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201208791 <br /> tlesigna�ted a 9ubstihite notiec addross by notice w Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of <br /> Ron ow��'s chttnge i�f acldress. If Lender specifies ti procedure Por reporCing Borrower's change of addresn, <br /> Iheii Borrowex shall ouly raport a cha�ige of eddress throLigh that spccificd proceclurc. <br /> There may be only one designated notice addres�unde�'tl�is Sccu+ity Instrume«t ttc any one time. Any noLice <br /> to Londer sha11 be given by delivcring'rt or by mailing it by 1"nat class mpil to Leneler'e acldress staked herein <br /> unless l.ender has dcsignated anoLher addrese by notice Yo Borrowei. !�y notica in comiaction with this <br /> Security inshlui�etd shall not be deemed to have been given to Leiider wttil actually rcceivcd hy Lender. If <br /> �ny nofice required by tliis Sectu'ity Inst�'tunent is also required under Applicable Law, the A�plicable L�w <br /> reqturement will satisfy tlie corresponding rcquircmuroC tmder 17iis Seeiu�i�y H�ish�tunent. <br /> 16. Governing Law; 8everability; Rules of Construetion. "1'hie Securiry Instrument shall be govarned by <br /> federal Iaw and the law of the jurisdiction in whieh the Property is located. AI1 rlghts aud o6ligations <br /> coi�ttined ii� Lhis Security Insttnment ara subjecti to auy rec�uirementti and liiniYatiE�ne of Applioable Law. <br /> Applioable might explicitly or implicit1y xllow the parfies to agree 6y aonhact or it might be silenY, buti <br /> such eilence sha11 not be construcd ae a prolu6ition against agreeinent by contract, In the e�ent Lhat any <br /> provision or cla��se of this SeouriLy Tnst��ument or tha Note eonflicts with Applicablc Law, e��ch conIlict shall <br /> not affl:ct oCher provieione of this Sectiuity Inshument or thc Note whicl�i oan be given effect without the <br /> conRiclirig provieion. <br /> As uecd in this Seeurity Inah•ument: (a) words of U�e masculine gender sli�ll mean and include corre�ponding <br /> neuter wards or words of the feminine ge»cie�r; (b) words in the singular ahall mean and include the plural <br /> and vice vars0.; �a�d(c)the word"may" gives sole discretion without any oUligation to tal<e any actioti. <br /> 17. BoYeoW e1''s Copy. ]3orrdwcr shall be given oue copy of the Note and of this Security Insfruu�eut. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Bornower. As used in tiiis Section l8, "intcrext in <br /> Uie Propnrty" means auy legnl ar beneficial interest in the Propetty, inclnding, l�ut noC linvked ib, those <br /> be�ieflcial interests transf'erred in a bond for decd, contraoC Por deed, insfnllment eales oontract or escraw <br /> �greement, the intent of which is the Ir�nsfer of tiHe hy Borrower et a fixtiue date ta a purcl�ase��. <br /> If p11 ox a�iy pai C of the Property or any inte�•esC iu Che Property is sold or tranef'erred(or if Borrower i�not � <br /> n�kural person ancl a bencficittl inEeresC in Borrower is sold or transierred)withottt L,ender's prior writEcn <br /> coiisent, Lender n�1y require innnediale pay�nent in full o£all sums secured by this Seourity TneYrument. <br /> IIowever, tluo option shall not Ue excroiscd Uy Lender if suoh exercise is prohibited by ApplicaUle Law. <br /> If Lender exero'ises Uiis option, I.ondcr shall give Borxower notice of acceleration. The notica shall provide a <br /> period oPnot�lese khan 30 days fro� [he date the noYise ia givan iix accordance wiHi Secrion 15 witihin which <br /> ]3orrower inust pay all sums secured by this wS"ecurit�y In�tr�imcnt. If Borrowe.�� fails Io p�y these sums prior Yo <br /> fhe expiration oY this period, I.endor may invoke�ny temedies permitted by this Sect�rity IrLst��mneut withont <br /> fiufher notice or deti�and on Borxower. <br /> 19. Borrower's f�ight to Reinstate After AcceleraYion. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Horrowor <br /> shall have theri�l�t lo have ei�om€ment of Ehis Sectuitiy Instrwnenk clisco»tinued at any timc prior to the� <br /> earlie,st of; (a)five dnya before s�1e oF Yha Property pursua�it to any powc:r uP aale conLained in this Security <br /> Instxnment, (b) such othes period as Applioablo Law mighC specify Par the tecminntion of Borrower's right to <br /> a�einstiate; or(c) entry of ajudgmenC en�Poroing [his Seeurity InsY�'tunanti. Those conditions are that 13orrower: <br /> (a)pays Lc;nder ztll sums whieh then would be due under this Security Instrmnc�iC anci Lhe Nohe fls if no <br /> acoeleration h2d oecurxed; (b) cm es any dcfault c,f any other wvenants or ngreements; (c)pays all expenses <br /> inem'ced'ui enforcing tl�is Seciu�ity Iiistrument, including, btxt not limited to, rea,sonnble artomeys' fecs, <br /> property inepeotion nnd valuation fees, and other f�es incurred for thp pnrpoea of protecring Lender's interest <br /> -�" -- '-- 24002492 <br /> NEBRA9KA-Singla fumlly-Fannie MaefPreddle Mac 11NIFORM WSIRUMENT Fofm 3020 1l01 <br /> VMP� VIdP6(Nn(7105) <br /> W nitarx Kluwe�Ffnancial Servloae PaPe 12 of 1/ <br />
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