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<br /> �� `eW%3�,�'} Borrower may cure auch a default and relnetete, aa provlded In p�rsgraph 18, by ceuaing the action or proceeding to be
<br />�1;;;,��• `. ��' dismissed with e ruling thet. In �.ender'e pood faflh determin�tlon, preciudea lorieituro of the Borrower'e Interest In tho Properry or
<br /> . othn material impekment ot the Ilen created by Thls Security Instrument or Lender's security interest Bortower ehaH also be In
<br /> delauR Ii Bortower. dudng tho laan eppllcation process,fleve matedally false or inaccurate Iniormatlon or stetemente to Lender(or :
<br /> • ' �" fa0ed to provide Lender wtth nny materlel Intumu�tion) In r,onnection with the losn evldenced by the Note. Including, bul nol °
<br /> �� Iimited to. repreaent4tiona conceming Borrower's occupancy o1 tlie Properry as a principal rasldenca. II this Secu�ity -
<br /> x,�. Instrument (s on a leasehold, Bortower eh�ll compty with NI the provblona ot the lease. II Borrower ecqulroa tee tiqe to the _
<br /> Property,the leasehold and ihe tee titte eh�il not merpe unleas Lender�greas to the merger In wripng. _
<br /> • `' 7. Prat�ctton of L�nd�r's Riphts In th� Prop�rty. II Bortower teiia to peAorm the coventnte and apreemente -
<br /> � contelned In this Security Inotrument, or there Is a lep�l ptoceading thst may slgniflcanty attect Lender's rlghte In the Property -
<br /> *� (such as a proceeding In b4nkruptcy, probate, for candemnelian or toric(ture or to cniorco lawa or regulatlons),then Lender m�y
<br /> do end psy for wh�tever la neceae�ry to proteat the value o1 the Property�nd Lender's riphte In the Propaty. Lender's actlona
<br /> � >,�'k'E' , may Inctude paying eny aums secured by � Ilen whlch h�e p�lority ove► thls 3ecurity Instrument. appearing In court, paying
<br />- reasonable attomeys'tees and entering on tha Property to make rtpalre. Although l.ender may take actlon under thls paragreph
<br />- 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> - My amounts disburaed by Lender under pnragraph 7 ehall become edditlonal debt o} Borrower secured by thls SecurUy
<br />''� Inatrument. Unless 8orrower end Lender agree to olher terms of payment, the�e amounts shnll bear interest from the date oi
<br /> � disbursement at the Note rate end shall be payable, with inlerest, upon notice(rom Lender to Bonower requestlnp peyment.
<br /> 8. MoRgag� Insunnc�. If Lender rcquired mortgage Insurence es a condition o1 meking the loan secured by this
<br /> - • Secudry Inatrument, Borrower shaN pny the premiums requircd to mainteln the mortgnge insunnce In ettect.It, for any ret�son,the�
<br /> ' mortg�ge Insurance coverage requlred by Lender Iepsns or ceases to be In ettect, @orrower ahsll pey the premhims requlrod to-v
<br />= obteln covenge substantkly equNatent to the moRgage Inaurance previousty in eNect, et a cost substanUely equNalent to the �
<br />�', � cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance prevlously In etfect, from an altemete mortgage insurer approved by Lender. H�
<br /> a= •� � substantlally equlvalent mortgage Insurance coverage la not avallabie, BoROwer shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to 0
<br /> � one�twellth oi the yearty mortgage Insurance premlum being paid by Borrower when the Insurence coverago lapsed or ceased to�
<br /> � � be in oitect. Lender wiil accopt, use and retein those payments as a loas reserve in Ileu oi mortgage insurance. Loss reserve Q
<br />� payments may no longer be requlred, at the optlon ot Lender. If mortgage Insurence coverage(In the amount end for the perfod �
<br /> `•�� that Lender requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lender egain becames avallable and fs obtained. Bortower sheil pny
<br />-� � the premiums requked to malntaln mortgage Insurence In eftect, or to provlde a tosa reserve,untii the requlrement ior mortgege
<br /> �`� }•':' Insurance ends in accordunce wfth any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicable Inw.
<br /> � 9. Inapection. Lender or Its agent may make reasoneble entrfes upon and Inspectlons ot the Properly. Lender shell glve
<br /> '�?. .. Borrower notice at the tlme of or pdor to an Inspection speciying reasonable causo tor the Inapection.
<br /> ti;,z��:��� ' 10. COttd�mn�tioll. The procoeds of any award or clalm tar damages, direct or consequential, In connection wkh any
<br />�z:'�}.� condemnaUon or othe►taktng oi any part of the Properly, or for conveyance In Iieu of condemnadon, are hereby aasigned�nd
<br />-•_�s?; shall be pald to Lender.
