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<br /> Dollars ($500 .00) p�.us 1/2 of 1� of the amount secured sreby and v^
<br /> remaininq unpaid and then to the iteme set forth in subparagraph (c) of _
<br /> thie paragraph FIFTH in the order therein etated.
<br /> (c) After paying the iteme epecified in subparagraph (b) of this -
<br /> paragraph FIFTH, if the eale ie by Truetee, or the proper court and
<br /> other costs of forecloaure and sale if sale ie pureuant to judicial �
<br /> foreclosure, the proceede of eale ehall be applied in the or.der stated
<br /> below �o the payment:
<br /> (1) Coet of any evidenae o£ title pxocured in connection with such
<br /> sale and of any revenue required to be paidj
<br /> (2) All aums then secured hereby;
<br /> (3) The remainder, if any, to the person or pereons legally
<br /> entitled thereto.
<br />- E�cl^ of �he partiea to this Deed af Trust hereby requesti� that a copy of any
<br /> Notice ot Defa.;li ana a copy of any Notice of Sale provided far hereinabove
<br /> be mailed to each auch party at the party's poet office addreas aet forth
<br /> herein. Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Beneficiary shall have
<br /> the optian to fo�eclose this Deed of Trus� in the manner provided by law for
<br /> the foreclosure of mortgagea on real property.
<br /> SIXTH. Truetor epecifically agreea that (a) Trustor, at its expenee,
<br /> will execute and deliver to Beneficiary, promptly upon requeat, auch security
<br /> instrumenta as may be requi coverin Bean f iof athe Property onveyed bytthie
<br /> eatisfactory to Beneficiary, 9 Y
<br /> �eed of Truat which security instruments eh.all be additional ���ndi ions
<br /> Trustor's faithful performance ot aIl of L�1C ta�ns, ca✓ansnts an_
<br /> of this Deed of Truat, the Note and i.ndebtedness secured hereby, and any
<br /> other seCUrity instrumsnts executed in conriection with the indeb�ednesa
<br /> secured by this Deed of Truat; and all such inatrumente ahall be fil�d and
<br /> recorded at Truetor's expense; (b) 1Beneficiary may, from time to time, by
<br /> written inetrument executed and acknowledged by Beneficiary, mailed to
<br /> Truetor and recorded in the county or counties in which the Property ie
<br /> - 3.acat�a .:na �r otherc�tise comr�yjnc with the provisions of the applicable lawe
<br /> of the State of Nebraska, substitute a auccessor or eucceseore to L'ne '�rue►i.cG
<br /> named herein or acting hereunderj (c) although the Trustee, or Truetee'e
<br /> succeesor or succegsora, may be an agent of, or attorney for, or otherwiae
<br /> carulected with the Beneficiary, auch fact shall not be conatrued to
<br /> diaqualify Trustee to act as euch Trustee, nor shall such fact prevent the
<br /> Trustee or Benef iciary from bidding at a sale and buying any part or all of
<br /> the Property at any eale hereunder; (d) that if it should be neceseary ar
<br /> appropriate for the protpction of the security hereby conveyed or enforcement
<br /> of the debt hereby secured, for the Trustee or the Beneficiary to inetitute
<br /> or become a party to any proceeding or euit in a court of bankruptcy or
<br /> probate or other court of general or limited juriadiction, all expensee and
<br /> coets properly incurred by said Truatee or said Benefiaiary (including
<br /> reasnnable attorx�eys' fees) paid or incurred by auch Trustee or Beneficiary
<br /> in maintaining, prosecuting or defending ouch proceedi.ng or protecting their
<br /> respective riyhts hereunder ehall be an additional debt aecured by this Deed
<br /> o£ Truat in like manner with the principal debt herein described; (e)
<br /> Beneficiary, or a.ts agents, representatives ar workmen, are authorized to
<br /> enter at any reaeonable time upon or in any part of the Property f of the
<br /> purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose of performing any
<br /> ° acts it ie authorized to perform under the terms of thie Deed of Trust; (f)
<br /> —�� any forbearance by Beneficiary cr Trustee in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> �� hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, sha11 not be a waiver. of
<br /> — or preclude the exercise of any su�h right or remedy hereunder; aimilarly,
<br /> the waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee of any default of Truster under thie
<br /> � Deed of Truet ahall not be deemed a waiver of any other or eimilar defaulte
<br /> subsequently occurring; (g) axtension of the time for payment or modificatien
<br /> - __� L.. ..,.;.. „esa .,f Trtiat cranted bv
<br /> or amortization or tne sums s��uLCU .�Y �=.�o ��--- __ ----- . .. -
<br /> � Seneficiary to any successor in intereat of Trustor shall not operate to
<br />'�: release, in any manner the liability of the original Truator and Truetor'e
<br />..� succeasor in interest. Beneficiary shall not be required to commence
<br /> proceedings against such euccessor or refuse to extend the time for payment
<br /> or otiherwise modify amortization of the sumr� and indebtedness aecured by thie
<br /> Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Tru�tor and
<br /> � Truator's succeeaors in interest; (h) without affecting the liability of t he
<br /> 6�
<br /> •-c
<br /> � •
<br /> ��.
<br />