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201208740 <br /> Any applioation of payments, insurance proeeeda, or Mieccllaueous�Peoceeds to principal due under the Note <br /> shn11 not extcnd or postpone the due datie, or change the amoiint, oP Che Pcriodic Payments. <br /> 3. ll��ncla fbr Escrow Items. Rorrower shall ptiy to Lender on Che day Pcriodio Ya}nnentis are due under the <br /> Note, 1mti1 the Noto iF paid in full, a sum(the "Funds") to provide for pa}nnenE of auiow�ts due for: (a)tiAxes <br /> and assesaments nnd other items whicl�can attain priority over thie Sacw�ity Inahvment as a liea or <br /> encwnUrauce on the Property; (b) lenaehold paymenis or ground re,��ts on fhe Property, if tmy; (c)premiums <br /> Por any and all inSLu'ance required Uy Lender mider Seetion 5; and(d) MorCgage insurance premiums, if any, <br /> or flny sums p�ynble by Bt�rrowcr to],ender in lieu of the payinent of Mortgage Ineuraiice prcmiums in <br /> accordance with the provieiona of Section 10. 'L']wse ito�ns are called "L�scrow Ite�ns." At origination or at <br /> auy tiine dw•uag tkte teim of the Zoan, Lender may requirc that CommLuiity Association Dues, rees, And <br /> Aasessments, if ai�y, bc escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees �nd AssessmenCs ehall bo a��Escrow <br /> Item. Borrowzr shall prompfly furnish to Lender all notices of�amounts to be p�id undec thi�s SecCion. <br /> Borrower shnll pay Lender the Ftmcls for�ecrow Itcn��s unless Lender waives Borrowar's obligation to pay <br /> the Fuuds for any or all Escrow IYems. Lender mny waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Ftuids f'or <br /> u�y or all�sc��o�v ltems at auy time. Any such waiver maq only be itt writing. In the eventi of s��ch waive��, <br /> Borrowex sli-il1 p�y direct�ly, whcn and whcrc payab1e, the amounts due'Por auy Escrow Items for which <br /> payme.uC o£Ftuids haa been w�ived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall turnisli to I�ndet receiptis <br /> ovidoncing such payment witi�in such tiine pei�iod 1s Lender may require. Borrower'F obligation to malce <br /> such payinente and to providc rcccipts sliall for all purposes be deeined to�be a covenant and agreemenl <br /> coniained in this Sernuity InsCam�cnt, ae fl�c pl�rasc"covenant at�d a��eement" is used in Section 9. TP <br /> Borro��er is obligated to pay Eacrow Items direoCly, pursuant to a waivcr, and Borrower fails to pay ilie <br /> aanomit due for aai L�scrow Item; Lender mny exercise its riglits under Sectiou 9 �nd pay such amount�nd <br /> Borrower shall tlien Ue obligated Luider Seotion 9 tio repay to Lender any such nmount. Lender may revol<e <br /> the waiver as to any or all �scrow Itcros at any timc Uy a notice given iu accorda�2ce witkt Sectiari 15 end, <br /> upon such ret�ocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, �nd in such amounts, fhat are 11ien required <br /> undcr this Section 3, <br /> Lendcr may, at any time, collect and hold Fwids 'vi au T7nount(a) su£ficient to permit Lendcr to apply the <br /> Runds at the time speciCied i'u�der RliSPA, ar�d(U) unt to exceed t[ie maxiimm�amount a lendec cnn require <br /> under RESPA. Lendec ehall estima[e the unount of Fimde duo on thc basis oP ctiirrant da�ta and reasotiebla <br /> esCiinates of r�xpenditures of future};scrow Tteine or otherwise in Accordance with Applic�ble Lnw. <br /> 'fl�c liunds shall be held in an institution whose de�oeitis ftre insuxed by a Pederal agency, inytrurncnta1ity, or <br /> enCiLy (including Lcnder, if Lender is zn ivstitution whose daposits�re ao inaured) or in nny Federal Hoii�e <br /> Zoan Bank, Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow ltems iio latsr Uiau Y1ie time specified under <br /> RESPA. Leucler shtill not cliauge Borrowex for holding and applying thc Fur�ds, amlual�y analyzing tlie <br /> e.scrptv ttccount, or verifying the Eecrow Items, unleas Lender pays Borrower interest on flic H'unds and <br /> Applicable L¢w peinvCs Lender tn make sucli a charge. Unless an agraement ia mnde in wiiting or <br /> ApplicaUle Law requiree interest to be pnid on the Fnnds, Lendcr sl�all not Ue reqLured to pay Borrower zny <br /> intcrast or earnings on fhe Funds. Borrower Tnd Lender can n�•ee in wriCing, howevcr, tfiat interest s1�a11 be <br /> peid on the Funde. Lcnder shall give fo RorcQwec, without chaiga, an etu2ual accounting of the I+unds as <br /> rec�uired by ILESPA. <br /> If there is a aurplu� oPFunds held in escrow, 2s defined under RESPA, Lender shall ftccount To Tiorrower For <br /> the excess fimds in z000rdance wiCh R�SPA. If tl�crc;is a sUortage of Ew�ds held in escrow, xs def'lned under <br /> RF,SPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower sh�ll pay to l.endar the aanount <br /> neccseary to mnlcc ap the shortage in accordtuice witli RESPA, but in uo mare thnu 12 monflfly payments. If <br /> tliere is a deficieney of Puucls held in e.scrow, as dcfined under 1ZF.SPA, Lender shall notifq Borrower as <br /> 2ti002468 <br /> NEtlRASKA-Single Fam Ily-Fannle h1 selFredtlle M ac UNIG6RM INSTRIIM[NT Form 3026�I�1 <br /> VM P(� VM PB(NL)(1106) <br /> WoltersKluwer Flnanclal3ervlces Page 5 of 17 <br />