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201208791 <br /> senYences shall not apply to the presence, use, or stiorage on the Property of small quantities of IIaztudous <br /> Substunccs that arc gonornlly rccognizod to bc appropriate to nom�al residential uyes and to mainEenance of <br /> the Property(including, but not limited to, haz�rdous eubstances in consumer products). <br /> Borrower shAll promptly give Lender written notioe of(e) anp investigalion, clain�, demand, lawsidt or ulher <br /> action by aziy governmental or regulatoiy agency or private�arCy involving the Property euid any IIazerdous <br /> SuUstance or Enviromneirtal LAw of which Borrower.has actuallrnowledge, (U) any Environmental <br /> Condition, including btirt not lin�ited'to, airy epi1ling, loaking discharge, release or t�hreat of re1ease of any <br /> Ele�zurd�us Substanco, and(c) any condition caused by Che pre.senoe, use or�relezse of a Hazardous Sabatanpe <br /> whicl� adversely affects the value of[he Propexty. If Borrowe� lea��ns, or is notified by any governmental or <br /> regulatory nuthoriry, or atiy privako party, that any removal or other remediation of'any Hazacdous SubsCance <br /> afPccting thc 1'roperty is necessary, Borrower shall pron�ptly tal�e�all neoeasary reinedial actions in <br /> accordnnce with Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create a�ry obligation on Lendar for an <br /> Euviromnental Cleaaiup. <br /> Non-UnlfoYm Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenanl and agree as follows: <br /> 22. AcceleYa4iOn; RQ�Y10dIB8. Lender sltnll givc notice tu Borrower prior tti acccicrntion f'olltiwin�; <br /> Borrowcr's brcach of nny covenant m• a�reemenk in 1'�}iis Security hislrument(buC not prior to <br /> ncecleration�uider Sechun 18 unle55 Applicable I,aw provides ofLerwise). Tlie nolice shall specify: (a) <br /> the def'ault; (b) flie actim�required Co m�re tlie defanlC; (e) a date, noC less Hinn 30 days from tlre date <br /> Clie notice is given ro Borrower, Uy wtulcli Clie defaidC mt�st bo cm•ed; and (d) that fnilare to caro tl�e <br /> defanit ou or Uoforo Yl�c dntc apecified in the�iotice mxy resulE in aecelerf�tion of the sums secured by <br /> Ehis Secnrity Instt•imient and sale�of the l'roperCy. Tlie noGce sltnll farther inform IIortrower of the <br /> iighC t�o reinsCnCe nfter flccelerntiuu and tl�c rig1�C to bring n com�C nction to asscrt tlie non-existeu�e of a <br /> dofn�ilt or any oCl�cr dcfcnse of Borrower to .�ccelerxtion and sale. If the defnidC ie noC cnred mi or <br /> beYore Yhe dxte specified in tlie nnlice, Lender aC iEs optlon mfly require immediate paymenE 9n fnll of <br /> nll snms secared by this Sec�u•➢ty Inetrmnent withant farPher demnnd and may involce the power of sy�le <br /> and any other remodioa permitted b9 Applieable Law. Lender g�xll be ent�ikled ko collect xll expenses <br /> incnrred in ptu�suing tlie remedies provided in Cliis SecNon 22, inclnding, bat noC limiCed t'n, reflsonable <br /> aktorne,ys' fees nnd costs ol'tiEle evldence. <br /> ]f fhe power oF sale i�involzecl, Trnstee slwll recm�d a noticc of defaalt iu onch cmmr9 in which any <br /> pttrtof tli�Ptroperty ie locatcd and shnll mail copies of sach notice in tl�e mauner prescribed by <br /> AppliCf�bie Law to Rurrower tmd to the other peram�e pregcribecl by Applicable Law. After[he time <br /> reqnired by Applicable Lnw, Ta�nsCee shflll give pirUlic noCica of sale to tlic persous and iu YLc manncr <br /> prescribetl Uy Applicable Law. Trnstec, witl�ont dem�nct on Rorrnwer, sh:dl sell tlie Yraperty nt pnblic <br /> nnctimi Co the highest bidder xt the time and place and.nncler tlie Ceivie desi�,maCed in CLe notice o1'sale <br /> h one m�more pnrcels and in any orcler Trastee cletermines. Trnstee may postpmie sale of all or any <br /> pareel of Che ProperLy Uy pnU19c annonucemonC at Yl�o timc nnd placc of auy previoasl,y�eliod�dcd snle. <br /> Lender or ite des9gnee may pnrcliasc tl�c Pa�operty �t avy sxle. <br /> Upmi receitrt of plyment of ths price bid, Trnatco stwll dcliver to tlic purchascr Trusfee's deed <br /> cot�veyiug the ProporEy. Thc recits�ls in khe Trastee's deed shall be�rimA fxcie evidence of the trath pf <br /> tlie statements macle kherein. 'l'ivsCee shall �pply the proceeds of tlie sale in ffie following order: (a) to <br /> �11 wsls and ex}�e�tses of exercisiug tlte powcr of salo, and tlie snlc, iuclnding tlic pn,yment of tl�e <br /> Trttstee's fees acttutlly incm•red:��xd resiSonaUle xttorney8' fees as pei�nitted by Applicable Law; (b) Co <br /> :�11 s�uns aecnred Uy th3a Secintily Insh�iwieut; axid(c) any excess to tl�e person or persons legally <br /> enHtled to it <br /> --- ---�— znaozasz <br /> NEBft4SKA-61nfl�e f-2m ily-Fsnnie W aelFreddlc M ao URIFDRM MSTRUM CNT form 3020 1(01 <br /> VM P(� VM P6�NE1(1106) <br /> Wnllacs Kluwer Page f4 of 1'! <br />
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