.- . _ _.__��.____ ., .
<br /> : :.�{._ . . � ..._.. t:�'Rbf k :. .. ,
<br /> ...i Y-• F _ . ..c tiy
<br /> a . . . . . .. . .. . .. �. l`,_ _ ..h'S_ -- --..ta�_....
<br /> �� . � . . . .`�� _ . _ ..j ' ..� - (..
<br /> ��, i - • �YF J.
<br /> . . . ' - � . . _ y ��l', . l ' .
<br /> •`�_t - . � ~ � '_ �S - ='C '� ..�.�� � �y _..�3'�:..a..�_• � t t t ly .
<br />. r _ -� ._ - .. - �r L � .�. 4 tf� �=_...�.»r..,a� _'S-__�__s.. .�._.—.— -' � 7�.' .
<br /> t �?�L,
<br /> _.�.:. =�_-- '.
<br /> — __ 1`"� ' 1-__
<br /> � � � �` ��� . ��� l D�17�-- � ��;�f� .
<br /> :.�... :.. ..,.�:
<br /> . . :}<:. .
<br /> •- -` ^`: PIOPT-L�I��COj�' BOiICWCi SIld 1.�eA$Br ftlith8i OONCD811t 8II�8$[�85 fO�IOW� '.;;t r.,z:,,.,
<br /> ",`:.,'�.�.'`� l7 Am����Pt as provided in Fara�aPh L6hereo�opon BotrawePs bmach of any uas►enaat - �
<br /> , , � or agteement of Soaower ia tt�is Deed of Tmst,induding Bormwe�'s failure to pay,bY the end of 10 catendar aays '..
<br /> �. after they ate da�amY sums s e w r e d b Y t h i s D e e d of'I Y o s b Leadet P�ior w saoele� ��b�h;(3) d�, �
<br /> ` ; � ���P��aPh I2 hereo8 spedfytn�(1)the Dteac�t,(2)the at�ion�1 ` -
<br />-• P whish sach bresch mnst be cured:and(4)that � ' ,
<br /> - , .'`�'" - • aot less thaa?A days fcam the date the notIoe is maffed to Borrawer.Dp
<br /> `i� �II�C IIOl�OC�y Ie3Qlt�II 800e1Cf8t�0II Ot thC StiffiS S�C� � •<
<br /> .. ; � failnre w care s�breach oa or t s f ore t L e�e��shall fluther inform Hormvrer of tSe right w m,iastate after
<br /> b tWs Dead of Ttust and sale ot the ProgertY " `
<br /> . � : nf�
<br /> - . -'s r.� . Y t w bting a aourt act�n w ass�rt the nonedsteaae of a detaolt or anp otlier defenss oi
<br /> �,`:�-r„�`� aooeleist�on and the rtgji edSed in the notic�Lender. � .
<br /> Bo�rer to sooeletattna aa�sat� If the breac�is not c�red oa or beforc the date sg dne and -
<br /> at L�nder's opi[o4 maY dectare all of the snms sec�ued by tWs Ueed of lfast to Ae i�mmediateYq�cable!ew � ��
<br /> ` � witlwnt t1u[flerdeasand and mayiavoke the gowes of sale aad aay other remedies pem�it�edDY PP �dea ia this ..
<br /> � � �' � eases incurred ia puusuiag t�temedie.g p `}
<br /> st�all be eatIt2ed w ooliect aU re�sonabie aasts and eap ' F : :•
<br /> ���°
<br /> • P�ra�aPh 19,iactading,but not iimited[a reas�nab2e attaraeys'fees. in which ths Properiy ox `"° �
<br /> _ , • �; ..`. U the pawer of sale i�Iavoke0.TrustQe sha11 reaoN a notlac ot detault in euch onuary a �cable!aw to
<br /> •F` some thereot�S[ocatcd and shall mail oo�ie� of sach no�in t�he manaer presait�d bY Pp ` .
<br /> � , .:`.`;,�,�� � Bo�aa�to the ot�er persons presclibee bY aPPumDf�taw Aftcr the lapse oi sucA tlme es may e e �ceq�ed� ; w .
