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<br /> ,•— ��_1ril{T��� �r` F.
<br /> � SECURE w Lender tne re t of the indebieda�evidenoed tr�r�tt�we�'s . • , I
<br /> `� � r. SBPTBMB�R 16, l997 g�� andea�enstons����� i(heri�g�_ . �`.k'; . . .
<br /> . ;.` in the p�ndpal sum of US.S 25,000.00 . P - ,
<br /> ,. � � `�' maathty instaliments of priadpaland interest.wilh the bataace of the inde8tedness.ifaot sooaerpatd,due and payable ,
<br /> � � :°'�., on �BPTBM��R 22, 2017 ;the paymeac of ail oth�r sums,�vith interest tnereon,advaaaed �� ,
<br /> � ` �, : ,;` in s000rdanoe IIerewiW to �mt�x ttte secwdty of Wis Decd of'Trust; and the gerfoimaace of c$e uavensnts an� . ": ; �;,..�,
<br /> agteements of Barmwer herein aontained. ••.'>_ .
<br /> . Bosoavar oovenaats th�t�orrower is lawthlty s�ised of tite estate he�y oo�eYetl aad ha�the right to grant aad ,
<br /> ` ',��;�,` ;_� wmrey the Properry,and tiiai We Property is�encamberred,e�oePt for encambrances of record. &arrawer oavenants • , .
<br /> e
<br /> _ .�_�-`'` tLat Horrower wanaats aad wDl defead gene�ly the t[t1e to the Property against all ctaims and demands�subject to - '�_(<_
<br /> -.� eacambranoes of reoord. '
<br /> � � UNIFOFtM OOVENAIVT3. Bc►rrower aad lcnder covenant and agee as fullows: ,-4 �:
<br /> . �_ L paym�t af paiac�al anfl �nte�L Borrower shall prompt�.p t?�Y when dne the prtndpal and inserest ,.,t- .; :�;
<br /> �i� indebtet{ness evidenc�d by the�Inte and larc char�ec as pravided in tE�ha� •;�,�:..,,
<br /> � Z �€�i�an�l I� �ect to applir� s�aa`fl s�`�T'ti,/
<br /> � � .
<br /> ;�{aW or��ri�n�..��r Leadei.bor��wer � .�,�:�.;;�.`.
<br /> � '��'� �� ts� amd aates�est E:e p�3�ID3e ander tpte Note,�¢t�Note�pai�� .
<br /> ;`'i�l#�t��j t4,3.,�BIIdBtOII'f�dE[q'�� p� F�S '�1.8SSC.S4m8IIt5(�IICIII�D$COIIdDID�IImBIId
<br />: ! : ',F�'�SS�t,f{< ��,,asu���°FuIIds7 equal to oIIe�tw�t@h of tiL:y�ati�'
<br /> `:�: �t planrced unit development as�ssmeat5,�f aa9)whicD may att�ain prIoiity aver tbis D�of'I1rust and gconad rents on ` .
<br /> the prop�rty if a�►.plas one-tarelfth of�early pre�tam inst�ments fur IIazard insnranc�plus oae�twelfth of yearly �
<br /> pre�imn instaflments for mort�ge�msurano�,��9,ail as reasonably estimated inftia�+aa0 from itiue w ttme�y ��,`� �
<br /> . :'.-.�` Lgndet on the basis of ass�sments aad bills aad reasona�2e estimates thereo& Borrawer shali aol be obligated w ,-�. �:
<br />_ mak�such gaymen�of Fun�w Lcader to t$e egtent thac Bmrawer makes such payments w tk�holder�f a prIor .