<br /> _�:'i_,{; ' In the event of a totel tekhg of the Prope+ty, the proeaeds ahall be applied to the sums secured by thla 9ecurity
<br />�r�:,' Instrument,whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. in the event of e partiat Uking of the Property In whlch
<br /> "°'��_� ��e e��y�,Pt 1(${IIP n}thw Pronarty Immedlately betore the teking is equei to or greater than ihe emaunt of the sums secured
<br /> ���.s�� by this 3ecutity Inatrument immedlately before the teking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agroe In wrfting, tho sums
<br />�-"""'�1E� secured by ihls Securfty Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds mu�iplled by the following fractlon: (a)the
<br /> -=-=�-ti�- tolal amount oi the sums secured Immediatety betore the taking, dlvided by (b) the fair merket value of the P�operty knmedlatey
<br /> — befora the taking.My baknce shnll be paid to BoROwer. In the event ot a partial taking of the Property In whlch the hk market
<br /> valua ot lhe Property immedlatery betore tha taking is less than the amount of the sumn secured immedlatdy before the taking,
<br />�.:'=-`�'"�`Y� unleas Bortower and Lender othervvlse agree in wddng or untess appltcable law othervvlse providea, the proceeds shaq be
<br /> - appYed to tfie suma secured by thls Secuiity Instrument whether or not the suma aro then due.
<br /> ----.�.r it the PropeAy�a abandoned by Botrower, or M, efter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condenx►or oBero to m�ke�n
<br /> award or aettle a cktm for damages, Borrower hils to respond to Lender wfthln 30 days aRer the date the noUce Is phren,
<br /> Lender Is authorized to colleot and apply the proceeda, at its option,etther to reatoreUon or repafr of the Property or to the
<br /> sume secured by thla Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and 8orrower otherw(se agree in w�iting, eny applicatton of proceeds to prtncipal shaN not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dnte of the monthy payments reterred to In pa►aqrephs 1 and 2 or ohange the smount of such p�yments.
<br /> 11. Borrowsr Not R�I�as�d; Forb�arance By Lsndar Not a W�ivsr. Extenslon ot the ume tor payment or
<br /> madMcaUon o!amortizaUon of the aume aecured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to sny successor Irt k►terest of
<br /> Bortower shdl not operate to releasa the Ifability of the orlginal Borrower or BoROwer's successoro In Intereat. Lendx shaN not
<br /> .4 be requtred to commence proceedings agalnst any succeasor in Interest or refuse to extend tkne tor payment or otherwise
<br /> _ modiy amortlzaUon of the sums secured by this 3ecurity Insuument by reaeon ot any demand m�de by the odginal Borrowx or
<br /> Borrower'a succesaora In fnterest. Any forbesrance by Lender In exercising any dght or remedy shail not be e wahrer of or
<br />— --- preclude the exerclse of any►ight or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succ�ssora and As�ipns Bound; Jo(nt and S�v�nl Ltability; Co-signora.rne covenants and
<br /> agreements of thla Secwity Inatrument shaN bind and baneflt tha successoro and analgny of Lender and Borrower,eubJect to the
<br /> � provlalona of paragraph t7. Borrower'a eovenenta and agreements shell be Joint and several. My BoROwer who co•styns thia
<br /> Socurity Instrument Dut does not execute the Note: (a)Is co-slgning this Security InsUument onty to mortgiqe,grant snd convey
<br /> ' that Borrower's tnterest In the Property under the terms of this Securfly Instrument: (b) fs not personeNy obNgated to psy the
<br /> �� sums secured by this 3ecutity Instrument; nnd (o)agrees that Lender nnd any other Borrower may nyree to extend, modity,
<br /> ,� forbenr ar mske eny accommodaUons wfth regard to the terms of thls Security Instrummt or the Note wfthout that Borrower's
<br />--- -- - consent.
<br />����`�� 13. Loan Ghatges. if the loan secured by thfs 3ecurity Instn�ment is subJect to e lew which a� maxknum loan
<br />_��__��"�'�'"'r'� � cherges, and that law Is flnely Interpreted so that the fnterest or other loan charges coleoted or to be collected In connection
<br />��ix�,� i wlth the loan exceed the permitted I(mfts, then: (a) any such loan cherge shall be reduced by the amount necessery to reduce
<br /> _ _�"".y'�",w. ; the charge to the pertnitted IImR; and (b) sny sums elready couected irom Borrower which excoeded pertnftted Iimtts wlll be
<br /> -��;��;;,�;��`.' relunded to Botrowor. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by making a
<br />� direct payment to BoROwer, If a retund reduces pdncipai, the reductlon wlil bo treated es a partial prepayment without any
<br /> z,�; �:s;,-,.:
<br /> _ _ ,.� prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> '. 14. NOtiCUS.My notice to Bortower provlded for in thla Securfly Inshument shnll be pNen by deiivedng ft or by mailinp R
<br />-�����,.: �� by tlrst class mall unless applicabie lew requtres use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Addresa
<br /> - or eny other addreas Borrower designatos by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shaN be given by flret cMsa m�N to
<br />_ =.��- �ade.�a .dd.nac atnt�l haroln nr anv ether mddress Lendar daslanates 6v netlr�tn Aorrnwr. Anv nnHr� ernvlded fer In this
<br /> -_ �,;�; ��� 3ecurky Instrument shali be deemed to have been ghren to BoROwer or Lender when given ea provided In this paragraph.
<br /> _ 1b. (iovsrning LAw; Ssverabllity. Thts Secudty Instrument shall be govemed by fede►el law and the law ot the
<br /> ; . jurfadiction in which the Property Is located. In the event that any provislon ar clause ot thle Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> conllicts with appilcable taw, such conflict shati not aHect other provisbns of thls Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> � given eftect wlthout the conflicting provlsion.To this end the provislona of thls Socurity Instrument and the Note are declnred to
<br /> - be severnble.
<br /> ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one contortned copy oi the Note and of thls Securlty Instrument.
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