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201208791 <br /> 12. Borrow er Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. F,xtcnsion of the time for pasnnent or <br /> n�adificatiiox�of an�ortization of Che smns secured by Chie 5eciuily Inslri�menC granCec{ by Lender Co Borrower <br /> ar any Succesor in Interest of'Borrower shall not operate to release tlie liabiliYy of Borrower or eny <br /> Siiccessoce iu Intexest of Rorrower. Lender yhall riot bo rcquircd tn com�nencc proecediilgs agaiiist at�}� <br /> Sua;essor in I�iti��'esf oP Borrower or to refiise Lo extentl lime for paynrent or oChenyise inodify nmorCi��fion <br /> oP the sums secured by this Security Inst�ument Uy renson of any demnnd made Uy the original Borrower or <br /> any Successors in Inteeesf of'Romo�ver. Any forbea;auce Uy Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> including, without liiniCation, Lendar's aocepteuice of payments fr�m third persons, eutifies or Succeseors in <br /> lnterest of Botrower or nx Hinounts lc5s tliafl the an�oui�t fhen dito, ahall noC be n waiver oP or preclude She <br /> cxcn cisc of any right or remedy, <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Succes5ors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants and <br /> agrees Chat Borrower'e obligaCions aud liaUility shall Ue,joint and scve,raL Howevc.�•, any Bon�owcr Who <br /> co-signs tl�is�Secivity lnstrumcnti but doea no4 cxeeute tihe Noi�e(� "eo-signet"): (ft) is co-signing chis <br /> Scc��rity visteiunent only to morlgage, grant and convey the ca-signer's interast in the Property tuider the <br /> terine of this Secutity Inshument; (b) is noC personally ob7igated to pay the snms secured by this Security <br /> InsY��tunent; azid(o)a�rees that l.ender and any other Rovrower can agrce Lo extend, moclify, �Porbopr or make <br /> auy a�cconnnodatic�i�s with reg�rd W the tcrins of this Secivity Instrume�it or the Note without the co-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> SubJecC to Lhe provisloiis of 5ection 1 R, any Sitccessor in H2Ceresf of Borrower who assumes Borxower's <br /> ohligations ai7de�� i�his Seclirity Instrument in wriring, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain a11 of <br /> Barrower'a rights and bene&ts tuider tl�is Security Inetrtttneut. Borrowar sl�all tiot Ue reloased f'ron� <br /> Borrowar's obligations and]isbility nndc;r this Sc;curity Hislruin�nt uulesa Lender agrees to sucl�release in <br /> writing. 'L'hc covananCs and 2greeinenls of Chis Security Instrtiment shttll bind (except as provided in Section <br /> 20) 2nd benefit the successors and assigns of Lender, <br /> 14. Loan Ct�arges. Leuder may charge Borrower f'ees for services per,fonned in connection witl�Borrowcr's <br /> defwlt, for the purpose of protecting L,euder's intcroat in lhe Properly aud rights under tlus Seoitri�y <br /> Inst�umenY, including, bnt not limitcd to, attor«eys' fees, prop�ty inspection nnd vnluation fees. Sn��egard to <br /> any otl�er fc�s, t1�o absencc of ex�ress auChority in this Security Histrumant tio cllarge a speciiic fea to <br /> Borrower ehall noC bo consh•ued ae a prohibition on the cl�c�rging of suc1�fce. Londor may not chargc Pees <br /> that are ex�ressly prohibited by this Seoi�riCy Instrnment or by Applicable La�w. <br /> If the Loan is suUjeot to a 1aw whicli sete maximum loan chnrges, and tlint law is &nally intierpreYed so tilist <br /> thc inCereat or ather lofln chtuges collecCed or to be colIecCed in camiection with the I.o¢n excccd thc <br /> permitted limits, then: (a) �ury such loan oharga shall bc ruliwcd by the amourit necessary Co xednce the <br /> charge to the pertnitted limit; and(b) any sums already collected fiom 13orrower whieh exceeded peruiitted <br /> ]imits will hc ref�mded eo Borrower. Lender may choose to make tl�is refund by reducing the principal owed <br /> undei Che Note or by mnking a clircct payinent to Sorrower. lf a tcfund red�iccs princi�al, the reducLion avill <br /> be treated as n paitial prepayment withont any prepayment charge(whether or not a prep�yment clinrge is <br /> provided f'or mider t1ie Note)'. Bon owcr's aCcepkance of any such refimd made by direct pa}nnent to <br /> Rorrc�wer will coneCitute a waiver of any right o£action Bonower nughti l�aue arisin�otit of euch overchargo, <br /> 15. Notices. All noticc:s givcn by Bonower or Lender in connection wiYh this Seeurity Instrument inust Ue in <br /> wxiCing. Any nolice ta Borrower in connection witl� this Security h�strwncnt sheil1 bo deomcd to hr�vc bcen <br /> given tio Borrower when mailed Uy�irst class mail or wl�en actually delivered fo IIorrower'e notice address if <br /> sent Uy otlie��maans. Noticc ko ury one Borrower shall oonstitute noCice to a11 Borrowers uuless Applicable <br /> Law e'xpresaly requires otherwise. Tho notice address ehall be the Propc�rty Addr esa tnilc.tis Sonrowcr hae <br /> ---------- — � �aaozass <br /> NEdItA SKA-Single Fem ily-F�nnle f+i aelfreddic hi ac UNIFORte1 INSTRUM[NT Form 3020 1101 <br /> VM P(7 Vbl PR(N E)(1105) <br /> Walmta Kluwer Finnnnlal Snrvloex P2ge 11 of 17 <br />
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