<br /> � . , � -;� app1icaDte taw.'M�scee sba!!give publtc nottce of aate m tne pe�ns ead W th�maanes pres�ri6ed b�► PP . -
<br /> ` Tivsce�wt�ont demaad on Borrawes.abatl seli�Ile Fmpeny at pnb]ic auctison w the h#ghess�idder at the time aga ,:',`_ .��,�:
<br /> .. '_ , �-•�:;� ptace and nnder the teru�d e s igna t e d In the nntlae oisala ia oae at more pacce b arrmnacement at t2te time ea4 >. , -
<br /> �� Qetenmin� Tcast�e maY Postpfln�sa2e oi all or stry paYce1 of the Ptopert9 bY P at sal�
<br /> �•�1 . , . :.V�: .
<br /> ; i :,,,. '." :,'•;` p}��y�y prevlpu�ly s�uled set� I.eadeT o�LeadE�'s Qesiguee msS►Pu�chase tlte Ptoperiy eaY ,
<br /> . , Ugon reaeipt of pa�rment of tge pitae bid,'i`�ustee sha11 Qeliver to the purcLeser'IYasteds dad aomeyinS the .
<br /> � ;_ , ' Property sald 'Ihe redtats in ihe�the safe ia6tIle fnitoa�tng order.()to ell reasonab aosts�� .
<br /> ' � of the sal�lnduding,bui ot�lim ted w.l3custeeb fe�act�alt9 incut�of noi mflre than 5.000 °!o of . . _
<br /> � to all sums sesnred6y tbis Dsed oYTivst; .. '•.� �. °
<br /> . . ' the�saIe pr�Ce,reasonae2e attomeys're�s ana oosts of titte evIaeaa�tb) -
<br /> 4; f� and(cj the eacess.if su9•w the petson or pe�.�ons legilty ent[ued the�w. .
<br /> �� ` !S B�'g�m� Notovitt�staudin$Lende�'s aaoelerattaa of the sams serured by ttds Deed of v
<br /> �; ,�' ;f Tmst,dne to Bormw�s breacd�.Borrowe�sbaD bave the�tgltt to bave suy prace�ings b�$�bp Lender to e�oroe _
<br /> r1:�,. ; ,"� t�is Deed of Tmst discontina�d at eap tiffi�prIor to the earlier to aoc�oi(�the 5Rh dayb�fare sals of the Propert9 I"• &.
<br /> _ ;:.`g,+�:K�,. �:.�,�-�,� tLisDeeOofTrust
<br /> = r, +� g m s u a a t w t h e p a aer of sa�aammtained in this Deed of Tmst or(ii)entry of a jndgment enfQrdng __ _
<br /> -" `:�'F����' , :;-°�' if�(a) Bosrower Pa�s I�fl�a11 suaas wbich wo a l d be t hen d u e n n Q e r t b i s D a e d o f�a u�t h e N o t e l t a d no
<br /> . S u
<br /> .Li'+• "'
<br /> ; ,.: 8oaowar c�ari baeard�es of auy other oovenants or ag�meats of Baitower oontafae0 :-.. :;��_
<br /> :�`.j� ac�e2etation ac�sntr e d;N) I�enAer and�stee in enfozc3ng the ��.
<br /> ���%•� ia ttds Deed of Tias� (e)Basrawes pays atl reasonable espenses iucarred by �...r,. --
<br /> :�?•;i;� -
<br /> � _..,<,._�:. cove�mts aa0 agcees[ents of Sortawet aontained in tbls Deed of Z�cast and in enforci�s�F�ndes's and Tiastee's
<br /> r � " .,;, reme0ies as pra�ideQ in paragraph 1T her�L includin�,6nt not limited to.reas�nabteuttome�r3'fe�s:and(d)Bormwer ,�.
<br /> — --—�=, t�kes�acd�aaion as I.ender maq reasonably require m assyre that the lten of this De+ed of'I're$s,Lende�'S anterest in .
<br /> , '=_, : ak
<br /> the P;operty a�i Bormwer's obligacl��m gay the sums secrued i�r tt�D�ed af Tr+ist s�c�nifuu��- -,-� :
<br /> �� na such � ent and care Dy Borra�c�.this�ed of Trast and the oblig,at3oas seaared��shall remaia in fatl ,�� :,
<br /> � ��"��i.� UP P�
<br />- � ..�. �?r,,;;�, foroe and effect as if no arceteration t�accusied. ��Pa�� ��Rnat secarity hereumder. ,z_"'�.,. -
<br /> ;';t:;'`: `;;`I �- ���°� �Lender ch�t���p��,,ptovided t�at Borra�ver sball,g�ior to aooeiesation uader '�_ �
<br /> . , .;, �' Borrower heresY asslgns
<br /> s
<br /> ` ''� r'' pat8g[eph 17 IIeleoY oi SbeAdonmemC mY 1he Pioperiy.have the rigttt to aollect and setata s�-,:�rents as they become �€- �
<br /> .)�y: �-�
<br /> ,..;� dtte and ble. .