<br /> � ` � ,:� �.7.:: mortpge or deed of uust if sush @oLder is aa instimtfoaal tenQej _
<br /> ` ` Jf Bon�wer Qayg Funds to Lendca.the Ftindg�Dalt be helA Ia an instltutlon the deposits or eaoouata of aLicb are . -
<br /> . ; :`"+: tnsured or�aarantecd by a FeQernt or etate agencY(iacludtnB Lender if Lendec Ls euch aa tastiwiioa). LenQer sball ,
<br /> a.__ _.. aPP�Y tk�Fua�s to pay satd tases.esscssmcnts.iasuraaoe paemiums aa0�o�aa0 ren�s. l�eader m�ant charge for eo :-
<br /> � 4otdiag aati n�Plying tho FunQe.analydn8 sata a�oonat or verifying eni'l oompWng satd�esgments eaG bWs.ual�ss .
<br /> .<. . � t,ender pays Borrawer iaterest on the Fuads aad appllcabte laa►permits LeaQer w maice such a cLarge. Bomazver ag0 . � ` .
<br /> .. -... l�udet may agme in writtng at tGe time af exea�tion of tt�is Deed o4'I�t tbat tnte�t osz the Fl►ada shaU 6e paid �.�.,.;.,.
<br /> � ` �" , w�arcawer.sud ua2e�sacD agree�naent is made or applicabte law reqoires suc8 tntezest to be paid,I�en4er sbs11 aot -: =�
<br /> ,. . .. ; 6e required to paq Bormarer any inter�t or eamia�on tae FnaQs. Le�der ahall give w Boimwer.withoat charge. _�
<br /> :�.r;
<br /> � � ' aa aanual acaonadng of tde Fun3s show[ng�iis aad debits w the FnnAs aad the purpose this Deed of 1�rast��
<br /> • ; .. � � the Ptinds was mad� 'Ne Funds are ptedged as adaitional secarlty fo:the sums ses�nred by ��" -
<br /> • . ' � 1f tIIe amount of the FamGs tteld by Le�nder,together wlth ti�se fhtare moathly instaltments of Fund4 payable prIor ° ;_
<br /> � , w ihe du�dates of t�s,assessments.lasurance preminms aad gronad rents.s�aU e m c e e d t he amo�ant r e q u i n e d w p a Y Y'r•�� -
<br /> ,; „� s a id t a g e s,ass�sments,insnrance preminms and gronad rents as they fall da�snc�a escess shall b�at Bo:sawes's .
<br /> , . . x option,either promptty repai�to Borrower or creditea tfl Horrawer on montt�tp insrauments oiPtiands. Jf tIIe amount _
<br /> � of th$Funds held by Lender shaU aot be snfficIent to pay ta�,assessmen�s,Insnrance premiums and gtmund rents . :���
<br /> _ __-.:- -_ ��y f�!d�Bana�er shatl pay to Len�fer a�amm�cst neo�sary w mage up the deS�e�la on$ or more , `�.
<br /> — payments es I.ender may reqnire. �; -- :,`
<br /> . UP°n Pay�ent in fiill of all snms secored by tL�s Deed of Trast,Leader sball promptiy refaad w Borrns�sr any �,`: •
<br /> . Fuuds held hy Lender. IP aader paraF�aP817 hereof the Propesry is sold or the Properry i�o¢I�wLse aoq�d b3►
<br /> , :• Lendet,Lender shau aPP 1 9�no l ater t h a a i m m e d l a t e l y p r i�r w t h e s a t e o f t l i e P r o p e:t y o r i t s s o�i t i o a t s y L e n d e r, �"''"�';.
<br /> _ ,..;�:;'^,:�. ,� _,�,�r.n...,.
<br /> � . `' aa�gAnds heid by Lender at the ttffie of apptiratton ag a csedit against the sams se�sre6 Dy tLis Deed of'IY-� i��y;;
<br /> � � Appli�ton oYYay�a�nm. Uniess app�icable 1a�g�oviQes othetwts�aIl��ents r�efved by Lendzs ua4er �-=-jr���_
<br /> � . '`; tlie Nate suA paragraph4l and 2 hereof st�atl be applied by Lender&st ia payment of amouats papab2e w LenQer by �'=--^a�:_
<br /> � .`� Bormprer under parag�aph 2 herso�then m inter�st papabte on�he rfiat�and thea m ths.prtncipal of the Note.
