGnands, subjeot to <br /> ttiry encumUranoes of reoord. <br /> 7'HIS SNCURI"1'Y INSTRUM�NT comUines tuuforrn wvenants for natioi�al tise and non-utiifbrm covennnts with <br /> li�iiiticd variat'ions by juriadiction to coiistitute a tmiform security instrun�ent covering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender eovenant and agree qs follow5: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. I3orrower <br /> sha11 pay when dne the principal of, and interest on, Yhe dcl�t evidenced by Cha Note and Emy prepayinent <br /> charges a�id]ate c6argcs du� imder th�Nofe. Borxo�oer ahall also pa3�fuucle for Escrow ltems pursuant w <br /> Section 3. Paymen�s due under the Note aud tliis Security Imtr�Uncnt ehall be n�ade in U.S. curreney. <br /> However, if any check or other instrument receivcd by Lender ns payment under the Note oi thie Secwity <br /> Instrum�nt is ratmiied To I.endcr uupaid, Lender may requiro that any or all subsequent paymcnte due under <br /> the Note and this Security I��efnunent be made itt one or more of the fo]]owing forms, as selected by Leuder: <br /> (EL) cash; (U)money orciei; (e} certified oheck, Uank checic, trcasurer's cl�eck ux cashier's check, provided aAry <br /> such chcck is clrawn upou en institution whose deposits are inaured hy a federAl agency, instirmnenfaliGy, or <br /> enfity; or(d)Electronie Fuuds Transfer. <br /> Paymenes axe deemed received Uy L,ender wl�en �ccnived�6 fhe locntion desigiiated in tlie Note or at such <br /> other location ns may Ue designatcd hy Lender in accordance with the notiqe provisions iv Scction I5. <br /> Lender n��y rchtYn any f�a5nnent or pat'tial payment if tlie yayme�it or partial p�yn�ents are insafficient to <br /> bring hl�e Loa�i current. Londer may accept any paymci7ti or parlial pn}nnent ineufficient to bring the Loan <br /> current, without waivar�of any rights l�crcundei or prejudice to its rights�to re�fiise such payinent or parfial <br /> p�tymeiits in tlie future, Uut Lcnder is noe oblignted to flpply such paymenta at tl�e fime such p�yments are <br /> accepted. If each Pcriodic PaymenE is applied as o�P its echedu1ed due date, the,hi Lender need not pay interest <br /> on in�applied fimds. Lender may hold such unapplied f�mds ur�til Borrower tnakes payments to bring 11ie <br /> Loan eurrent. If Borrower does not do so witUin a reasona6le period of time, Lender shall either apply such <br /> frinde or retiurn them to F3orrower. IP noC applied earlier, such ftuids will be applied to the outetandivg <br /> principR1 Ualancc undc�'the Note ivuuediately prior to forecloswe, No ofFset or e1ainz�vhich Borrower might <br /> ha�ue nuw or in Yhe futiure against Lendcr eha11 relieve Barrower ftonx making paytnevrte due wider the Nofo <br /> and this 5ecw�ity]nsf�'wnenC or performing the covenants and agreements secured by this Secm�ily <br /> 1�2strmnenl. <br /> 2. Application oY Payments or PYOCeeds, �xcept as otl�erwise describe,�ii in lhia Section 2, all pa}nnentis <br /> accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in Y1ie Pollowing order of priority: (a) iuterest due under the <br /> Note; (b)prinoipal dne unde�•tl�c Nofe; (c) amounts due under Sectiion 3. Such payments shall be applied (o <br /> each Periodic Paymcnt in the order in which it becazne due. Any remaining amnunts sha11 be appliecl first W <br /> la4o chargea, aeoond to any oCher amounts due under this Sccurity InataimenC, and theu to reduce Yha <br /> princip�l bfll�nce of tlie Note. <br /> If Lender receives a payment feo�n]3orr ower for a deliuquent Pei iodic Payment which inclLides a sufficient <br /> atnotimt to pay any late chtu'ge due, Che payruent ineq be applied Co tlie delinquent pa3mient and ll�e laCe <br /> cha�rga. IP more [han one Periodic Payment is ontstanding, Lai�dor may apply aiiy payment received from <br /> Iioxrower to the repayment of tl�e Periodic Paynicnifs if, and to the extent thak, each payineilt can be paid in <br /> full. To i:he extenk tl�at any cxcess cxisCs aPter the p�maenY is applied to tihe fitll paynieirt of one or moro <br /> Periodic Y�ymcntis, snch excess may be applied to any late charges dne. Vol�mtary propaymenfs shnll be <br /> applied firat to any prepayment chaigas and then as descriUcd in Che Note. <br /> 24002534 <br /> NF.BRASKA-Sin�lc Fartiily-Fannie MaelPre�die Mac UNIfORA4 INSI NUA4 EN'I form 3028 I101 <br /> VMP� VIo1Pfi(NF)(1705) <br /> Wollers I(luwer Pinancial Services Repe A of 17 <br />