z ..._L..� . . .� �_" _ TS"� ....C�.
<br /> _� __ . . _ "-. - _._--_ . _ '`�. __- _ _ _
<br /> . .yr: '_:Yiti � ,1 �. .. _ . , , .. . . ' , '
<br /> _ tc V . . - "£ 4 . : , - -
<br /> .._ :, .
<br /> ' .' "' - - : - - —�— - -" -
<br /> _ . ? s 'S:; _ - ,�,.�, - i
<br /> � , ` . . �'E ll: - t E'_..G. 'L�.li... n_,y��. _.__..."""""__ _���._.___ _...w_ """_ ,_�. .
<br /> .r t • 7'. , .�� :
<br /> ��, —
<br /> � v,..
<br /> ..-- ,4`.' • • ��OUQ�I� I � r_..S'�,G. __
<br /> . ... • . . �BDIIed U71�i�CY�O ��.���6I Sh8I1 pCTfOffi 311 OI BOIIOWCt`S �_�:'
<br /> ; ;,`. of TYasi is aa a nnit in a c�omfnium ar a p P
<br /> ` .. �� � ' oblig,atians uader the dedaratfon ar aaveaants c�+eatiag or gavemin8 the aondomin�am or glanned unit deve2opment,
<br /> - ° " th$Dyhlaws and regolations of ihe coadomi�om or plaaned unit develnpment,and oanstituent docum�nt5. . , �°� -
<br /> .`��```�:� 7. Fmt�tFnn of Ier�de�s�tt9 If Barmwer fails w perform the cavenants and a g�e e m e a t s oo n t a i n e d�n tt�is ���;'`
<br /> .``' De�ed of Trast,or if anY scHan a�praoeedizt8 ts cnmmenoed whfc�materlaIl9 affects Le a d e�s ia t e r e s t i n t h e P r o g e n y, � �
<br /> . . . ''� then Lende�at Lsnde�'s optlon,agan notiae to Bormwer,maY make such appearaaces,disba�such snms,inciuding .
<br /> ,:•.`•. .: ::., de �, . .
<br /> .F:`, : . ceasonable attomeps'fees.aad ta�e snch acH�nn as is aec�s�ry w Pmtect Lende�s mt�erest Lf Lendes reqnired _ . •
<br /> . � mort�age iasuraa°�as a condition of matdng the loan secored by t1�is Deed of Trast,Bairower shari pay t�e premiutns
<br /> _ , �_ .�..�' .. reqoired w maiataia sni�insozan�e in effect�til sndi time as the requirement for such i„cvra��terminates in
<br /> ��°-^�'"�`" a:acacdanae wItD Bflrrawer's aad Le,nde�'s v�ten agreement or appli�ble taw r
<br /> , . . .. _ piay amounts d#sbmsed hy Leader p�ta�tiis pa�a��9,wItfl i�t�est shereo�,�t*�1l��se rate,shall ' .^`
<br /> . . �r �� �. t�ecome addittonal indebteduess of Bo�r sefunad bg this�crf Tivs� Uniess Borra�wet aasi�3er ag�ee ts °�_,_,. ; ,�,__.
<br /> � . ather terms of payment,sncfi amouats s�aII be pa�b;�up�.a�tiae from I�ender to Bouower r���Y `'` .
<br /> �.: ...;:; : -:
<br /> . - _ � _ thereo� Nothiagc�nfaiaedin this patagraph?sball reqoire Lender to incurany espense or talne a�►asttan herenads� :
<br /> ,. .. g Lender ueay mage or wmse to be ucade masonable enuies ugon and inspr�tons of the Property, . ��. �.
<br /> .. : pmvided tba� shall�ve Bormwer notice pdar to aay sush inspection spedi�ing reasoaable canse therefos ':�...
<br /> ..;..�� �w
<br /> related w Le�der's irtter�sc in the property. n �n connectioa wiW
<br /> . . :• 9� � 'Ihe pmoeeds of a�award oi claim fat damag�s,direct or wnseqae tTal, , :, `
<br /> . . � a� �= airy aonQem�natton or otBer t�ktng of the Pmp�rtp.or part thezeo�or for comreqattoe iu lieu of ooademaatlon.are .�ti< .
