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<br /> R�•RECOROE� ��d���f�o�
<br /> 'Prqceeds')in connectbn wlth condemnatbn or olher teklnp oi the Property or paR thereoi,or for nvey n I e of condemnaUort. --
<br /> Londer shell be entitled et Ite optlon to commence,eppear In and proaecute in ite own neme eny dction or proceedinga,end shall alao
<br /> be entitled to make any compromise or settlement In connection with auch taking o� damage.In the�ll such prxeads�iafte deductinp
<br /> so t�ken or damegad,Lender ahall have the opGon in Ila sole end absolute discratlon, to app y �_�,�
<br /> thereirom all costs and expenaes incurred by It in connecti�n with such Proceed�,upon any indebtedness secured hereby nn uch can• � _
<br /> order ea Lender may detormine,nr to epply ell such PPOCeeds.aRer auch deductlons,to the restoration of the Property upo ; _
<br /> dltlons as Lender mey determine.Any epplication of Proceeds to indebtednese ahall not extend or postpone the due date of eny pay
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure eny defauit thereunder or hereundar.My unappllod tunds shall be pald to TNStor. r
<br />, 8,p�rformenc�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence ot an Event oi Detault hereunder, or if any act Ia teken or legal proceeding �
<br />' commenced whlch materially atfocts Londer's Int�rest In the PropeRy,l.ender mey In Its own dlscretion,but without obllgat(on to do so, c
<br /> end without notice to or demand upon Truetor end without roleasing 7rusWr from eny obligetlon,do any ecl which Trustor has agreod
<br /> but fefted to do and may also do any other act it deems necessery tc protect the Qecuriry hereoi. T►ustor shall,immedlately upon
<br /> demend therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell costs and expenses Incurred and sums expended by l.ender In connectlon with the exer-
<br /> cise by l.ender of the foregoing righte,tngether with interest thereon at the default rete provided in the Note,which sh�all be added to
<br /> the Indehtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not incur eny Ifabll(^��e pllance with a91'appllceblerlawst tordinances and regulations
<br /> 9.Hazsrdous MabHals.Truator ahall keep the Property
<br /> ' relating to Indusufal hygiene or environmentel protecUon(collectivoly referred to herein es'Envlronmental Lews').Tnistor ehall keep
<br /> the Property free from all substences deemed to be hazerdous or toxic under any Environmental Laws(collectivety referred to herein
<br /> as'Hazardous Meterials').Trustor hereby warrants end represents to Lender thet there are no Hazerdous Mate�lais on or under the
<br /> Proporty,Trustor hereby agrees to indemniry and hold hermless Lender,its directors,o�icers,emP�oyees end agents,and any succes-
<br /> sas to Lendera(nterest,from end agalnst any end atl ctalms,damages,bsses and IlabllltiesTHE FORE OING WARRANTIES AND
<br /> use,dispoael or Vansport oi any Hazerdoua Materials on,under,from or about the Proparty
<br /> 10.Assi�nm�nt ot R�nt�.Trustor hereby assrovided h�t Trustor�shall,untle tf�e roccurrence of en Event of Oe auR,hereunde
<br /> after arising rents,issues and proflts of tfie Properry; p
<br /> have the right to coltect and refain such rents,Issues and proflts as they become due end payable.Upon the occurrenca oi an Event o
<br /> qefeuit,Lender may,etther in person ar by agent,with or without bringing any action or proceeding, oror an recelvtee�pointi��n
<br /> court and without!egard to the edequacy oi its security,enter upon and take posaesaion oi the Property, 9 Pa H
<br /> name or In the name of the Trustee,and da any acts which it deems necessary or desirable to preserva the value,marketabiUty or
<br /> rentabillty oi the Property,or eny pa�t thereof or InBUe fo oa othervvise�collecttheerentsmsgueg�p°���re0f'��d�g��i past
<br /> with or without taking possession ot the PropaAy� I rente,issues and protite,�ess costs end expens-
<br /> due and unpaid,by notitying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may app y
<br /> ea of operaUon end collection Inctuding attome�s fees,to any(ndebtedness secured hereby,aIi in such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mk�e.The entedng upon and taktng possassion ot the Property,the callection ot auch rents, Issues end proflts,and the epplicatlon
<br /> thereof es atoresald shall not cure or wa►ve any deiault or notice of defauit hereunder or InvaiQd���fy he t�rhr o gP�°^��e�
<br /> detault or pursuant to such noUce ot defautt and, notwnhstending t�ia c,vt�Unuan�!n posss--- P Pe
<br /> receipt and applicatlon of rents,Issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender shall be entided to exerdse eveg right provided tor In ar of sehe.
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon occunence otany Event ot Qefauft,Including without IlmiteUon the ri ht to exercise the powe
<br /> Further,Lender's rtghta and remedtea under this pareAreph shatl be cumulative���Le der,r7 stee and the rece�er sha�be�eble to
<br /> remedtes under any esalgnment of leases and renta recorded egalnst the Property
<br /> account only for tt►ase rents actually recei�red.
