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<br /> 23rd �.��5.c`''
<br /> TH�S DEtO OF TRUST,Is made aa of the –��' day ot SEPTEMBER , 19 97 ,by and amon O�
<br /> whose mallMp�ddress�s 47 LAKE OF THE WOOOS S? PAU L NE 68873 __(here�n"Trustor,whether one or more), \
<br /> thr T�u�tos
<br /> whos�nwtunp�ddroa Is P 0 BOX 1607 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802
<br /> (here�n'Trustee'),and
<br /> the Asnslldary�
<br /> wiwse msliinp addrass la 3015 N BROADWELL AVE GRAND_I S1AND N 6B8Q3 (herein•Lender').
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CON81pERATION,including LendePs extension of credi!IdenUfled heroln to
<br /> JAMES A STAUSS AN� reoni .i c7A��SS —_
<br /> (heroin Bormwer,"whether one or more)end the trust herein �Ne RUST WITH
<br /> a����h�sby ecknpwledyed,Truator hersby IrrovocaWY 9�n�• �nsiera, conveys end essigns to Trustee, .
<br /> POWER OF 9ALE,for tM bsne8t end aecu�ity ot Lender,under end subJect tn che terma and conditiona hereinafter eet fo�h,the real
<br /> ptop�rty ci�scxio�a w�i,iki�t�:
<br /> Tcpsther wlth all bulidinga,improvemenb,flxWroa,eVeets,elleys,passagewaya,easements,�ights,privilepea end�ppurtenances
<br /> k�t�d theraon or In anywise percelnUp theroto,end the rents,issuea end proflb,�versions and remalndera thereof,end such per-
<br /> �a�prop�rty that I�attached to the Irr�provem�enta so ea to consHtute a flxture,indudtng,but not iimited to,heating end coollnp equlp�
<br /> ����nd popsther with ths homestead or marital interesta,if any,which intereats are hereby roleasad and wetved;ell of whld�.Indud'
<br /> �p�p�c�rnents�nd additbna thereto,le hereby daclared to be a part of the reai egtate secured by the Nen ot thia Deed of Truat and
<br /> oM of tM torspo�n0 bsinp nferred to heroin as the'Property'.
<br /> TMa pNd ot Tnist�heli ascu19(9)the payment of the principal sum and interest evldetxed by a Qromissory note a cred�t agree-
<br /> ����_cr oT�YRCD 91 � ,having a metu�ily date of JUNE 25. 1998
<br /> M�a{p�rn�princlpal emount ot i �06 260 50 ,and any and all modiflcationa, extenabna and ronewab
<br /> y��(a q�nto�nd my and sll tuturo edvenoea end readvancea to Borc°Wer(or any ot them ti more than one)hemunder purauant
<br /> b�a�prom�s�ory notss or crodit ayroemente (harefn cailed'Note');(b)tha payment ot other sums advanced by Lender to
<br /> �,.�q���y�th�Note;(c)the perfortnence of eli covenants and egreementa of Tn�stor set forfh hereln;and(d)ail preaent and
<br /> A�un Ind�bt�dnsw and ob1l�eNons of Bomower(or eny ot them If more than one)to Lender whether diroct,Indirect,abeoiute or conttn-
<br /> peM�nd whsthsr aislnp by note,guarenty,overdraR or otherwise.The Note,this Dead of Trust end any end all od�er doaiments that
<br /> Ncun tb Nots a ottwrwise axecuted ln connectton therewith,Includinp without Ilmitetlon guarentees, secu�ity egreeme�ts end
<br /> �ts{pnrn�nb ot kafes�nd ronts,ehatt be reterrsd to haroln aa the'Loen Instruments'.
<br /> Trusf�or oovenenb�nd prees wfth Lender es foliowa:
<br /> �, paytn�nt pf�nd�bt�dn�ss.AI�Indobtedness securod hereby shalt be paid when due.
<br /> 2. TkN.Truttor It the owner of tM Property,hes the right and autho�ily to convey the Property,and warranta thet the Ilen creat-
<br /> �d hKaby If�fint end prior��en on the Property,axoept for Ilens and encumbrencea set forth by Trustor in writing and del(vered to
<br /> ��ndK t�Mre exacutbn of lhls Deed of Tniat,and the execuNon and delivery oi thia Deed oi Trust does not vblate any contract or
<br /> WMr oWlqMtbn to which Tru�tor la aubJect.
<br /> :�.T�x��,Ms�s�m�nb• To pay before dellnquency all taxes,apecial assessments and ail other charges apalnst tho Properly
<br /> nuw or hereMer levled.
<br /> d,ItMUnnq.To keep the Propertyr insured egeinat damage by tire,hazerds fncluded within the term'extended coverege',e�d
<br /> �h o!M►hezs�d� ��Lsnder may require,In amounts end with compenies acceptable to Lender. naming Lender as an additbnal
<br /> nsm�d Inwnd,wilh b�+ PaYabie to the Lendar. In case of loas under such policies,the lender is authorized to adJust,oollect and
<br />— co►r�promlw,MII claime lhAreunder and ehell have the optlon of epplying ail or paR ot the{nsurance proceeds(i)to any indebtedness
<br /> pcurod heroby and in�uch orcier ae Lender may detertnine,(II)to the Trustor W be used for the repair or restoraUon of the Property or
<br /> _ (lil)la rny olhsr purpot�or obJect�atisfsatory to Lender without affectinp the�fen ot thfs Deed ot Trust for the full amount aecured ;y-
<br />� h�►npy befon such psyment svsr look ptacs.Any appllceUona of proceeda to indebtedness shali not extend or postpone the due date �,M
<br />----- a p�iy�yments under Ihe Note,or curs eny defauit thereunder or hereunder. :�.
<br /> __.,� T_....,..w.0..s.,r„�e�ar in surh manner as Lender may designete,su�iclent �,,�f
<br /> � 6. E�arow.Upon wriiien demeFw u�Lv��. .•�o•�� ��—...—, ---••-- • �
<br /> � rumf lo enable lendnr to pey es lhey become due one or more of the fotlowing:(I)eli taxea,assessmsnts and other charges egainst
<br />� thd P�operly, (��)�he Dremtume on the property ineurance requlred hereunder,end (Iii) the premfums an any mortgege insurence y,
<br /> rKUUiret!by Lender. in ood conditlon end repair,shall
<br /> • H M�Inl�nrnc�,R�p�lrs�nd Compltane�wtth L�ws. Trustor ahall keep the Property g
<br /> ;' �►ranptly rdpe{r,a�apl�ce er�y Improvoment which mey be demaged or destroyed;ahell not commit or permlt any waste or deteriore-
<br /> li��n ol lt►e f�rope►ty;ehetl nol remova,demoileh or eubatentlal;y aiter eny oi the Improvements on the Property:shall not eommit,sutter
<br /> nr�►xmrit m�y uct to tw doee In or upon the PropeAy In vlolation nf any lew,nrdlnence,or regulation;and ahetl pay end prompUy dis-
<br /> �.t�Hrqe Ht 1'rustw'e cayl end oxpenae a!I Ilens,encumbrances end charges Ievled,Imposed or accessod egainst the Property or any
<br /> p;ut thou►ul.
<br /> % Lmit�nt Domtln.I.nnder Is hereby oeslgned ell eompansatlon, awards, demages and other payments or rellef(herelnafter
<br /> w� uv��..,i..�.rira�«..ew ^.�w��.,�waw.
<br /> u�w��M,...w,.���,.,e....�„M�e w��w
<br /> I _____
<br />