<br /> S a ' t�T
<br /> . . � 4� Pdoa A�nrt�ge8 aad De�Qs ai T�at+��Idcns Borrawer sbaU perform aII of Borrovres's obli$art�oa4 �._,��.�°'.�'
<br /> •• ,, �
<br /> . aa�.,,°s any mongage.deed of uast or other securlry agra�ent wltd a lien wl�ich i�ss prlorIty aver this Deea of Trast,
<br /> . � . : incst�ding BosrotivePs oavenants w make payments whe�dne. Borrawer s1�aa11 pay or cause w be paid all taxes.
<br /> 1 `
<br /> d im ittons aun'butable to t�,:Yro rty whicds may attatn a prlorIty uv�tH�s �.}.�?,�Y'M
<br /> . . . -:� ass�ssments aud oUuer chasges.8aes an pos Pe ' ,:
<br /> . � ,. ;; �:: . DeeA of'IYast,anA leasehold paymenta or grauad renta.if anY ..`f��:
<br /> � 5` Hardr��nsmanc�e. Borrower shaU keep the impravements a��xisting or hercafter erected on the Property . �.
<br /> � ,.''; insased a�inst Iass by Sre.ha�ards included arlWin the cerm°es[endsd oavera�',a�fl such other ha7arGs as Leuder .
<br /> . . � ' ' m2p reqnire aad in such amaanfs and fo�suc�perlods 2s Lender ffiay require. -
<br /> -. . . . .� The insuran;ae cariies psovlAing the insuraaae shall 6e�asea by Bs�aawer subject w approval by LenCer,prav�ded, T
<br /> �� . that suct�eppraval shall not be unreasaaably wIthhelQ Ail insuranoe�olldes and renewals thereoi shall be in a foim : �" �
<br /> . . . ��-� acreptable to Lender and shaU incluQe a staadard mortgage clause in favor of ana�n a form aaceptable to Lender.
<br /> . � • 1.ender shall have the right to ho2d the pollcdes an0 reaearats theieo�subject w the terms of atay mongage,deed of
<br />- . � � trust or other secnrIty agreement wiW a lien which has prlority over thls DeeA of 1Yast �
<br />-_ ` tn the evEnt of Los�,Bonower shall give prompt not�ce to the lnsnreuoe carrler and Lender. Lender may madce , .
<br />- � . � ,;. praof of 2�nss I!not marte promptly by Borrocerer. ..
<br />- � If the Prop$tty is abaadoned by Bomawer,or lf Borrawer fails to s�spond w l�er aithin 30 days from the Qate .
<br /> . � . .� . notice is maited by Lender to Bonawer tLat t�e ins�ranae carrlcs offers to settte a claim for iIDSwanae bene8ts,Lender � .
<br />�,�; �S authos3�ed to coltest aad apply the insuranoe proceeQs at Lender's option either tu reswrattan or repair oY the .
<br />_ .. `�" Property or to We sums secured by Ws Deed of Trug�
<br /> _ s . .. 6� P�eavaitan aa8 Ma�ntemanoe of Fmperty; I�ho24� Onaan�tniums; plaz�neA Unit Devetopm�nts
<br /> = ' � Boaower sLali keep the Property in gaod repair and shall not oommit araste or pemiit impairnient or deterioratlon -� .��:
<br /> -' � . � � , of the Property aud shall comply with the ptovisions of airy lease if th8s Deed of Tivst�S on a Ie�sehold IP thls DeeA �
<br /> i
<br />— . l�,rr:.� EQO�D MOR1Y}AOE�1180-PI16�C UNII�1�� FvID 38?8
<br /> ` . . r,,,,.,.�„�.�,���� Fage Z of S ' .
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