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�.��� <br /> o.,,: <br /> . ' �W�-- --- <br /> . � --_- - <br /> � ------ <br /> . �v 1. ... ..... .•r�w,.w•s.-.+.stF�.�w�r�r�.., . _�u,�•�...u.��.ttiflcv:--___ ------ .-- ...._._ .. <br /> � �.. ... .. <br /> .. � . � . . �•.. ._ <br /> ar-fi..T!:.._. . .. . .. � . . . . ... . • _ _... .. ... . . . _ ,. <br /> . " , ? <br /> - . f � . — <br /> � � ; i 7. TrAnsi�r of 4hs Property or a B�nwflol�i Int�roat tn Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or _ <br /> � . eny Interest In It Is eold or transierred(or It a beneflckl Interest In BQROWB►IS AOId Of tf8I18I@R@fI 9fld BO�YOWW Is not� mturd - <br /> ' peraon)wlthoul l.ender's prlor wtitten consent, Lender may,et Ila optlon,requlre Immedlate paymenl In full 01 all nums aecured by � <br /> : this Security Inst7umant. Howaver,thls optlan shell nol be excrcised 5y Lender II oxorclsu Is prohlbitod by lcderAl l5w es ol tho <br /> ' date of this Securiry Instrument. <br /> � It Lender exerdses thls optlon, Lender sh�ll give Bortower notice ot acceleretion. The notico ahall provlde �perfod ol not o <br /> , � less than 30 deys from the date the notice la delivered or malied within which Borrower must psy ali sums secured by this �� <br /> { Socurlry Instrumsnt.If 8orrower talls lo pay these sums pdor to the expiratlon of thts perlod, Lmde► may Invoke sny remedles �_ <br /> permitted by ihls 3ecurlty Inswment without turther nollae or damsnd on Bortowe►. <br /> • 18. BoY►dwer's Righ4 to Retnstate. II Borrowcr mcots ccrtnln condiUons. Eiorcowcr shall hava thc rlQht t� hnvn �t <br /> . ,� enforcement ol thia Security instrument diacontinued at any time pdar to the earller of: (�} b daya (or such olher pertod as � <br /> appliceble law may specly tor reinstatement) beTore sele ol thR Property purouant to any power of aefe contsined In thls Secutlty ' <br /> Insttument; or(b) entry of a Judgment enioretng this Secudry Instrument. Those conditlons ere thst Bortower. (a) p�ys lendar ell E'� <br /> �,,.��� sums whlch then would be due under thls Security Instrument and ihe Note as It no acceleration had occurted: (b) cures any _ <br /> " defau�t of any other covanant or agreements; (c) pnys ell expenses Incurred In nnforcing thls Securiry Instrument,Including,but - <br /> � not Ilmited to,reasonabie nttomeys'tees; and (d) tskos such acUon as Lender mey reesonaby require lo essure thet the Ilen of <br /> this Secutity Instrumsnt, Lender s righis In the Property and BoROwer's obiigatlon to pay the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument shail continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bortower, thls Security InsWment and the ob{Igrtions secured <br /> ,;' hereby sha�i remaln fuily eifecthre as If no accelernUon had occurred. However, tlils right to refnstate ahall not sppy in the case <br /> of acceleraU�n under paregreph 17. - <br /> 19. Sale oi NOt9; Ch�nge of Loan SBrviC81'. The Note or a a partiat Interest In the Note (:c;ether with thls <br />:: � Seeurily Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prlor notice to Borrower. A sale may resuit in n cnange in the entity`� <br /> (known es !he"Loan Servicer') that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this 5ecuriry Instrument. There elso may V <br /> � 6e one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelatetl to a sale ot the Note. It there is a change of lhe Loan Servicet,� <br /> � 8orro�ver wiil be gNen written notice of the ehange In aceordanoe with paragraph 14 above and eppllcable law. The noUee will � <br /> � state the name and address of the new Loan Servlcer and the address to whiah payments shoutd be made. The notice wili aiso � <br /> contain any other Inlorrnatlun required by applicabte Iaw. <br /> ' 'ti 20. Hazardous Substaneos. Borrower shall nct cause or pem�it the presenee, use, disposal, storage,or release of � <br /> . , any Hazardoua Substances on or In the Properry. BoROwer shnll not do,nor allow anyone else to do, anything attecUng the \` <br /> � Property that is in vlolatlon of any Environmantai Lew. The preceding two sentences shall not appy to the presence, use, or /�� <br /> ', storege on the Property of smali quantlUes of Hazerdous Substances that are generaliy recognized to be approptlate to notmal �,l_; <br /> resldentisl uses and to maintenence of the Properry. <br /> � � Borrower shaY prompty glve Lender written noUce of any fnvestlgaUon, clalm, damand, lawsuk or other tction by sny <br /> S„� � govemmenLal or regulatory agency or private parly Invohring tho Property and any Haurdous Substance or Envlronmental Law of <br /> ' whlch Bonower has actuai knowiedge. It Bortower leams, or is notifled by any govemmental or regulatory authority,that any <br />'"� �� �`•�:. removai or other reriedlaUon of any Hazardous 3ubstance eltecUng rroperry is necessary, 6orrower shau piomp"uy iake ua <br /> �-,�Y :, . , ; neceseary remedial ections in accordance wRh Environmental Law. <br />-�' � As used In thls paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances' are those substances deflned as toxia or hazardous substences by <br />-�. .