<br /> in the Property and riglrts uuder fliis Security Ilistatiuvent; aaid(d)falces such action as I,ender�nay
<br /> ieaeonably require to assw�e fltat Lendcr'a interost in Yhc Proporty and rights undce tliis Securiry Instrumenf,
<br /> and Borrower's oblig€6ion lo pay the auu�s seoured Uy Ehis Security Instrument, shall confimie unchanged.
<br /> Lender mny require that Borrower pay such rainstatemant sums and expeneas in one or more of tlie following
<br /> forms, as selecled by Lender: (a) cash; (b)money order; (c) certificd cha;lc, banlr cl�a;lc, trcaeurcr'F clw�cic or
<br /> casl�ier's cl�eck, provided 2ny ytzch oheck is drawn upon aii inelidufion w1�oFe deposils nre insured by a
<br /> fedcral agcncy, ineLrumentality or entity; or (d) �leotronic Fnnde Tranefer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,
<br /> 11ua Securily Tnsmument and obligatione secured hereby slujll ramain fully eflecCive as if uo acceleration li�d
<br /> occurred. IIowever, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case oP,acceleration undcr Soction 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servfeer; Notice of Grievanae. Tlie Nnte or aparti�1 interost in Ehc
<br /> Notc(togothcr with this 5ecurity Instrum€nt) can be sold one or more timas without prior iiotice to
<br /> Borrower. A aale might result in a change in Yhe entiCy(laiown as the "�,oan Servicer") t6at collects Ycriodio
<br /> Pa}nnents due wider tiie NoCe and this Secua�ity Insh�atne�it and perfor�ns other murCgage loan aervicing
<br /> oUligations uuder the Note, t7�ia Sec�u ity Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also mighE be one or more
<br /> ohviges of the Loan 5crvicer Lmretaled Co n sale of the Note. If there ie A ahange of the Loan Sarvicer,
<br /> Boreowcr will bc given wxitteri notice�o£the chenge which will sta�te the naine�ae�d address of the new f.oean
<br /> Seivioer, the address to whiah payme�rts should be made and any other ii�formatiml R13SPA rcqL�ires in
<br /> connecrion with a notice of transfec of servicing. Jf t1ie Note 'rs sold and tihereafter fhe Loan is seiviced by a
<br /> Loan Seivicer oflie��t1�an khe ptiuohascr of tho Note, the morCgage loen s�ivicing obligationa to Borrower will
<br /> rcmain with ihc Loan Servioer ox be transfeered to a succeseor Loau Sarvicer and�u•e not asswned by flie
<br /> Note purchnser unless otherwise provicied Uy the Note purchaser.
<br /> Nei[her Boxrower nor Lender aia�y camnence, join, or be joinui to any judicra7 ttction(as eiLher an
<br /> individual litigant or the ine�nber of a olass)tl�at�riecs fi om 4he othet pax[y's aotions pursuent to Yhis
<br /> Seewity]nstrument or that allegc,� tliat the�other p�rty haa breachod any provision of; or a�iy duty owed by
<br /> reasc�ii oF, ihin Secm ity I�isLriunen't, until such Borrower or Lender l�as notified the ot1�er pdrty(witli eucli
<br /> norice given in compliance with the requirei�ients of Section l5) of such allcgod brcach nnd afforded the
<br /> other puCy hereto a reasonable pei�iod after thc giving oP such noCioe to ta[ce corrective action. If Applicable
<br /> Law provides a timo}rcriod wbich n�ust elapse before certain action c�n be taken, tha�t time period will be
<br /> deemed Co be reasonable far puq�oses of tkris peragraph. The notice of acceleration and oppnrtunity to cure
<br /> given to I�orrowc;r purvuant to S€cHon 22 aud Che notioe of aecelerntion given ko Rorrower ptusua��t to
<br /> Seclion 18 sh�ll be deemed to sakisfy the notice nud opportuuity to take corrective action pr�ovisions of Hve
<br /> Secuou 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substanees, As used in this Section 21: (a) "Nctzcrrrloue�S`ufistcrnces" zre thoae aubstnnces
<br /> defined as 1'oxic or ha�ardoLis substai�ccd, pollutanCa, or wasfes hy Environnlentnl Law and tha f'ollowing
<br /> subsfances: �;asnlinc, kc��oscne, olher Ilaimnable or toxic peh•olewn�roductis, toxic�esticides a�nd herbicidea,
<br /> volatile solvenCs, mflterials contnining asbestos or f'ormaldehyde, and radioactive matc�-ials; (b)
<br /> "En�vlronm.err�tal Law" ine�ns fedaral laws and laws�of thc juri�ediction where Che Pinperty is locaked thet
<br /> ralatie to heal8i, safety or environmental protection; (o) "L'hi�lronmenlad Clearsup"inctndes any response
<br /> ncrion, remedial acfion, or removal �otion, as defined iiY Enviromnental Law; and(d) en "F.nvlr�onmentnl
<br /> Condition" meane n conditton thet cen ceuse, contribut�e to, or otherwise triggcr an �;nviirovmental Clenmip.
<br /> Barcowex sliAl1 not.ceuse or permiY�the presrr�ice, use, disposal, storagc, or rcicaeo of any Hazardons
<br /> Substances, or tlu�eaten to release cj�ry Hazardous Subseances, ori or in the Property. Borrower ahAll noC do,
<br /> uor allow anyonc clsc{�a�, aiiy8iing aPf'eoting the Property(a)YSiat is in violation of Aaiy I�nvironmeitital
<br /> Law, (b) which oreates nn Environmental CondiY�ion, or(c)wliich, due to tl�e prese��co, aso, or release of z
<br /> IInzm•dous Snbstance, creTtes a condition tl�at adversely affects lhe value of the Property, The preceding hao
<br /> --'--"— — —�-- 24002534
<br /> NE6RASI(A-Single Famlly-Gannle M ae7Fretldle M eo UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 110'I
<br /> VMP� VM P6(NF)(1 t05)
<br /> Wolisre Kluwer Finenalel 9ervices Pege 13 oi 1/
<br />