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201208987 <br /> ciesignaled a subslitute notice addre,se by noCica to Lcndcr. 13orrowcr sl�all promptly notify 1,ender of <br /> Borrower's ebzmge of address. If Lender epecifies a procedure far repox[ing Borrower's cl�ange of aciclrass, <br /> the�7 Borrower sha11 only report a change of address fl�rough tl�ati specified procedure. <br /> There inay be only one desiguated notice address under this 6ecurity Tnstrument att any oue time. Any notioe <br /> to Lcnder sltall bc givc��by dclivcring it or by mailinb it by first class inail to Le�ider's addrees stated herein <br /> unlese Lender l�as designnhed�nother addres�l�y nolice to Borrower. Any notioa in connection with tliis <br /> Security Instrument shall not he deemed to have been given to Lender trntil acCually rcccived by Lcndcr. Tf <br /> any notice reqnired by fhis Security Insfrwnent is also required under Appliopble Law, che Applicnble Law <br /> requirememt will satiefy tha corresponding requirement wider Chis SeouriCy Instrument. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This SecLuity Instiuiiient shall ba goveriied�y <br /> federal lnw nud Lho law o�P Chejurisdiction in whieh Tke Properly ia locatcd. All rigl�ts and obligaHons <br /> conteined in this Security InstrwnenY are subject to any requirements uid limitakions of Applicnl�le Lflw. <br /> Applicable I,aw iniglrt explieiHy or implieidy allow tl�e parties to agree l�y conY��act or it might be silent, but <br /> such silenoe shall noC be oonsfrued as aprol�ibition ngainsC ngreemcv�t by contract. fn t1�e evcnt that any <br /> provision or clauae of this Security Instrumont or the Note confliots with Applioable L1w, snoh coirfliot shall <br /> not affecY otlxer provisions of'tl�is SectuiCy HisYruinent or Uie Note wl�ieh oan be given effect without the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> Ae used in this Seourity Inatrument: (a) words oL Uia inaseuline gender shall mean and include correspondin� <br /> neiater words or Words af tlle fe�ninine gender; (b)words in the sinbntlar shall me8n and inclucle the pltu�al <br /> and vice verea; and(c) the word "may" gives sole discretion withonC any obligadon G� talm airy actic�n. <br /> 17. Borrow er's Copy. Borrowcr ehall be given one copq of the Note and of this Securrty Insir�unent. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Prope�ky or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. Ae iiscd in this Scc[ion 1R, °[nterest i„ <br /> tl��Property" means any legnl or benefieial interest in the Property, inelucling, biit not limitecl to, those <br /> beneticial interests CrunsFerred in a Uond for deed, conh'act for deed, insYallment sales contract or escrow <br /> agreemrnit, Uie intent of wl»ch is thc hansfcr of tit1e by Rorrowc�'at a futm�e date to a pm�chaser. <br /> I�F a11 or any pa�'t of Uie Propert�y or any Iuterest�in the Property is sold or tiausferreci(or if Borrowar is noti a <br /> natural person and a bencficial'ii�tcresk in Borrowcr is sold or hausfcrrcd) without Le�ider's pric�r nn'ittea� <br /> couseut, Lender may require iinmediate payinent in full of'all suins secured Uy tliie Security Instrwneut. <br /> However�, this option sliall not be exe��cised by I.ender if snoh oxorciseie prohibited by App1icable T,aw. <br /> IfLender exercises this option, T.ender sl�all giva I3on'owor rtotioo of accelerarion. Tlie i�otice�s1�all provide a <br /> period of not less Lhan 30 cinys Pi�om the dale [he�iofice is given in a000rdnnee wilh Section 15 within wl�ich <br /> Borrower inust pay a11 sums secured by tlus 8ecucity Instrument. If Borrower fvls to pay these sums prior to <br /> tlte ex}�iration of this petiod, Lender may involc�any rcmedics permitted l�y thiy Secm�ity Inetr iiment wifliotiit <br /> fnrther notice or dei��uid on Borrower. <br /> 9 A. Borrower's Righf to Reinstate AfCer Acceleration. IfBorrower meels cercain couditions, Boirowcr <br /> shnll h¢ve the right to li�ve enforcement o�f this Security Instrument disconrinned at any time prior to the <br /> earliast of: (a)fve daye be�fore sale oP tha ProperCy piusuant to any power of sale contained in tlus Secwity <br /> lnsfrwnc it; (b) stiicll othcr period as Applicable Law�might i+pecify for fl�e te�i�iination of T3orrower's right to <br /> reuisfate; or (c) eutry oP ajudgmant enforcing this Secnrity Instnunexit. Tlaose condiCions ��e llhaC Borrow��': <br /> (a)pays Lender all smns which tlien would be due uuder fhis Secm ity Ilistrwnent and the Note ae if no <br /> acceleration had occtiu�red; (b) cures any r3efaulY of 4ury oUicr cuvenantn or agrcoments; (c)payr� all expeiases <br /> inciured in enforeing hlus Seciu�ily Inelxiunenf, uichid'nig, bnt i�io[limiled to, reason�le afCoxneys' fees, <br /> property inspaotion and valuatiou f'ees, and other faes inoiured for the pi�rpose of proYecfing Lender's interest <br /> 24002�3h <br /> NC6RASKA-Single family-fannle M ae/fYe�dle Idac ONIfORM INSTRUA4 ENT �onn 3020 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPe(NEY(11061 <br /> Wollera Kluwar Flnanalel 9arvlaes Page 72 0�77 <br />
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