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<br /> provided in the Note or clxange th
<br /> e amaunt o� auch inatalZ�nt6 O�'h�'entering _
<br /> upan and taking pos�eseion of the Property, the col].ection of euch rente,
<br /> ie�uee and profite, and the application thereof as aforeeaid� shall not waive
<br /> or cure any def�ult or notice of default hereundex, or invalidaas further
<br /> done pureuant to such notice. Trustor aseigne to Beneficiary,
<br /> security for the performance of the indebtednees and obl�.gati.ons secured
<br /> hereby, all prepaid rents and al l moneya wh3ch may have been ortm�ay�gCU�e f the
<br /> be deposited with Trustor by any leseee of the Property,
<br /> payment of any rent or damagee, and upon default in the performance o£ any of
<br /> the pravieione hereof, of writtenenoticQdofi Beneficiary' ss xerciae�ofBthe
<br /> Beneficiary. Delivery in the Property
<br /> rights granted by this paragraph THIRD to any te ire sa dPtenant to pay eaid
<br /> or any porGion thereof ahall be eufEicient to requ
<br /> reat to Beneficiary until further notice.
<br /> FOURTH. If there ehall be filed by or againet the Trustor any petition
<br /> or proceeding aeeking any arrangement or compvsition or extension °other
<br /> other relief under or purauant to the F'ederal Bankruptcy Code or any
<br /> similar statute as �.e now or hereaf ter in ef f ect, or if the Trust shal l lhave
<br /> adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent or any of lruator s property
<br /> been aequestered and such decree shall have continued undischarged and
<br /> unstayed foe hereb� eecurad ehalll,y wi�ho t� notice h at t e�aption of the
<br /> indebtednes Y
<br /> Beneficiary, become due and payable.
<br /> FIFTH. Upon default by Truator in the payment of or performance o� the
<br /> term� and conditions a� the Note, or any renewala, modifications or
<br /> executione thereof, the payment o� any other indebtedness secured hereb,y or
<br /> in the performance of any agreement, covenant or warran T�tor in�conneation
<br /> ��� g�rth in any aareement ar inetrument executed by � �,�arP a11 sume
<br /> with the indebtedneas hereby aecured, Hen�L.�uiaz"� ma� ds---- -
<br /> eecured hereby immediately due and payabl demand t protest or noticeeof any
<br /> bec:ome du� and p�yable without preaentment,
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Benef iciary may deliver to Trustee a written declaration
<br /> of default and demand for sale. Trustee shall have the power of aale of the
<br /> Property and if Beneficiary decidea the Property ie to be sold, it ehall
<br /> depoeit with Trustee xhis Deed of Trust and the Note and ehallndeliver hto
<br /> documenta �vi3eacing e�per±�?�.r»xes aecured hereby, � _ � p` t�, r.o be
<br /> Trustee a writren natice of default and election t� cause i.��C rrc r_
<br /> sold, ed b T laBw ewhich shall behduly f iled fo.r re o d by Trusteen the £orm
<br /> requir Y
<br /> (a) A£ter tlze lapse of such tirne as may be required by 1aw following
<br /> the recordation of Notice of Default, and notice of Default and Notice
<br /> of Sale having been given as required by law, Trustee, without demand on
<br /> Truetor, ahall sell the Property hereinbefore described, and any and
<br /> every part tYiereof, in separate parcels or en maese as tlie Truatee may
<br /> elect and in auch order ae Trustee may determine on the date and at Lhe
<br /> time and place designated in said Notice of Sale, at public auction to
<br /> the highest bidder, the purchaee price payable in cash in lawful money
<br /> of the United Statea at the time of sale. The personOB�opnec�heJeale
<br /> eale may, for any cauee he or she deems expedient, p p
<br /> from time to time until it ahall be completed and, in every such case,
<br /> notice of postpenement shall be given by public declaration th�ovidedy
<br /> such person at the time and place l�st appointed for the sale; p
<br /> if the sale is po�tponed for longer than one (1) day beyond the day
<br /> deaignated in the Notice of Sale, notice thereof ehall be giv�n in the
<br /> ' same manner ae the original Notice of eale. he property1soXSOlde but
<br /> - deliver to the purchaser its Deed conveying
<br /> - without any covenant or warranty, express or implied. The recitale in
<br /> = the Deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the
<br />-- truthfulness thereoE . Any person, including without limitation,
<br />- -- Beneficiary or Truetee may purchase at the sale. Said sale ahall be
<br /> -�- conducted at the real estate forming a part of�th�QP�rop�ert r some Aart
<br /> � court house i.n the county in wnicn zne Pr��,�y�r �� �- ___ . -
<br />="" thereof, is aituated.
<br />-.�. ,
<br />._:4
<br /> �'t (b) When Trustee sells purauant to the powers herein, Trustee shal
<br /> apply the proceeda of the sale to payment of the co including�ewithout
<br /> exerciaing the power of sale and of the sale,
<br /> limitatioz�, the paymene of Truetee' s fees incurred, which Trustee• s feee
<br /> . shall not in the aggragate exceed the oum oE Five Hundred and no/100th
<br /> .R
<br /> � �..
<br /> ' �f,
<br />