<br /> ak �.`f.:'
<br /> ;:`� � �Y SaB�
<br /> ' ,_ . h e m b y a s s i g n e 0 and sAall De pald to Leader.snb�t co the terms of murt deed of ua�t ar aaher sea�iry �,..L,,'.:
<br /> . .� �. . agreeffieat Nith a fien w8tch t�as prloriry aver WL���a�Vafvra. Fstension of the time for gayment ar .�. � -.
<br /> . . 2� B�orio�ea NoY R�etease� Fa�BY ` �.• �_-
<br /> . ``�`' � modi&xtton otamortizattoa of th�sums secured by�is De�ed of 1Yusi gianted hy Lender w a�sueo�ssor ia inter�t � :.
<br /> «r�.�, •.
<br /> . .. � ,� of 8o:mwet shall aot operate to reteas� 1n aay manaer. the ltability of the oslgWal Bormwer aad Borrower's . ;��� .
<br /> � .y. ;.. suaoes�ats in interes� Le�tQer ehall n�t ba t�uired w oommenoe praeeedingS a�nst suct�snooess�r or refnse to
<br /> _::` ��_ -
<br /> .. __._.__ . estead tia�e fot payment ur othetwtse mo�ify amort37atton of the sams se,wred by thi�Deed of'nrast�y reason of a�r �-
<br /> ' ,�'; .4' demaad made b y the orlg;taal Borrawcr�8ormwer'ssucces5ors ia interest A�r fatbeauanoe by Lender ia eserctsing . f.:
<br /> . .. , acry dg�t or remedy hereonder,or at�emrise afforded�I+aPPlic�b2e lav"+s�a11 n°t be a waiver of or precdade e h e ,.
<br /> ' �` eserdse of any sucd�rI�tt or remedq. '`°r-
<br /> . r .. .. . _ loint e�d Several Il'aD�tY Qo-sign�s '17te oaveaaaLS and ageements hereia �-�
<br /> �;�'�;!' !L Saoa��se�A�sBo� �
<br /> a o n t a i n e 4 s h a ll b i n 4 a a d t$e r tg�a t s h e r e a n d e z s b a ll iance to,tIIe r e s p�Kve snc+oessois and assig�s of Lender and. -
<br /> � : `. . `�. Botrawe�subf ect to the pravlsIons of paza&�aPh 16 hereoL All oavenanrs aud'agFeements of Bomavrer shail be jo�t -
<br /> ,. and sevesal. Any Bonawerwiio a�sigos this Dee�of'IYast,but does not e�te tlte Not�(a)is oo�g tt�is D�ed
<br /> • �
<br /> � ' . . . -. of 1Yast onty w grent aad wmey tl�t Bosmwe�s interest In the Property w Tcnstee under tSe teims��TMis Deed of -
<br /> _ , . L:t•; Tms�,N)is not personaliy liable on t$e Note or nnder th�s Deed of'Prast,aad(c)agees that Lender 2�a�other
<br /> � . � � Eorrowerhereuadermayagreetoestend,madi�.for��r.ormakeanyotheraeoommodatio�wIthregar�dtotheterms _;,. :<_';'�
<br /> 'i.'.; of tLis Deed af ZYast or the Note without that Horiower's oonsent and wlthout reIeastng tbat Bo�ar madtfying _
<br /> ''��. ' th9s Deed of ZYast as w tvat Boaowei's interes�ia the Propeny. -
<br /> a °
<br /> _ ��� =_ !2 I�ia� Exsept for at►p nattae reqnfred nader app�icable Iaw w be gtvea ia another manner,(a)anY notice ,.
<br /> ,.`��`r to Bormwer pmv2ded fnr in iLls Deed of Ttost shall be given by tte�ivering It or by mniliag sush nmtioe by certjSed -� -
<br /> . �t;>,: mail addressed w Boaower at the Propeny Address or at snsh other address as Bormwer may QesIgnate by not[oe to ���.�.:.—
<br /> .. � .�;• ,�,; . '^'_
<br /> � ., Lender as pravided Qereia.and(b)anY norIoe t�LeaQet shall be given by cesdSed mai!w Leade�s address stated --
<br /> ��`, herein or to sach other address as Lender ffi.�g�eslgnate bq notiae to Bormwes as pravided he�.s A�nottee ���_��
<br /> . :: proviQed for ia this Deed of Tnist shall be d�to have i�eea g�vea w Bo�acrer or LenQer a�i�g�rea im the --_.
