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<br /> Truetior or any other peraon li.able for the payment of the obligat�ona and
<br /> indebtedaeee eeaur�d by Chie Deed of Truet, and without affecting the lien ar
<br /> charge of thie Deed of True� upon any portion ot the Property not then or
<br /> Cheretofor.e released �s aecurity for the full amount of all unpaid obliga-
<br /> tione, Heneficiary may, frAm time to time and without notice (i) releaee any
<br /> pPrr�on ao liable, (ii) extend the maturity or alter any of the terme of auch
<br /> obligation, (111) gran� nthor l.ndulgence,s, (iv) release or reconvey, or cauee
<br /> to be released or reconveyed at any time at Beneficiary's option any parcel,
<br /> pArtion or all of the Praperty, (v) take or release any other or additional
<br /> security for any obligation or indobtedness herein mentioned, or (vi) make
<br /> compositione or other t�rrangemente with debtors in reZation thereto; (i) in
<br /> addition to the riqhte and pow�r� given to the Truetee and Benef iciary
<br /> herein, tho Beneficiary ehall have all such other righte both in law and
<br /> equity for collection of the indebtednese eecured hereby ae it would have but
<br /> for this Deed of TruAtl (jI all covenan�s and agreements of Truator aet forth
<br /> in thia Dead oE Truet ehall be joint and several; (k) this Deed oE Truat
<br /> ehall be governed by tha lawe oE the BtaCe of Nebraskas (1) in the event any
<br /> one or more of the provisione aontained in thie Deed oE Trust, ox the Note or
<br /> any other security inetrument gi�en in connection with the indebtedness _
<br /> hereby eecured ehall for any reaoon ba held to be :Lnvalid, illegal or
<br /> unenforceable in any respect, euch invalidity, illegality, or unanforce-
<br /> ability shall, at the option of Benefici�ry, not affect any oth�r provieion
<br /> of thia Deed of Trust, but thie Deed of Truet ehall be conetrued as if such
<br /> invalid, illegal, or unanforceable provieion had never been contained herein
<br /> or therein. If the lien af thie Dedd of Truet ie invali.d or unenforceable �e
<br /> to any part of the indebtedneee hereby secured or Pvidenced by the Note, or
<br /> if the lien is invalid or unenforceable ae to any part of the Property, the
<br /> unaecured or partially eecured portion of euch inde.btedness ehall be
<br /> cocnp].etely paid pxior to the payment of the remaining and eecured ox
<br /> _ ��rti al l v gAn»rR�3 nortion of euch indebtednesa, and all paymente made on auch _
<br /> indeb'tednese, whether voluntary or under foreclosure or other enforcement
<br /> � action or procedura, ehall be coneidered to have been firet paid on and
<br /> ' app].ied to the full payment of that portion of euch indebtedness which is not
<br /> eecured or not ful ly eecured by the lien of thie Deed of Truet; and (m) the
<br /> , covenante and agreemente contained in thie Aeed of Truet ehall bind, and th�
<br /> - benefite and advantages k�ereof ehall inure to the reepective heire,
<br /> : executors, adminietratore, eucce�eore a�nd aeeigne of the parties hereto.
<br /> Wherever used herein, the eingular number eha�I inc3.uuc the �lu;:a3. ax�d
<br /> � convereely, and the uee of any gender ahal7, be applicable to all gendera.
<br /> Wherever the term °Benef iciary" ie ueed herein, it ehall include the legal
<br /> �� holder or holdere of the Note or the indebtedneee secured hereby.
<br /> #
<br /> � �y,�. Upon written requeet of Seneficinry etating that all amounte
<br /> � and indebtednese secured hereby hava been pa�l.d, and upon aurrender of thie
<br /> Deed o£ Trust and tha Note to Truetee for the cancellation and retention and
<br /> upon payment by Truatox of Truetee's feee, Truetea dhall reconvey to Trustor,
<br /> or the parson or persone legally entitled �hereto, without warranty, any
<br /> ; portion of the Property then held by Trustee hereunder. The recital.e in auch
<br /> reconveyance of any ma�tere or facte ehall be conclueive prooE of the
<br /> ? truthfulnes� thereof. The gran�ee of any reconveyanca may be described as
<br /> ` ��the pereon or pareons legally entitled thereto."
<br /> ��. Except for any notiaee, demande, requeeta or other communica-
<br /> tiona required under applicable law to ba given in another manrier, whenever
<br /> Beneficiary, Truetor or Truetee givee or eervt�e any notice (including,
<br /> without limitat ion, notice of default and notiae of eale) , demands, requeets
<br /> � or other communications with respect to thie Deed of Truet, each ouch notice,
<br /> demand, request or other communication ehall be in writing and shall be
<br /> effective only if the sam� is delivered by pereonal aervire or mailed by
<br /> certified mail, po etage prepaid, return receipt requeated, addressed to the
<br /> addresa of the party to whom mailed ae eei; £orth at th� end of thia Deed of
<br /> Trust. Any party may at any time change ita addreee for such notices by
<br /> . delivering or mail ing to the other parties heret�, ae af�reeaid, a notice of
<br /> euch chanae. Anv notice hereunder ehall be deemed to havs been g�.ven to
<br />- Trustor or Seneficiary wher� given in the manner deeigna�ed herein.
<br />