<br />5. To vrosecute and defead. To co�ence, prosecute, dis-
<br />coatinue, or def�ad all actioas or other legal proceedings touch-
<br />iag my estate or asy part thereof, or touching any matter in
<br />which I or my estate may be ia anywise coaceraed.
<br />6. To maaaae real e�tate. To enter into an.d upon all and
<br />siggular my real estate, an.d to let, manage, and improve the same
<br />or aay part thereof, aad to repair or othez-�viae improve, alter,
<br />or recosstruct, aad to iasure any buildings or structures
<br />thereaa, asad further to coatract with others fcr the massagemeat
<br />of such real estate, aad to graat to �uch ot:hers all the �owers
<br />with respect to auch real estate usual in real estate manag�*�QTt
<br />coatracts, and gragted to �y said attorney hereina
<br />?. To crrant leases, receive reats. a.nd othexwise deal with
<br />tenaats aacB lea�ed. uro�ertv. To contract with aay persoa for
<br />leasigg for such periods, including periods longer than. my life,
<br />aad without regard to the termination of this power of attorney,
<br />at such ren.ts aad subject to auch cond3tions as my attorney shall
<br />see fit, all or aay of my said real estate, and to let aay �uch
<br />person into possession thereof, and to execute all �uch leases
<br />a.r�.d contracts as shall be neaessary or proper in that behalf, aad
<br />to give notice to quit to any tenant or occupier thereof, and to
<br />receive aacE recover £rom all t�nan�8 and occupiers thereof or of
<br />an.y part t}.�ereof all rents, arrears of rent, an.d sums of money
<br />which now are ar shall hereafter become due and payable in re-
<br />spect thereof, and also on non-payment thereof or of any part
<br />thereof to take all neces8ary or proper means aad proceedings for
<br />terminating the tena.ncy or occupation of such tenants or occupi-
<br />ers, and for ejecting the tenants or occupiers an.d recovering the
<br />possession thereof.
<br />8. To sell ar exchanQe real or personal estate. To sell,
<br />either at public or private sale, or eacchange any part or parts
<br />of my real estate or personal property for such consideration,
<br />payable 3�edistely or upon such terms as my attoraey shall thin9c
<br />fit, a.nd to execute and deliver good an.d sufficien.t deeds, bills
<br />of sale, eadorseatieats, assic�aments, or other instr�+**+�*+ts for the
<br />conveyance or tra�sfer of the same, with such coveaants of war-
<br />ranty or otheztivise as my attorney Bhall see fit, and to give good
<br />and effectw.al receipts for all or an.y part of the purchase price
<br />or other coasiderationa
<br />9. To deuosit monevs, withdraw, iavest, and othezwise deal
<br />with iataa�ribl.e vronertv�. To depo�it any moneys which map come
<br />to the haacis of my attoraey with any bank or banker ia my name,
<br />and to withdraw any of such money or any other monay to which I
<br />am eatitled which now is or ahall be so deposited, and either em-
<br />ploy such money as my attorney shall think fit in the payatent og
<br />any debta, or interest, payable by me, or taxes, aases�,nents, in-
<br />surance, and expenses due and payable or to become due and pay-
<br />able ox�. account of my real and personal estate, or in or about
<br />any of the purposes herein mentioned, or otherwise for my us� and
<br />beaefit, or to invest such money in my name ia any stocks,
<br />shares, bonds, securities or other property, real or personal, as
<br />2
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