�:'c �;. <br />�.�_:�,�.�. Environmentel Law and the topowing substenoes: gasoline, kerosene, othar ilammable or toxlo petroleum products, toxlo <br /> Y.�)ras <br /> -�»,�;�,.�, pesticides and herbietdes, volat0e soNente,materinis conteining esbestos or fortnaldehyde,and radloactive materiels. s ueed n <br /> S/��: 4�. <br />_�_b�.,;; �. paragraph 20, 'Envkonmentai Law' means tederal laws and taws of the judsdiction where the Property is located that retato to <br /> __:,�:�� heaRh,safety or environmentel protection. <br /> 'y1P�� NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Horrower and Lender turther covenant and egree as fotlowa: <br />=r��r.:�,"•'•� <br /> 21. Accol�r�tton; Remodle�. Lender shall giva notico to Borrower prlor to �cco�rd on <br />�_""�;� following Borrowsr'a bnach of �ny covmant or agn�mmt in this S�curity Instruin�nt (but �ot <br /> _�'_'._.__ prior to aocel�ratton under peragraph 17 unless applicablo law providos otharwis�). Th� notia� <br /> --- - sh�ll spscify: (�) the default; (b) th� Actlon rsqulred to eur� tho dof�ult; (c) a ded�, �ot bss than <br /> -----=-=_-= 30 deys from the date the notice ta given to Borrowe�� by which ths dsfauk must be cund; �na <br /> _ (d) that failuro ta cure the detault on or bafor� tha dat� spaciflsd in ths notic� m�y nsuR lo <br />----_�� eccslsratton of tha suma securod by thle Sacurity Instrument and sal� of ths P�op�rty.n,. nat�. <br /> -�:� shall iurth�r Inform Borrowor of th� �lpht to reinstat� ait�r aca�l�ntlon �nd th� �ipht to bring a <br /> —_-== — cauri actlon to ass�rt ths non-�xistence of a d�tauk or any othsr d�tsns� of Borrow�r to <br />_- _ � accel�ratlon and stl�. If the dofault Is nat curod on or b�fora tha d�t� ap�cMi�d tn th� noNc�, <br /> . _�_� L.t�nd�r at ita optlon may roquln imm�dtat� paym�nt In iull of a0 sums s�cur�d by this S�aurfty <br /> Instrumont wfthout furth�r demand And may invok� th� pow�r of sal� and �ny oth�r nm�dl�s <br /> �.� psrmittsd by �pplicable leiw. Lend�r sh�ll bs entitled to collect all sxp�ns�s tneurnd in punuln� <br /> ----� the nm�dlas provid�d in this paragnph 21. including, but not limk�d to, ro�sonabb attorn�ys' <br /> T'=r� fs��s�nd costs of titis evidence. <br /> '��� If ths pow�r of sd� is fnvoked, 7rusta� shal� r�cord a notics of d�fauR i� �sch couhty in <br /> � whtch eny part of th� Property is locatsd and shdl mall copl�s of suoh notic� In th� mann�r <br />�-'�''`;�� rescrib�d b � Ilcabis law to Borrowsr and to ths other eraons reseribed � Ilaabls law. <br />=__`.;;�,°,�:�..�:., p Y PP P P bY PP <br />---t;;.;�r.;::�. A1ta�the time requlreci by applicabls law, T►ustao shall gIw public ndtc� of sal� to th� porsons <br /> _ �� •�" ' and in ths �anner preacribed by appliceble law. T�uatee,without demand on Barrower, ahall s�ll <br /> - • • , the Proport�r at public auc4lon to the htghest btdder at the timo and ptaca and undar th� t�rms <br />-_ dostgnated [n the notice of sate In one or mora parests and in any ordor Trustsa dstormtnos. <br /> - � � Trustea may pvstpono sale of all or any p�rcel of the Property by publlc announcemsat at the <br /> ` , ttme and place of any prevlousty schedulod sale. Lender o� tts dssiynoo may pu�ahase the _ <br /> _ ,�;b Propsrty�t any sale. <br />= ' �;w�'�'� Upon recoipt of payment of the price bld. T�uste� st�all d�ltvor to tho purchss�r Trust��'s <br /> • ___ _._ . .. —. • � _ _"" _".�.__ •�_ w'_'_.i" �a._ ___4_�_ �_ �L_ T__J��t� .�.��_�! �L_I� t�� �J�_ L��� �JJ�.��� �! <br /> -•..� - asea cvnvsymy in� rrvpenr. ta� rea:aawis �o ast� ��asa�o vo�v �n�v as�p�nu� ��u����v�nw v� <br /> the t�uth of ths statemsnts made therein. Trustee shall epply the procsods of the sal� in th� <br /> fnllowing order: (a) to all coate and exp�nses of �x�rcistng ths power of s�le, and ths sale, <br /> ' including the payment of the Trustee's toes actu�lly Incurred. not to axcv�d thrse <br /> _ � % of tho prtncipal amount of tho <br /> note at th� timo of the declarAtion of daiwult, and rs�sontble attorney's bes as p�rmiltsd by law; <br /> (b) to all aum� s�cured by this Security Instrumant; and (c) any oxcass to tho p�rton or p�►sans <br /> legally antkted to it. <br /> - Ft)tG.�Mti(�N71 Pagc 4 of 5 <br /> '� I 97111 '. <br /> 1 <br />