<br /> �: {r�:��. Upon a�ooeLera[ion under paragtap�1�hereof or abandonment of the Yrapen9.Leade�i�p�on.DY agea��r tiY '`-�, -
<br /> . ,` � aofandmaaageQieProperigandw oollect � T
<br /> ` ,'s' :.;;'• ` �:' �judicia]ty appointed receiv�t shari be entitled to entei upon,take possessio
<br /> . t
<br /> �"� . . t�e rents of the pro p e rt y inctading those pasc dae. AIl rents oollectea�y I�ender or the reoei�rer s4�aU be app�erst ;�: � :=
<br /> � � ;' to payment of che costsof maaageme�t of c9e Propeity and eolIecflon oYrents.inclu A i ng,b�n o t l i m i t�w. -
<br /> " . � ,r.J�: fees.preafiur�on reaeiver's bonds�m,asonable attomeys'tees.�d tIlen to the sums sec�:4 by��s Deea of ZYost.
<br /> -.° `"�,' .: �:•';',`. LenIa�er aud the receiver aball be Ii��b7e w pao^o.ount anty tarw.t�Hose���t�. }��a�a�u�.a,pltll�� ive3 �.w'' „�/�.�m�/� : ---
<br /> � +4 � "•', +i'y �M1 ^��__I—_ ����ML{�l�i S�6WWGY� {Wa Y�GW V1 --�+��+iKi`iL•^6.Y�.�Tp�� YWi 1^j.�Ya►W W A4
<br /> ��{►VP AiN�/w�r^ ` ,-.
<br /> � 1; , ..`;?,��.� reaumey the Yroperry a��surrender this Deed ai Traat wlthc►nt�warraasy��t cl�aarge w the pe�soa os �
<br /> � � Decd of Trust to Tra�te� Trustee sfiall reconvey the Progeny th r • . ,
<br /> . ' `i',:. persans leg�lly endtl�4 t�eseto Sm�h peison or persons sl�aU pay all aosts of reoordatics�,i3 anY•
<br /> s
<br /> �`'�' Z L S n b s�'l Y�L e n d e r.a t L e n d e�s o p t i o n,m a S+f r omtime w time remave'Tr�.�aad appolat a saaoessor
<br /> ;:��,%.:`';',::`.�: ��, ' vostee to aay Traste�s�ointed hereunder br�aa insuument reoorded in the wnaty in c�ich this Deed of T r a st i s �.� �.
<br /> _ . ��.:`,.; reoordeQ. Withont comeyance of the P r o p e r t y,the snacessor m�stee she11 sucxeed to ari the tit�e.Power and dnfles , ,fj: .:��
<br /> _�: r;s.... . ,
<br />� wnferteA upon the Trustee herein aaA by appllrabLa taw `�'
<br />-° - � 2y Requsst far Not3�. Borrawer requssts that oopies oY the notice of Qefanit atsd notioe of sale t�e sent w .
<br /> _ Borravre�s addre�vuhich�s tt�e FmIIerty Address.
<br /> _-:} . ' REQUFSf FOR Ndl'it�OF Dffi�AtJE.T ' .
<br /> -- IfrID FORE�OSZJItS UNDffit�UPP�tIOR — .
<br /> `'-�'�. .. MOR'11OAt3BS OR D�D9 OF1�.tUSf
<br />_—. . '� . Bom�ver and Lender:of Tru:�t tnhot eePTo�w Le der�ai Len�address set fortL on page aae of tbls Deed . � :
<br /> . ttas prlorlty over this Dead Sj�+
<br /> � � � ° � of Trust,of any defa�lt under the superior eacumbrance and of any sate or other forecIosnre aqion.
<br /> �:=,'�;:.
<br />-°_ '_ � . � r�e�snsEOOxn naoa�mnG�Ba�cuNmoaea�va�rr �� `
<br />__ . , . o��.�csoo�eaan�t Page d ot 5 •
<br /> , . , . E. ,
<br /> . , . . .
<br />