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<br />'�.':',:�P, �, TOOETHEfi WITH eA tha Mnprovementa now or here�Rer erectad on the properry, end ell eaaementa, appurtenancea, �nd
<br />_,;i;�� L;f, tixtures now or hereafter�pari of the properly. !U repl�ccrnento and�dditlons shall elso be aovered by thla 3ecurtty Inatrument.
<br /> �, All 01 the foregolnq I�reterred to In thla 3ecurity Inatrument�e the 'Property.'
<br /> . 80RROYYER C04@NANTS that Borrower la qwtuly sdred ot the estate hereby conveyed and hae the rlpht to prant and �
<br /> � '�� � convey the Property and thet the Property Is unencumberad, except tor encumbr�nces ot record. Borrowor warranta and w111 p:
<br /> ,.
<br /> �k deiend gmenly the tRle ta the Property�palnat �N ctalm� �nd damnds, subJect ta any encumbronces o}record. `�
<br /> • �p THIS SECURITY IN9rRUMENT combines uNtorm coven�nts for neAonAl uae and non•unifom� coven�nts with Hmfted °�
<br /> varlatlona by Jurisdictlon to canslilute a unliortn securfty In.trument covaing real property. �
<br /> , � UNIFORM COVENAPIT3. Borrower and lenda aavenant and aqree�s foNowa: -
<br /> 1. Paym�nt of Prinalpd and Int���sk Prspaym�nt�nd L.�t� Ch�rg�e. Borrower shell promptly pey whon
<br /> due the principel ol and inlaresl on tNe dabt evldenced by Ihe Note�nd eny prepeyment end lete chsrpes due under the Note. ��
<br /> '� 2. Funds for Tax�a md Insurana�.SubJect to�pplic�bie law or to e wrktm walver by Lender, Borrowar ah�ll pey =
<br /> :;5,; . to Lender on the day monthly peyments nre due under the Note, unlY the Note Is pald in(utt, e eum ('Funds') tor: (�) yearly
<br /> . � ` taxes and easeasmenta whlah may nttaln prlority over this Secudty Inatnrment ea a Nm on the PropeAy; (b) yearty leasehald�
<br /> paymenta or ground rents on the Property, If sny; (o)ye,ary hazard or property Insunnco premluma: (d) yeady flood Insurance -
<br />__ ...- --� premiums, if any; (e)yeary mortpnge insurance premluma. If eny:and(Q any sums peyebie by Borrower to Lender in accordence� _
<br /> • ;,� with the provislans o1 paragraph e, In Iieu o} the payment ot mortgege insurance premiums. These i�ems are calied 'Eserow'�
<br /> Items.' Lender mey, at any tlme, collect end hold Funds In en amour�i not to exceed the maximum amcunl n lender for e�
<br /> ` tederally related mortgage ban may requlre for Bortower's escrow nccount under the federal Real Estate Serilement Procodures�
<br /> Act of 1874 as amended hom time to time. 12 U.9.C. @ 2801 et seq. ('RESPA"), unless another law that nppues to the Funds O
<br /> ` � sets a lesser amount. it so, Lender may, et any tlme, codect and haid Funds In an amount not to exceed the lesser�mount.
<br /> :a;rc"'. ! Lender may estimate the�mount of Funda due on the basls of curtent da�a and reasonable estknates of expenditures of tuture
<br /> ' Escrow Itema or otherwi�e in accord�nce with appllcaWe law,
<br /> .=•,;�•:;;� � The Funds shall be held In en InsUNtion whose deposlta are inaured by a federal agency. instnimentallry, or entity(Including
<br /> ' '"�'`.� � Le�der. If Lender is such an tnstitution) or In any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> , �• Items. Le•der may not -herge B��ower tor h�iding and appiying the Funds,annuaily anelyting the escrow account, or veritying —
<br />� . � the Escrow Itnms, unlea� Lende� pa,� Bono pr Interest on the Funds and applicable Iaw pertnits Lender to meke ouoh e
<br /> u:�F?,� chsrge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time cherge for an independent real estets tsx reportinp servke
<br /> used by Lender in conneatlon with thls loan, unless applleable law provides othervvise. Unlesa an agreement is made or
<br /> , • appAcable law requires interest to be pald, Lender shap not bo res�ulred to pay Bor►ower any Interest or eaminps on the Funds.
<br /> '__.�,�.� ��
<br />_•.3�cn: Borrower and Lende► may agree In writing, howerer, that interest ahall be paid on the Funda. Lender shall ghre to Borrower,
<br /> '"' wkhout charge, an annual accountirtg ot the Funds, showing credfts end debtts to the Funds and the purpose tor whlch wch
<br />,�"��w-"' debft to the Funds was m�de. The Funds are I ed es addltional secur tor all sums secured b the Secu Inatrument.
<br /> - s�v��,x P�9 hY Y �Y
<br /> ��,�;�.,y If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pennitted to be held by eppttcable law, Lender sheA accaunt to Bo►rower
<br /> TM?:�t tor the excess Funds tn accordAnce wkh the requkements ot applicable law.it the amaunt of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> . ,
<br />° .�`��, : time is not sufflclent to pay the Escrow Items whm due, Lender may eo notHy Borrower in wdting,and, in such case Borrower
<br />-�;r'•'�:�'i shall pay to Lender the emount necessary to make up the deflcleney. Bortower shali make up the deflcienay in no more thin
<br />'::��}`r�` f twehre monthiy payments,nt Lender's sole discreUon.
<br /> orq�,µ5" Upon payment!n full of all euma secured by thla Securtty Inatrument, Lmder shail promply retund to Bortower any Funda
<br /> -_-�;�--` held by Lender. If,under paragrsph 21, Lender sh�ll acquke or nNl the PropeAy,Lender, pdor to the acquiskion or aale of the
<br />�,;+,'�'. Property,shaB a
<br /> ppty any Funds held by Lender at the time oi acguisRion or sale as a credit against the sums secured by thls
<br /> .y"�,,�: 8ecurity Inatrument.
<br /> - ' 3. Appllaation of P�ym�nts. Unless appllcable law provldes otherwfse, all paymenta received by Lendar under
<br /> ���'�°�� parag►epha 1 and 2 ahall be appNed; ftrat,to eny p�epayment aharqea due under the Note; aecond,to amounta payabb undcr
<br />----� ' psrsgraph 2;thkd,to Interest due;tourth,to p►incipel due; and laat,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �� 4. Ch�rg�s; L.1�11i. Borrower shail pay all taxes, asaesements, charges, ftnes and Imposttions attributable to the
<br /> = � Property which may ettain prlodty over this 3ecuriiy Inatrument, and leasehold ptymenta or ground rents, H any. Borrower sh�M
<br /> �.� � pay these obllgatione tn the menner provided (n parapraph 2, or If not pefd in that manner, Borrower ahnll pay them on tMne
<br /> ___ direcUy to the person owed payment. Borrowor ahall promptly fumish to Lender n8 noUces oi amaunte to be pafd under thia
<br /> --� .� perayreph. if BoROwer m�kes these payments dlrectly, Borrower shall prompty fumfsh to Lender receipts evidendnQ the
<br /> _=-
<br />