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201208740 <br /> cantrnue Yo pay to Lender the amount of che se��arllely designatcd yaymcnts that wet�e due when the <br /> insurance coverage ceased to be in offect. Lender will aocept, use�nd retain Chesc paytnc^��ts as a <br /> non-reftindaUle loss reserve in lieu oF Mortg�ge Insurance. Such loss reseive shall be non-refundable, <br /> nolwitlisCai�ding tl�o fact that tho Loan ie u1kimately paid in.full, and Lander sha11 not be required to pay� <br /> Borrower any interest or earnings on e'uch loss rescrva Lcndcr cen no 1onger require loss reseive paymants <br /> i£Mortgaga Insttrance coverage(in tlie amounE�nd for the period that Leiicler rcquiros)provided Uy an <br /> rttsurer aelectad by I,ender again l�ecomes availaUle, is obtained, and Lender requirea separate�y deaignahed <br /> paymanCa Coward 112e prcmimns for Mortgage lusurance. If Lende��required Mortgaga Instuttnce as a <br /> coudi6on of making the Lo�n and Bon o�ver was required ho innlce separatcly designated paynxents toward the <br /> preinimns f'or MorC�age Insin•ance, Borrower shall pny the premiums ruluired to u�nintain Morlgage <br /> Inyi�rance in efPeol, or Lu provide a nnn-refundablc loss rescrvc, m�til Lender's requirement �For Nlortigage <br /> TnsurAnce ende in nccordnnce with any wtitCen agreement between Borrowor aild Lendcr providing for s�tcl� <br /> termination or unYil Yermination is required by Applicnlile Law. Nothing in this Section 10 aPfects <br /> BorcoWer's oUligation to pay inYerest at Uie rate provided in tha NoYe. <br /> Moxtgage Iiisurauce reimbursas Lander (or any entity tliaE purchases the Note) for oertnin losses ic may incur <br /> if Rorrowcr does not repay t1�e I,ocui as agreed. Bon•ower is not a party to the Mortigage Instuauce. <br /> Mortgage insurers evaluate their Yotal risk on all auch insm ance in force Froin tiine to Yime, and may enter <br /> into agrccn�onts with otl�cr��arties That sl�arc or inodify thcir risle, or rcducc loses. Thesa a{;reements are on <br /> terms and eonditions that axe sntisPnctory to the mortgage inaurer and the o6het parCy(or pw��ics) lo these <br /> agreenients. These agreements may require the mortgege inswer to mAke payments using�uy eource of fimds <br /> tliat the mortgage insurer nu�y liave auailaUle(whioh inay iuclude iwids obtained from Mortgnge Insurauce <br /> �re»>iums). <br /> As a result of tl�ese agree�nents, l,euder, any purchaser of flie Note, auothex insu�er, any reivsmer, auy othar <br /> nnCity, or any aFfiliato of any of the forcgoing, may r�ecive(directly or indireeUy) ai2�ounts that derive from <br /> (or might be chaxacterized ns) a porfion of Borrower's p�yments for Mortgage Insurauce, in exchange for <br /> shasiug or modifying the martgage ii�smer's risk, or reducing losses. If'sikch agreement provides that a�i <br /> affiliate of Loi�dcr takcs a sltare of$�e insurer's rislc in oxcl�anbc for�a sl��tce of t11e premiuins paid�to the <br /> insnrer, the airnngement is often termed"captive reinsnxance." FurCher: <br /> (a) Any encli agrocmcnts will not aPfcet Ylic amoimts t6at Borrower l�ae ngrecd to pay for Mortgage <br /> Ins�u•;uice, ur smy otlier terins uf the Loan. Sucl� :igreements will not uicrcasc tlic ainount <br /> .13m�rower will owe fm•MorCgage Ingm�ance, and l7�ey will imt enCiNe Borrower to any refund. <br /> (b) Any such agreements Will not xffeet the right�s Borrower has-if any-witli rnspect to El�e <br /> Mortg�ge vtsurance nnder the IIomeowners Protec�imi Act of 1995 or auy ot'her law. '1'hesc iigUCs <br /> �nay inclade tlic rlglit to rcccivo ccrtain discloenrce, to roqnest ancl oUtain cancellnHon of the <br /> Morf.gagc Insurance, tu h.rve N�e MorCgage Insnrxnce terniinxCed amtwnndanlly, and/or I'o receive <br /> a refiwA of any MorCgage Inam�ance premimns ChaC were tmearned at the time of such <br /> eancollatiml m� terminnlion. <br /> 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellniieous Proceeds are he�eby�ssigied to <br /> and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> I£ttie Property is d�maged, such Miscelleneous Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the <br /> ProperYy, if'the restoraEion or repair is econoinically FeasiUle aaid Leuder's secLuity ie not leaseuecl. Dnring <br /> sncl� re�zir and restoration ycm�iod, Lendct s1�a11 have the ribht to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until <br /> Lender l�ias hnd an opporliuuty fo inspecC srxch Properly to ensure the work hae bccn coinpletcd Yo Lendor's <br /> 24002468 <br /> NEBRASKASingle fnmily-Fannle M aelfredAie M ac l7N IFORM IN3TRUM ENT Form 3028 7 f01 <br /> V M P� VM Plf(N E)(1105)� <br /> Wolters Klowe�Finanolsl Services P¢ge 9 of 17 <br />