<br /> All insurance policies required by Lender aud renawals of such Wolioies shall ba eubject co Lender'a right to
<br /> dis�pprove such polioics, shall include e�standxrd i�iortgagc clanse, and shall name l.ender as mortgagee
<br /> and/or ae an additional loss payee. Lender shall h�ve the righl to hold Che policies ancl renewal oerti6caPes. If
<br /> I„ei�der requires, Borrower sliall proinp{ly give fo Lancler a11 receipYs of paid pre�niums end renew�l uotices.
<br /> Pf Borrower obtetins any form of insLirancc;coveraga, not otheiwise required by l,ender, for da�nage to, or
<br /> destruction of, the Property, such policy sl�iall inclnde a slt�ndarci morlg�ge olausc zuid sl�all namc Lcndcr a�
<br /> mortgagee and/or as azi adclitional loss payee.
<br /> Tn the eveut of loss, Borrower skall give prompt notiae to the insur�noe carrier and I,ender, Lender may
<br /> make proof of'loss if'noY made promptly by Barrower. Uiiless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in
<br /> vrriting, ury iiisur�aice proceeds, whether ox not Y1xe tuiderlying insurauce was required by Lander, sl�all be
<br /> applied to restoralion or repair oP Che Property, if the restioration or repair is econonuoally feasi6le and
<br /> Lender's secm•ity is not lessenecl. During such repair and restorafion period, Lender sttall have the right to
<br /> hold such iusurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportwu'ty to inspect such ProperCy fo ensure tl�e
<br /> wodc has bec�i complcfcd to Lcnder's satisfaction, provided that such inspeotion ehall bc undcrtaken
<br /> prompcly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repnirs pnd restar�tion in a single pnyinzn[or in n series of
<br /> progress payments as the work is comi�leted. Uiiless a�i agree�vent is inade in writing or Applicable Law
<br /> requires interest tn Ue paid on snch insurance proceeds, Lcnder shall not Ue reqtured to pay Borrower any
<br /> inferest or carnings on such procecds. Fecs for public adju�hers, or oEher tivrd par[ies, rel��ined by Borrawer
<br /> shall not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall ba the sole obligation of Borrower. If the restorntion
<br /> or rep�ir is not aconornicnlly Peasible or Lender's security would be lessened, tha insurauoe proceecis sha11 be
<br /> applied to the suuis secweci by tliis Security Inst�tiunent, whetlier or not flien due, wiGi the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower. Such nisurance proceeds shall be app1ied in Yhc ordc�`providcd for in Section 2.
<br /> ]f T3orrower abandons the Property, T,ender meay filc, ncgofiate and settle any auxilable insurnncc claim and
<br /> relakeci matCere, IP Borrower does no0 reapond wi[lun 30 clays to a notice from Lender Chat the insuranee
<br /> cai�rier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may nagotiate aud settle the claiin. The 30-day I�eriod�uill
<br /> be�n when t6e notica is tiiven. ]n either event, or if Lcncicr acquires the Property m�der SccEion 22 or
<br /> oCherwise, Borrower hereUy assigns to Lencier (a)Borrower's righCs to nny ivsurnnee prooeeds in nn amount
<br /> not to exceed the amounts unpeid mider theNote or this SecuriYy LisY�wment, a�id(b) any oYher of
<br /> Borrower's rights(otlier than the i'ight to airy reFund of unearned premituns paid Uy Borrower)under all
<br /> inaur�nce policiea covering the Properfy, insoPnr as auch rights are applicable to the oovernge of the
<br /> Property. Lender may use the insurAnce proceeds eiYl�er Yo repair or restore the Property or to pny�unounts
<br /> aipaid under tihe Notie or this Secmity Instrument, whether or not then dne.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Borrower shall occupy, estaUlish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence
<br /> within 60 days aftor the exc;cution ofthis Seciu�ity Insteumcnt and nh211 continue to occupy thc Prnperty as
<br /> Borrower's principal residence for at least ane ye�u•after the d�te o£ocaupancy, unless Lender otherwise
<br /> agrees in v�riting, wl�ich consent shall uoti Ue tuu e�sonaUly withheld, or mfless extenuating circumstiancas
<br /> exiet wl�ich aro Ueyoi�d Borrower°s control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspecfions. i�orrower shall not destroy,
<br /> damage or impair t1�e�Vroperty, allow the Property to dctcrinratc or commit wa�tc on tl�c Proporty. ��hcthor
<br /> or noC Borrower is residing in Che Pro�erty, Borrower shall m�niPnin the Propex[y in order to prevenC Che
<br /> Property fi om deteriorating or decreesing in velue cluo to it.9 condition. Unleas it is deteimined pursuant to
<br /> Section 5 I:haC rep�ir or restoraSion is not economically fezsiUle, Rorrower shall promptly repair the Prol�erty
<br /> if ciau�agcd to ztvoid furthcr elctorioration pr dainage. IC insm'2nce or condcimiaCioii proeccds a�e paid in
<br /> cotuiection with damnge to, or�lie taking of, the Proparty, Borrower shall be responsible for repairing or
<br /> restoring Uie Property only if Lender h�s released pmceeds far such purposes, I.ender may clisUw�se pmceeds
<br /> 24002-0GO
<br /> NEBRASKA-SIn91e Fam ily-Fennie Pd Qe/PreAdie 67�c UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Farm 3026 1101
<br /> VMP� � VMP6(NEJ(17461
<br /> Walters Kluwor Flnunalel5arvlces Pege 7 of 17
<br />