<br /> sai�isfacfion, provided that such inspection shall l�e undertaken promptly. ],ender may pay for the re�air�s
<br /> and rostoratiou in a sing1e disbnrsemo�it or in a serias of prqgrcys pay��wnits as N�c work is com�]etcii.
<br /> U��less an agrecn�ent is n�acie iu amiting or Applieable Lflw requirea interest[o be paid on such
<br /> Miscellnneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be requirecl to pay Borrower any interest or e�rnings on such
<br /> Miscell�neous Proeeeds. Pf The restoration or repair is not econon,xically feasiUle or Lender's security would
<br /> be l�sseiied, the Misccllann�as Proceede shtdl bc applie,d Io Lha euins seoured 6y this Security Instrument,
<br /> whether or noC tlien due, with die exoesa, if�ny, paid to Barrowex. Such Miecellaneoua Proceeds ehall be
<br /> ap�lied in the ordcr provided for in Section 2.
<br /> H� lhe evenc of a fotal taking, desh�uction, or loas in velue of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall
<br /> be applied to the aums secured by this SecuriYy Inshumant, whether or not then due, wiYn Uie excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Rorrower.
<br /> Hi Uie event of a paxtial taking, dest�uction, or loss in value oP lhe Propeety in whicl�the fair markef v�lue of
<br /> the Properfy immodiatcly before thc parfial Cnldng, clestruotion, or loss in vnlue is equal to or greatex than the
<br /> amoLuiU of the sums eecured by thia Security Insh�ument iimnediately before tlie partiial tiaking, deshuction, or
<br /> loss in vnlue, unless Borrowac and Lender otherwise agrea in �ariting, thc sums scaurcd Uy tUis Sccuritiy
<br /> Hispwnent sl�till be reduced by the amo�mt of thc Mi�cellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> fi�action; (a}thc tot�7 amounC oF the sums seoured immedinkely before the partial taking, deshuction, oc loss
<br /> in vnlua divided by(b) the fais msu•Icet value of the Property iimnediately beFore the paAtia1 talcing,
<br /> desYruation, or loss in value. tlny b�lance shall be paid to Rorrowcr.
<br /> In the event of a pertinl taking, dastiueCion, or lose in value of the'Property in which t1�e fair marlcet value oP
<br /> llie Propertiy imtnediately before the parti�l talcinb, dcshucHon, or loss in valuc ie]ess tlian the amount of the
<br /> sume scourcxl immediately befare Che pnrLial taking, desh�ucrion, or loss in velne, unless Boxxower and
<br /> Lender other�vise agree in�nniting tlie Miscellaueous Piroceeds shall be applied to the sums seciued by this
<br /> Security Instnunent whatiher or not the eums are then dua.
<br /> IF the Property is abaudoned by Borrowex, or iF after notice Uy Lender to l3orrower t1�at the Opposing Party
<br /> (as dcfined in the next sentcnec) of£crs to mfdcc;an award fo seltle a elaim for dainages, Bon�ower �Pails Co
<br /> respond to Lender wittun 30 days after the date the notice ie given, Lender is authorized to collect and npply
<br /> the Miscellanzous Proceeds either to restoration or repair oL tihe Property or Co Uie sums secLued Uy this
<br /> Security Inet�•umunt, whcthcr or noC Chen due. �"O��posing Party" meane fhe Chirci parLq Chah owes�Borrower
<br /> Misaellaneous Proceeds or the par6y flgainst whom Barrower hae a right of�crion in regnrd to Miacellaneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> IIorrower shall be in default if any actiou or proceeding, whekher civil or criminal, is begun that, in Lendor's
<br /> judginent, could result in forfeitura o£tl�e Property or other material un}��irment of Lender's interest in the
<br /> Proper�y or rights undor this Security Inst��mnent. Borrowec can cure euoh a default and, if accala�aLion has
<br /> occurred, reinstate as provided in Sect�on 19, Uy c�using the acYion or proceeding to b�dismiseed with a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's judgmeuY, precludes iorfeiture of the Properly or other ma�Y�erial impairment o�P
<br /> Lcnder's interest in the Property or rigl�ts m�dc�'tl�i5 Sccurity Insh umcnt. 7'l�c proceecie of any award or
<br /> clvm for damagcs Chat rare atCri6ulable fo C(ie iu�painnevC of Lender's inBere.4C in lhe ProperLq nre hereby
<br /> assigned nnd shall be paici to Lender.
<br /> All Miscellaixeous Proceeda that tu-e not epplied to xestornHon or repnir of the Property shell be applied in the
<br /> order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> 24002468
<br /> NEBR46KA-9ingle Famlly-Fannle Mae/F'eddle Mec UNIFORM IN51'RUMEN7 Porm 3028 1101
<br /> VM P O VM PBjNE){7106)
<br /> Woltare Kimver Flnancini&ervlaes Pape 10 ot 79
<br />