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ya . .. . _ ' ``l�i.n*.ad"+-'�-+ - ^ — --. _� _ .____`. --'- '--'-�-..._.. ii��£�•Y.-ow ^��.. <br /> . .. � , <br /> - . —_ <br /> .... .- �, . . _ .— <br /> . .. . __.— __. ....�...,___.._— <br /> .� . ..�. . �• - •aw�4�w__— __ <br /> S?- /ll�/�� <br /> reaeonabiy incurred or paid by Hene£iciary to collsct the Nd�,eevent�Truetor <br /> or protect the lien of thiA De�d of Truet j (g) that in th <br /> shall fail to complX with the provieions nf (a) through (f) above, the <br /> Beneficiary may expend such funde and take euch action ae is neceaeary ta <br /> remedy euch failure and a].1 sums paid by the Beneficiary pureuant hereto with <br /> interaet at the rate hereinafter provided ehall constitute a lien upon the <br /> Property, aha11 be �scured bX thie Deed of '�ruet, and ehall be immediately <br /> due and repayable to the Beneficiary; (h) not to ae11 the ProperCy or any <br /> portion thereof without the a�proval of the aeneficiary in writingt and in <br /> the event of any sale herein prnhibi�ed, then the entire indebtednese aecurad <br /> by thie Deed of Truet ehall, at the option of th� Beneficiary, become due and <br /> payablej (i) that if the Property or any part or parcel thereof ahall be <br /> taken or damaged under the power of eminent domain, the award for any <br /> Property so taken or damaged (including severance damagee to the remaining <br /> premises) ahall be paid to the Beneficiary and applied in full or in part at <br /> the option of the Beneficiary in reduction af the indebtedneae hereby <br /> secured; (j) that the Benef iciary ehall have the right to inepect the <br /> Property at euch reasonable times as the Beneficiary may desire to determin� <br /> Trustor'a compliance with the covenants contained in this Deed of Truat; (k) <br /> that the Beneficiary may release from the lien hereof any part or parcel of <br /> the Property without requiring any consideration therefor, and (1) that <br /> Trustor is lawfully seized of said premises and Property in fee simple, that <br /> the same are free from all liens and eneumbrancee except as may otherwiae be <br /> epeaifically noted herein or v�raived in writing by the Beneficiaryt that <br /> Trustor will execute or procure any fuz�ther necessary aeeurances of title and <br /> does hereby warrant genera].ly the title to said Property and will forever <br /> defend the eame against the claime and demande of all pereona whomsoever, and <br /> that Trustor'e aeparate eatate, whether veated, contingent or in expectancy, <br /> ie hereby conveyed and Trustor does hereby expreesly aisemente exemption <br /> rights and benefita o£ any homestead, dower, curteay, app <br /> and ai.ay ZuW6 of th;.w st3t�. It ;a agreed that the intereat provided �or in <br /> eubsection (g� above sliall be at the same rate ae apecif3ed in the ivote <br /> secured hereby on the principal thereof after default and maturity. <br /> SECOND. In the event Truetor, without the prior written consent of <br /> Beneficiary, shall sell, tranefer or convey or contract ta eell, transfer or <br /> convey the Property, or any part thereof or any intereat therein, the entire <br /> balance of the indebtednese hereby secured shall become and be immediately <br /> due and payable at the optiox� ot Beneficiaryj ��u��uad, howsv�r, Bcaeffcier;� <br /> may waive auch option to accelerate if, prior to euch sale, transEer or <br /> conveyance or contract therefor, Beneficiary and the pereon to whom the <br /> prnperty ia to be sold or traneferred reach an agreement in writing that the <br /> credit of auch person is satisfactory to Beneficiary and that the interest <br /> payable on the sums secured by this DQed of Trust shall be at such rate as <br /> Beneficiary ahall requeet. <br /> �,�D. That as further security for the payment of the Note and the <br /> indebtedneas thereby evidenced and the per£ormance af all of the terms, <br /> covenanta and conditione hereof, Trustor agrees that Beneficiary eha11 and <br /> doea hereby have the right, poWer and authority during the r_ontinuance of <br /> this Deed of Truat to collect the rente, iasuea and prefits of the Property <br /> and of any personal proper�y located thereon with or wi.thout taking <br /> posseeoion of the property affected thereby; and Truetor hereby absolutely <br /> �nd unconditionaily assigns all auch rents, iseues and prof its to Beneficia- <br /> - ry. Beneficiary, however, hereby cvnaenta to Trustor's collecti4n and <br /> retention of such rents, iesues and prafita as they acerue and become payable <br /> so long as Trustor ie not at such time in default with respect to payment of <br /> any indebtedness secured hereby or in the parformance of any agreement <br /> - hereunder. Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at any time, either in <br /> ' pereon, by agent, or by receiver to be appointed by a court, without notice <br /> and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedneas <br /> hereby secured (a) enter upon and take possesc�ion of the Propertiy or any part <br /> thereof and in ita own name sue for or otherwise collect such renta, issues <br />-- and profita, includirag those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, lese <br />-- __a re.,aoa �f �npration and collection, including reasonable <br />- i:voi.o wa.0 ".°.r......._.. -- -..- - <br /> - attorney's fees, upon any indebtedness eec:ured hereby and in sucn ordea ae <br />: Beneficiary may determine; (b) lease the same or any part thereof for auch <br /> - rental, term and upon such conditions as Beneficiary's judgment may dictate <br /> or terminate or adjuet the terms and conditione of any exiating lease or <br /> leases. Unlees Trustor and Beneficiary agree otherwise in writing, any <br /> application of renta, issues or profits to any indebtednese secured hereby <br /> ehall not extend or postpone the due date of the insta].lment payments as <br /> 't <br /> ,• <br /> � . ... ._. . .:,._»:�::�_,� —..�._�. --..w_�.� ,. <br />