<br />my attorney may think proper, and to receive and g3ve receipts
<br />for aay income or dividend arisiag from such iavestmeats, aad to
<br />vary or dispose of all and aa�r such iavestmen.ts or other iavest-
<br />�eats for my u�e agd bea.efit as my attorney may th3nk fit.
<br />10. To vote at stockholders' meetiaqs, execute �roxiee, aad
<br />otherwise substitute for owner. To vote at the meetinge of
<br />etockholders or other meetings of aay corporat�.on or compaay, or
<br />otherwise to act as my attorn.ey or proxy, �ith power of substitu-
<br />tioa, in respect of aay stocks, ahares, bonds, debentures, or
<br />other evid�ncas of owner�hip, or securiti�s, nour or hereafter
<br />held by me aad issued by or ou accouat of said corporatioa or
<br />company and for that purpose to execute an.y proxi.eg, li.mited or
<br />genesal, or other instruments.
<br />11. To execute deeds, bills, aotes, and Similar i.n�tru-
<br />mea,ts. For all or any of the purposas hereia stated to enter
<br />into aad siga, seal, execute, ackaowledge, aad deliver axiy con-
<br />tracts, deeds, or other instruments whatsoever, and to dxav�, ac-
<br />cept, make, eadorse, discount, or otherwise deal with aay bills
<br />of exehaage, eheeke, promissory notes, or other commereial or
<br />mercaatile instruments.
<br />1Z. To dsaw aad eadorse checks. To dxaw checks agaiast my
<br />account in aay bank, to endorse aotes, checks, drafts or bil].s of
<br />exchange which may require aty endorsement for deposit as cash or
<br />collection in any bank, to accept all drafts or bills of exchange
<br />which may be drawa upoa me ia the usual courae of my busiaess.
<br />To receive eadarse and cash, redeem or deposit IInited States
<br />savings bogds and any other securities, an.d any checks received
<br />from the IIaited States Treaeury Departmeat made payable to ma for
<br />aay reason iacluding iacome tax refuado, social security beae-
<br />fits, euppleateatal secur3ty income, or aay ether benefits.
<br />Z3. �o eoa�eat to care. To conaent to aay surgiaal opera-
<br />tioA or medical treatmeat for me and to have me acla►itted to aay
<br />hospital, medical facility or nursing hame.
<br />14. To particivate ira Earm proarame. To eater i�ato any ar-
<br />range�eats or coatracts with th� Uaited States Departm�nt of 1o,g-
<br />�iculture or aay of its coams.ittees to participate ia a�ay agrieul-
<br />tural proggams agd to sig� the papers in connection th rewith for
<br />me ia my a�xme aad to acknowledge aad deliver �aid p�pe s and con-
<br />tracts aad to receive paymeat thereunder and to eadors aay
<br />checks or drafts for said payments aad deposit them onlmy behalf.
<br />15. To annlv for ar�.d receive b�,nefit�. To apply� for aad
<br />receive for me aay bexie�its whatsoever of aay federal pr state
<br />goverameat or other ageacy, iacludiag, but not limited�to, social
<br />security, med3care, veterasis or welfare benefits, medi a3d, etc.
<br />16. To buv flower bond8. To purchase IInited States Treae-
<br />ury securities kaoatn as flower bonds for me ev�a thoug�i I may be
<br />comatose or iacompetent. I
<br />3
<br />