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�01208651 <br />DIIRABLL POWER OF A�ORNEY <br />OF <br />RUTH LICATY <br />I�TOTi� ALL 1+�T SY TBESL PRSSEN'PS : <br />That I, RIITH LICBTY, of Grand Island, Hall Couaty, Nebraska, <br />have, coastituted and apgointed, and b�r these presents do <br />maks, constitute aad appoint my sos, DONALD LYNN LICHTY, of - <br />Parker, Douglas Couaty, Colorado, my true and lawful attorney and <br />authori�e hi.� to act ia �y place arld sicead, and oa �g behalf, <br />eubject to the provisions of Paragraph 24 hereof, to do and exe- <br />cute all or aay of the followiag acts, deeds and thiags: <br />1. To receive debts, pavments aad AroAertY To ask, de- <br />ana�.el, sue for, recover aad receiv� all aum$ of money, debts, <br />dues, goods, wares, merchaadise, chattels, effects and thiags of <br />whatsoever natvxe or de�cription which aoar ara or hereafter shall <br />be os become due, owing, payable, or belongigg to me in or by agy <br />right, title, ways or meaas howsoever, and upoa receipt thereof, <br />or of any part thereof, to aiake, siga, execute and deliver such <br />receipt8, releases or other diacharges for the eaa►e reepectively <br />as my said attorney s]�all deem advisable. <br />2. To settle accounts. To settle aay acceunt or reckoning <br />whatsoever wherein I aow am or at aay time hereafter sha.11 be ia <br />an.ywise interested or concerned with any person who�soever, aad <br />to �pay os receive the balance thereof as the case may require. <br />3. �o satisfv securitY_intereats an.d mortgages. To re- <br />ceive every sum of money v�hich now is or hereafter shall. be due <br />or be�longing to me upoa t.he security or by virtue of av.y seeurity <br />interest or agreement, or awrtgage, and on receipt of the full <br />amount secured thereby to execute a good and suffieient release <br />or other discharge of such security interest, ar mortgage bIr d�:ed <br />or otherwise. <br />4. To campound, subaiit to arbitratiaa, or otherwise Bettle <br />or adiust differences. To compound with or make allowances to <br />any person for or in respect to any debt or demaad terhatsoever <br />which aow �.s or shall at any time hereafter become due and p�y- <br />able to me, or by me, or upoa my acceunt, and to take aad re- <br />ceive, or to pay and discharge (as the aase may be), any com�posi- <br />tion or divide;a.d thereof or thereupoa, aad to give or receive re- <br />leases or other discharges for the whole of such debts or de- <br />maads, or to settle, compromise, or submit to arbitratioa every <br />such debt or demand and evexy other right, matter, aad thiag due <br />to or conc�r�ir=g me as my attoraey shall. thizilt best, aad for that <br />purpose to enter into and execute and deliver such bonds of arbi- <br />tration or other instrvmeuts as my attorney may deent advisable 's.n <br />the premises. <br />1 <br />