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201208791 <br /> in lhe Property and rights uuder this Security Insavinent; and(d)takes such nction ae Lender may <br /> xeasonably require tio assure that Lender's intetest in the Property and rights mider tl�is Security 6�skrument, <br /> wd 13orrower's obligation tp p�y the sinns s�ured by fhis Seourity InsCniment, shall wntimYe nnchaixged. <br /> Lender may require thnt Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expensea in one or more oP the following <br /> forins, As selaoted by Lender: (a) oash; (U)money ordei; (c) certified check, bu�lc check, treasu�er's check or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits eue insLu eci Uy a <br /> federal agency, instrumenta1ity or entity; ot'(d)Zlecri'pnie Funds Tranefcr. Upon rcittstateincnL by Borrower, <br /> thls Sccurity Tnsh'umenC and obligaCions seotiueci hereby shall remnin fully effeorive as if no acceleration h�d <br /> occun-ed. However, this right to reinstate shall not apply iix the casa of acceleration under Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Charige of Loan ServicQr; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a pn�tifll interest in U�e <br /> Note(together w'rth tl�iti Sccurity Insh'uincnt) oan be sold one or n�ore Limes withouC prior notioe to <br /> Borrower. A s11e ixught res�ilt in a chenge in khe entity (luiown as tha 'Zoaf:Servlcer") thnt collects Periodic <br /> Pnyments due under Yhe Note and tilus Sectu'ity InstrLtment and performs other mortgage loan seivicing <br /> obligations under the Note, this Sccurity Insb'tunent, and Applicable Lnw. There also mighl be one or n�ore <br /> changes of the,Iaan Serviper Unrelafed to n snle of the Note. If there is a chnnge of the Lonn Servicer, <br /> Rorrc�wer will 6e given written notice of the chenge which will state tlie uune tuid address oFthe new Loui <br /> Scrviec;r, Lhe address to which pxyinenYs shotild be made and any otl�er inEonnation RRSPA rcquires in <br /> connection with ti notice of'U�ansfer of s�ivicing. lf tho Notc is snld and thercaftcr thc Loan 'vs eervioed by a <br /> LoAn Seivicer other fliau the purohascr of Lhe Nole, the inoxfgage loan servicing obligakious to Borrower will <br /> reinain witl�fhe Loau�Servicer or be[��anafexr€d to n successor Lonn Seivicer nnd zre not assumed by tlie <br /> Note�n�rchaser nnleas othextivise provided by$ie Note ptiu'cl�a6er, <br /> Neither Boxrower nor Lender may eomtnence, join, or be joined to �ny,judicial action (as eiflic:r an <br /> individull litigant or the me�nber of a class)tlxati arises from Ihe other par6y's �otions puraunnt to this <br /> Secw�ily lnstrumc��t or t1�aC alleges [hat the other party has bieached zny provision o�t; or auy duCy owed by <br /> reason of, t1�ia Seouiity Instrument, until sueh Borrower or Lender has uotified khe oUier parky (with sucU <br /> notice given in coinpliance witli Uie requiremeiits of Sectlon 15) of sticl�nllegai breacl� and afPorded tho <br /> oTher parCy hereto a reasonaUle 13eriod aftet thc giving of euch nofice Io Cake correclive action. If Applic�Ule <br /> Law piovides a tune period wl�ich mn�C elapse before oertAin action can be taken, tlint time periad will ba <br /> deemed to bo rcasonable £or pur�oses oP this pAragraph. The notice of aeceleratiou aud opporhmity to curc <br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Sec;tion 22 avd the iiotice of acceler�tiou given to]3orrower pw•su2ut to <br /> 5ectioir 18 sh�ll be deemeci to setisfy the noYice aud oppoctwiity to t�alce corrective actiou provisions of this <br /> Seclion 20. <br /> 21. Flaaardous SUbstanees. As used in this Scotion 2l: (2) "Iluzctrdoeas�Sacfistances" are fliose subst�2noee <br /> defiiied as toxic nr l�az�rdc�us subatai�ces, pollutants, or wastes by Euvironment�I Law and the following <br /> suUsta�nct�s: gnsoline, kerosene, other fl[unmable or tioxic petcoleuin producCs, toxic pe�ticides and 11erUicides, <br /> volalile solvents, naflteriale containing asbesRos or formalde}�ydc;, and ratdioactivo m�teri;ils; (b} <br /> °L`vtvlrort�mental Lttw"ineaus fede��a7 ]awa and laws of the jiu�isciicfiou where the Praperly is localed that <br /> relate to health, safety or c�rvirovmenlal proCecCion; (c) "Enviroramerrtal �`dearrup"includes uiy response <br /> action, romcclial aofian, or remov�l ection, ns defined In�nviromnent�tl Law; and (d) an "Envtr�nrnental <br /> Condition"means a condiYion that can cause, contr�ibute to, or otl�crwisc h�igbcr an�?nvironmental Cleamtp. <br /> Borrower shnll not causa or permiC the preseitce, uye, disposal, storagq �r rcleasc of auy HazEu'dou�� <br /> Substaaices, or tln�eaten to rolcunc any Hazardous Subst�nces, on ar in Yhe Property. Borrower shall vot do, <br /> nor allow anyone else to do, anything nffectnig f.he ProperCy(a) tha�t is in violat�ion ol'any Snt+irontnenEal <br /> Law, (b)which creates �i Envirormiental Co�idition, or(c) wl�icl�, duc to tlic presanco, iwsq or release af a <br /> TIaznrdous Substance, creates a condition that advereely 2f'Lects the valn�of Che Property. The preoeding two <br /> 2h002492 <br /> NG6RASK�SinglePamlly-�annleMae/Fredtlle Mac�NIFORhi INSTRUMENT Form 30201101 <br /> VM P(u� VM P6(NE1(11061 <br /> 'NOltersKluwer flnenclal5ervices PaFle.13 of 17 <br />