<br /> •,'`:, matates d�siig��ated herein. . �
<br /> s
<br /> L� �o�g Iaw;Se�b�t�y. �'I$e state aad tocal la�s appllcaDle to tWa Deed of ZYnst sha�De the ta�s�Y �--:' _
<br /> � ' .: the JuricdiCtion in wlr.�a che Propeny�s 2ocate�. The fo�egoing sentenoe sl�ala not limit the app�'`ty of Fede�l �.;-�,-
<br /> , . :, ,,'� _
<br /> . � ;i���:,`. taw w thLg Deed of Ta�. In the event that aap pravfslon or cdause of this DeeA of Trust or the h�co�llCts with ��:`.���_
<br />_- . . ':si�f_�:'. aPPticable tew.sas�oonflict si�aall not affect other pmvlsions of WLs Deed of Trust or the Note w�ch caa be glven � ' --_----
<br /> •:�`;�3:f� effect wIt�tout t$e oonflicdng prav3slon,aad w this end the pravlsions of tlds Deed of Tr�s a�d the Note are declared =--_
<br /> . `;`'.. � to be severable. Ag ased herein.°oosts°,'esPesses°and'attomeys'fees°laclade all sams�t�e eatent not piobibite0 :__:_ -f-:
<br /> .:y-;
<br /> �,,;;� � - � �Y aPPllcable law or Umited hes�ein. . � :��-
<br /> "":°� � 14. �ono�'s Cagg. Boaawer shall be f�CS3�ed a oonformed oopy of ttte Note aad of t$is�of'I�rast at the _
<br /> - ' � dme of es�ecn8on or after reoorda8on hereo�
<br />- � . . .. �S. Red�ub� La�m A,�ee�menL Burrawer s�l fu181t aIl of Bflrrawer's obliptlons �4es any home ._� , _.--
<br /> . rehabilitation,impravement,iepalr.or other t��.agreement wbich Borrower eate�s into aritk I�Ger. Lender,at _ .. ..
<br /> ab
<br /> �,' . . LenQePa option,may requireBor,rower wes�c,ran d de H ver w L e a d e r,l a a f o m n s o o e p t a b�e t o L e a s.�,a n a s s i g n m e n t . . .
<br />- ...'i;, oi any rlghta.cdaims or defenses v�rhtcd�Bormvs�t may bave ag�insi parttes who snPPly labos,a:a�r;�7�or sendces in � .
<br /> • � � � oanaectton wIth improvements mads to the Propeny. , ,
<br />- � � ��l pb �aasfea oith�Propeatg ar a Beae�dal Iate�t in Boaower. 1f ell or ai►y pazt oY the Prnperty or a�r interest .,
<br /> . in it Ls sold or uansferred(or lf a beae8clal iaterest in Bonower is sotd or uaasfeired and Borrower ia not a nataral
<br /> pe�son)without LeaQer's prlor wrltten wnsent,Leader may,at ita optlon,require la�me4iate payment ia flill of all
<br /> . • . : snms secnred by thls DeeA ot Trasi. Hawever,thia optlon shall not be eserdsed by Lender if egerclse�S psohibited
<br /> . : Dy Fedetal law as of the date of tlds Deed of TtusL
<br />- ' If Lender eserdses t�s option,LenQer sball give Bonower notice of acaeleration. '1$e aotice shall pravide a -
<br /> � '� pertod of not less Wan 30 days from the date the notice ls delivered or mai2eA withla which Borrawer mnst pay all �
<br /> • • . ` sums secured Dy this DecA oY7Yus� If Borrawer fails to pay these sums prior to the espiration of this perlaQ Lender
<br /> ` . may imroke any remedtes pstmitted by th�s DeeA of Truat without fwther nott�e or demaad on Barravrer.
<br />-��� � . - , x�sECOrm Mox�maaa-vsaFxe�t�c tn��nvs�u�rr ��
<br /> � • ' �. � a�m�m�srm cso�aa�usa Page 3 ot s '. .
<br /> ,-_—,-__..—_
<br />:.-..�t ' .. .: . . -
<br /> .l`.4 ' . � _ � ..
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