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<br /> RE�RECORDEa Q7.. l U�I��
<br /> ' prindpal emount of the Indebtednesa securod by thb Deed of Ttutt,not Including swns edvanced to pro�ect the sec ry o e�eed of
<br /> Trust,exceed the wiyinal principa!amount stated heroln,or s 1�ti_non_n� ,whlGiever is preater.
<br /> 18.MlscNlan�ous Provlslom.
<br /> - (a)Borrow�r No!Ril��sod.Extenelon ol'the time for payment or modiflcetlon ot emortizatlon oi the aume secured by thls
<br /> Deed of Truat p�ented by Lender to eny eucceaaor In Interoat nt Bnr►ower shall not operete to releaae,In eny manner,tha Ilebfll• �
<br /> ty of the orlpinal Borrawsr and Borrowers succeseon In interost. Lsndar ehell not be requlred to commence proceedlnpa �
<br /> apelnat euch auccesaor or rofuae to extend tlme for psyment or otherwite madify amoNzallon ot the aums secured by thla �
<br /> Deed of 7ruat by reaeon of any demands mede by the oripinel Bonower and Borrowers auocesaore tn interest.
<br /> (b)L�nd�r's Pow�rs.Without altectiny the Il�bflity oi any ott�r psr�an Ilable fnr ths payment ot any obi{pation hsreln men-
<br /> Noned,and without affecdnp the Ilen or ch�rQe of thls Deed cf Trust upon any portbn of the Properly not then or therotofore �
<br /> roleaami na esc:i�rity tc�r the iiall errm+mt af ell imp�id abllgatlons, Lender may,from time ro time and without notice(I) release
<br /> any peraon so Ilabls,(II)sxtsnd the mafurity or Nter sny ot the terma of any euch obllpatkma,{Iiq prent othsr indutpences,((v)
<br /> ret�ase or �vey,a cauae to be roleaead a rsconveysd et eny dme at Lendera optbn any parcel, poRion or ell ot the
<br /> Property,(v)take or release any other or�dditbr►al eecurity tor eny abllgatbn herein mentloned,or{vl)make compositlons or
<br /> other anenpements with debtoro in rol�tbn thsreto.
<br /> (c)Forb��ranca by L�nd�r Not�Wahnr.My forbeannce by Lsnder In exetGslr►D any right or remedy hereunder.or oth-
<br /> ervvlse etforded by applkk;ebb law,sheli not ba a wetver oi or proclude ths exerdae of any eu�rlght or rMnedy.The p►oarro-
<br /> ment of insurance or the payment of texea a other tlena or charpes by Lcnder shall not be a waiver or Lenders rfght to acoeler-
<br /> ate the maturily oi the Indebtedneas eecured by this Deed of Truat
<br /> (d)Succ�sson and Assl�ns Bound;Jolnt�nd S�v�ral Uab�lity;Capt�ons.The covenanta and agreements herein con-
<br /> fefned shell bind,and the righta hereunder shall inur+e to,the reapective aucceasoro and asslgns of Lender end Trusta.All
<br /> covenanta ar.d agreemenb oi Truator shall be�Int and several,The capUona and headings of the paragrephs oi th(s Deed of '
<br /> Trust are for wnvenience only end are not to be used to interprot or deflne the provislons hereof.
<br /> (e)R�quNt tor Noticas.7he pantes hereby requeat that a copy of eny notice of defauft hereur�ier and a capy oi any ratice
<br /> of eale hereunder be matled to each party to thls Deed oi T�ust at tha eddre�set forth abova in the manner preacxibed by
<br /> eppNcabie law.Except for any other notloe requtrod under appUcabb lew to be givnn In another menner,any notloe provided tor
<br /> in fhis Deed of Trust shall be gtven by malling such nodoe by certlfled mail addressed to the nther paRias,at the addreaa set
<br /> forth above.My rwtioa provided tor In thb Deed oi Trost shaN be eRectfve upon mellinp in the menner deaignated heroin. If
<br /> Trustor Ia mora than one person,nottce sent to the addreaa set torth above shell be nottce to all auch persona.
<br /> (�Inspsctbn.Lender may mnke or cauae W be made roawnable entries upon end inapections of the Property,provided
<br /> thet Lende�ahaU give Trustor nodca prfor to eny euch inapection specfyinp reaeonable cauae therofor rolated to Lendsre inter-
<br /> est in the Pnope�tyr. -
<br /> (g)R�conv�yane�.Upon payment of ell sume secured by thls Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reoonvey tha
<br /> PropeRy and shell surrender thia Deed of Truat and all notes ovidencing indebtedness eeaured by thfs Deed of T�ust to
<br /> Trustee.Trustee ehall neconvey the Property, without warrenry and wtthout charge to the person or peraor►a IepaNy enWled
<br /> thareto.Trustor ehall pay ell costs of reco�datbn,If any.
