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201208740 <br /> required by RESPA, az�ci Be3rrowcr sUa11 pay to I,euder the amount necess�iq Co make np thc deficiency in <br /> aocordance with ILESPA, but in no mocc than l2 montidy payments. <br /> Upon paymant in full of all su�ne sccured by this Security Iustrument, Lender shall prompCly ref�md to <br /> Borrower auy Funds held by Lender. <br /> �4. Charges; Liens. Boerower shall pay all taxes, aescssme��fs, chargea, Snes, and impositions attributable lo <br /> thc Property wl�ich can aYtain priority over this 5ecunity Insfruinent, lcasehold payments or ground rents ou <br /> tha ProperLy, if any, and Commmuty Assooiation Dues, Fees, and Aseessments, if auy. "To thc extcnt t1�at <br /> tliese items are Bacrow ICeiiLs, Borrowce shall pay the�n in flia in[wmer provided in Section 3. <br /> I3orrower shall pron�ptily dischatge�ny lien which has priority over thie Seourity InslriunenC unlese <br /> Boirower: (a) agrees iu tsn•iting to the p�3n7ievt of il�e obligarion swurcd Uy tl�e lien in a m�mier aaceptabla <br /> to ].ender, but only so long as Borrower is perfoxming such ngreemenf; (b) contests tl�e liun in good faith Uy, <br /> or dt�fcnds against cnforcemenC of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion ope��atc to prwcnf <br /> the enforoement of the lien wl�ilc thnsc proceedings a��e pending, buY only until sueh proceedings ere <br /> concluded; or(c) secw'es from the holder of fhe lien an agreem��t saftafactory to T ender subord'uiafing the <br /> licn to th'rs Security 6�st��mnent. I�FLender determines tl�flt eny part of the ProperLy is s4ibjcct t�>a 1ien which <br /> onn atlain priority over tl�is Scctu•ity]nsttume�rt, I,encier may giva Bocrower a notiee identifying Che lien. <br /> Wifhiu 10 dftys of the datte on which thak noiice is givev, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or Yaka one or mora <br /> of the actioils set forth aUove in this SecYion 4. <br /> Lender inay require Borrower to pay n one-tiine chaxge for a real cstato t�uc ver'tfication aaid(or repo�ting <br /> service used by Lender in connection with this Lotui. <br /> 5. PI'operCy InsUl'anCe. Borrower shftlllceep the tmprovemenfs now cxisting or herc�after erected on the <br /> Yroperty instiued against loss by�re, hazu�ds included within the term"extended coverage," and�ny ofl�er <br /> haz�rcie inoluding, buti not limited to, earthquakes and fYoods, f'or which Lender requires insuranoe. This <br /> insurence shall be maintniued in Che unoLmCs(inchiding dcductiUle levels) and f'or the periods tliat Lender <br /> req�tires. Whal I ender requires pw�suant to the preceding senEences c�n change during the tcrm of fl�o Loan. <br /> The itisuranca carricr providinb the insw�auce shall Ue chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's xight w <br /> disapprove Borrower's chaice, which righL ehall not he cxercrsed w�reasouably. Lander�nay raqoire <br /> Borrower to pay, iu coimaction�vith this Loqn,. aither: (a�) a on�tinie chargo £or]ood zone determination, <br /> certiflcnlion ai�id CraokLig services; or (b) a onc-time c1»rge for flood zone determination And certification <br /> services end eubsequent ehAtges e2eh Cime reinagping�or similar clrangee occur which ceasonaUly mighY <br /> affect such determinaEion or certification. Borrower shall nlso be respovsible for the p�yment of any feas <br /> imposed Uy t1�e Pederal Emergancy MaaiagetnenC Agency in conneotion with[lie revicw of any flood zons <br /> deCerininaCipn resulting fi�om an objection by Rotrower. <br /> Sf Borrower Pails fo mainCain any of fhc wvera�;es descriUed aUove, Lender may obtain insurnnoe wverege, <br /> at Lendar'e opCion and Borrower's expense. Lender is under nu obligatinn to purcl�ase uiy�artictiilaa typa or <br /> amrnint of coverabc;. Therefore, sucli coverage shall cover Lender, but might or inight nof protect Borrowor, <br /> Boxrower's e�iuCy in lhe Property, or Yho contcnts of the Yroperty, a�gaiust uiy izsk, hazat•d or liabiliLy and <br /> mig4it provide greater or lesser ooverage than was�revionely in effcct. ,L3nrrower aclmowledges that the cost <br /> of tha instuance cover�ge so obtiained miglrt signiffceutly exceed the cosl of insuranco tl�at Rorrower could <br /> haue obtaiued. Auy aznotiurts disbursed t�y Lender under til�is Seotion 5 shall become nddiCional debt of <br /> Borrower Fec�ircd by Cl�is Security inslrument Tl�ese Eunounts s1�a11 bear interesti�t the�Note rate fi•om kl�ie <br /> date o£disUursement and sh�ll 6e payaUle, wiUi such intcrast, npon notice froin Lander to Borrower <br /> requesting payinenl. <br /> 24002468 <br /> NCORFlSKA-Single Famlly-Fannic IA aelFfedAle A7ac 11iVIFORh1 INSTRUM ENT Po�m 307.0 7/01 <br /> VM P(y VMP6(NE)(11061 <br /> VJoI[ers Kluwer Rnanclal Services Page fi of 77 <br />