<br /> 11.Ev�nts of D�fault.The following shall consGtute an Event of Default under this Deed of Trust:
<br /> (a)Faflure to pay eny fnstellment oi principel or Intarest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breaah oi or defeult under eny provisbn contetned in the Note,this Deed oi Trust,any of the Loan InsWments,or enY
<br /> other lien or encumbrancn upon the Prope�tY�
<br /> (c)A w�it of executlon or attechment or eny similar process shall be entered agalnst Trustor which shall become a Ilen on
<br /> the Property or any puRion thereof or Interest therein;
<br /> (d)There shali be flled by or egainst Tn�stor or Borrower an action under any present or future federal.state or other stetute,
<br /> bw or rpuladon rolaUnp to bankruptcy,insolvenay or other rolief for debtors;or thero shell be eppolnted any trustee�recsiver a
<br /> Iiquidator of Trustor or BorroM►er or of ell or any pert of the Property.or the rents,lasuea ar pwflts theroof.or 7rustor or Borrownr
<br /> ahall make eny peneral asai�nment for the benefit of creditas:
<br /> (e)The sate,tranafer,iease,aasignment,conveyance or turther encumbrance oi all or any paR at or any interest tn the
<br /> Proper�+.either voluntarily or involunta�yt�s oot contei�n an optlon to npu►chase and the ertn�of whi�Ndoes^°t Iexce d one
<br /> ted to execute a lease oi the PropeRy
<br /> year,
<br /> (�/�bendonment of the PropeRy;or
<br /> (g)It Trustor Is not an�ndivldual, the lasuance,salo,trenafar,asalgnment,conveyanca ur encumbranoe oi more then(H a
<br /> corporation)a totel oi�,Pe►Cent o(fts IssuAd and outstanding stodc,or(ii e partnerehip)e totat oi Pe�.
<br /> cent oi padnership interests,or(if e Iimlted Iiebility company)a totel oi peroent oi the Ilrnited Ilabllity compa•
<br /> ny intereate or vodng rights during the pe�lod this Deed oi Trust remains a Ilen on the properh�•
<br /> 12.R�m�dt�s;AcaNnition Upon Ghuit.In the event ot any Event of Defeult Lender may,wlthout noUce except es requlred
<br /> -- by taw,dedare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shalt thereupon becon'�e due and payable with-
<br /> _'� out any presentment,demand,proteat or nntice of any k(nd.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> — (a)Demand that Trustee exardse iha POWER OF SALE g►antal heroin,end Truatee shali thereaRer cause Trustor'a Inter-
<br /> _i est In the Property W be sold and the proceeds to be dtst�buted,all in the manner provided in the Nebreske Trust Deeds Act;
<br /> —_ (b)Exercisa any and ail rights provided for In eny of the Loan InsWments or by�aw upon oxurrence of eny Event ot
<br /> - Defaul�and a oint a receiver,or specttically enforoe eny of tt�e
<br /> �� (a)C o mmence en ac t b n t o f o r e c l o s e t h l a D e o d of Trust as e mart9age. PP
<br /> -'�� covenente heroot.
<br />-:�,; No romedy herein confemed upon or reserved to Trustee ot Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy he Iven ihereunder,
<br /> -�� InsWments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be in eddiUon to every athor remedy g
<br />_-� in the Loan Inatrumenta or now or Nereafter existing at law or in equiry or by statute,and mey be exercised ooncurrentry,independently
<br /> � o�succesively.
<br /> � _ ,� T....... r n e T��n r m m a v r e s i a n a t e n v U m e w i t hout Ceuse,and Lender may at any Ume and without cause appoint e sua
<br /> _.�� n�.�.u e� T n i a f n t K A f I V D l l f
<br /> �s': cessor or dubsUtute Trustee.Truatee shalt not be Ilabie to any perty,mctua�np wiinoui iim�u+�����e.tia., -..�..--��. ••--- -
<br />-'P� chaser ot the Property,for any losa or demege untess due to recklesa or wlllful mfsconduct,and shall not be requlred to teko any ectbn
<br /> •: In connecNon with the enforcement of this Oeed of Tn�st uniess Indemnifted,In w�iUng,tor all costs,com���b�n ur�eexPi���
<br /> -- may be assoc:fated therewith.I�addiUon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sa�e ot the Property q eS a�le,or In
<br /> ` sale granted hereln);postpone the sale of all or any porUon of the Property,es Provided by law;or seli the Properly
<br /> separate parcels or tots at Trustee's dlscreUon.
<br /> 14.F�s�nd EKp�nse�.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exercise of pawer of sale,Trustee shali be entlried to epply
<br /> any eale proceeda flrst to payment oi all costs and expenses of exercising power ot sate,lncluding all Trustee's fees,and Lender's end
<br /> � Trustee's attomey's fees, ac4uaity Incurred to extont permitted by applicable law.In the event Borcower u Tnrstor exerdses any r4pht
<br /> provlded by Iaw to cure en Event of Default,Lender ehall be vntllled to recover irom Trustor all costs and expenses actually incurred ea
<br /> } a resuit of Trustors dofault,Including without IlmltaUon alt Trustee's end attomey'e fees,to the extent permitted by appliceWe law.
<br /> '�1 16.Futun Advanc�s.Upon request of Bortower, Lender may.at its opUon, make additionai and tuture advances and read-
<br /> � vanoes to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with intereat thereon,shall be secured by thia Deed of Trust.At no Nme shail the
<br /> �
<br />