<br /> (h) PNS�I Propaly; S�wrtty 11�rMrtNnG As edditionel security tor the payment of the Note,Truator hsroby grenta
<br /> Lender under the Nebreske Uniform Commerclal Code a secu�ily intarest fn ell fixxturea,equipment,end ottwr peraa�al prope�ty
<br /> wed In wnnection with the real estete or improvements loceted thereon,end not othervviae declared a deemed to be e paA oI
<br /> uw reai eainie aewrad'nerooy.l'nis inairume�ii snaii i�e Gonauunu da n Sex.vriiy ngronrrwnt urxinr rwiia Cain,end'uw Lendor °
<br /> shall heve aU the rights and remedlea ot e escurod party undar aatd Code In eddition to the rlghts and remadiea croated under
<br /> and accorcied the Lander pursuant to thla Deed ot Trust;provided that Lendera righb and rerr�edbs under thts pareprsph ehaH
<br /> be cumuletive with,and in no way a Ilmltallon on,Lender's rights and remediea under any other sec;urity apreement sipoed by ,
<br /> 8orrower or Trustor.
<br /> (q Ll�ns�nd EncurrebrancN.Trustor hereby wanants and repreaente that there ts no default under the proviaions M any
<br /> mortpspe,dsed of truat,lease or purchase contract describing ell or any part of the Property.or other wntnact,instrument or
<br /> ' apreertient oonatltudng e I(en or encumbrence apainat all or eny pert of the Property(r.dbctively,"Liena'),exisdnD es d fhe
<br /> dete of thia Deed ot Trust,end that eny end ell exlating Liens remein unmodiNed except ea dlacloeed to Lender k�Tn»to�e writ-
<br /> ten diacbsuro of Iiens end encumbrances provided for hereln. Trustor ahall timely perform ell of Tru�tor'a obN�atlons,
<br /> covenants,ropresentati�ona and werrantlea und�er eny ar�d ell exlaUng and future Ltens,ahaN prompdy torwerd to Lender oopbs
<br /> ot ell nodoes ot defauit aent in oonnectlon with any and all exiatlng or tuture Llena,and aha►I not witlwut Lender's prior w�tten
<br /> consent In eny mannar modfy the provisione of or ellow eny future advances under any axisdng or tuturo Ibns. ,
<br /> (p Applkatlon oi P�ym�nb.Unls�s othe�wlse required by 19w,sums paid to Landar hereunder,�►�without NmiWion �
<br /> payment�of prtncipal and tntareat, inau►anca proceeda,condemnation prooeeds end ronts snd proRte shaN bs spplied by
<br /> � Lender to tha emounb due end ow(ng from T�ustor and Borrower In auch order aa Lander tn Ne eois diecrolfo�cbema desk- �
<br /> abis.
<br /> � (k)aw�nbitfly.If eny provlafon of this Deed M Truat con�lcte with appNcable law or fa declared krvslld or othwwis�unsn-
<br /> ' forosabb,such confl�t or Invatidity shall not ef(ect the other provialons of this Oead of Trust or the Nate which pn b�piwn
<br /> effect wNhaut the conlltcUng provislon,and to this end the provtalona oi this Deed oi Truat and the Note aro dscla�sd b bo�ev-
<br /> ereble.
<br /> (I)T�tm�.The terma"Trustor'and'Bortower aP�ali include both s(npular and plurel,end when the Trustor and BoROVUer aro
<br /> the seme pereon(s),those terms ea used (n lhia Deed of Truat ehail be interel�angeabb.
<br /> (m)Gov�minp Law.Thia Deed otTrust ahall be govemed by the lavra ot the�tate ot Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> � Truator has executed this Deed c�f Tn�a,t es o�th�date vrr���abov�.
<br /> . . ��/I.�•nl � ' � •�t� ..wlr .
<br /> . '1
<br /> � � .
<br /> JAMES A. STAUS5) TrusWr (CAROL . STAUSS) Tn,stor •�''
<br /> ✓ •
<br /> Tmstor � Trustar , -
<br /> . 4 '�`� :
<br /> .,-, . .-•;;, , -
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