<br /> in the Property and righte tmder tlris Security Instrume�t; and (d)tekes snoh action as Lender may
<br /> reasonably require to assut'e tliat Lender's interest in tl�e Yroperty and riglrts w�der this Secnrity Instrnment,
<br /> aaid Borrower'y obligation fo pay the siuns sccured by this Sec��ri ty h�stiun�ont, shall co»tinuc ui�changed.
<br /> I.ender n�ay require that Borrowcr pay such reinst�ltemenC snn�s and oxpenses ii�one or morc o£tihe following
<br /> f�rme, as eolectcd by Lender: (a) cash; (b)inoney order; (c) certified cheok, b�nk checic, freasm'er's checic or
<br /> casluar's check, provided a�ry anch check is dcawn upon an inetihition whoee deposits ere ineured by a
<br /> Pederal ttgency, instrwnentality or entity; or(d)Electronic Funcis Transfer. Upon reiusta�tement Uy Boirower,
<br /> Thie Security Tnstrnmeirt and ola1igatious seciu'cd hereby ehall r�Ki�ain flilly effcotivo as if no acccleration httd
<br /> occurrcd. Howcver, Hiis righC ko reirisCaCe shall not apply in the oase of aceeleration nnder Section 1 S.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or apartial interesl in the
<br /> Noto(together wiYh this SecuriC�+Instrtunent) can be sold one or more times withotzt�prior notice to
<br /> Borr�ower. A sale rui};ht resnit in a cl�angc in fhc cntity (lcnown ae tlw "Loan,Servicer") lhat collectis Pcriodic
<br /> Payments dne undcr tho Noto and thie Seonrily InsLrument aud pexfotme olkar u�ortigage loan sarvioing
<br /> oU1igaticros undcr thc Note, Chis Semirity Inatrument, vid Applicable Lew. There�lso might be arie or more
<br /> chat�ges of lbe Lonn Servieer unrelated to a sale oF the Nota. If there ie a chuige of tlie Loan Servtcer,
<br /> Borrower wi11 be given written notice of the ehuige whioli will stnte the nazne and�ddress of tl�e new l.oan
<br /> Seivicar, the adcL'ess to which pa5nnents should h�made and airy otl�cr information RLSPA reqnires ni
<br /> connection with a noEico of h'anefer of servicing. I£the Note is eold and thereafter Hte L,ottn is serviced by fl
<br /> I,oan Servicer other thnn tkie purchnser oP the Note, 1'he morCgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower wil]
<br /> remain with fhe Loau Seivioer or ba taansferred to a suoc u5sor I,ottn Scrviccr�nd are not assumc�ci by tho
<br /> Note pnrchaser timless ofl�ciwise provicied by Che NoEe purchaser.
<br /> NeiYlier Borrower nor l.ender inay connncnco,join, or be joined to any judicial action(as either ntt
<br /> individuat 1iNgaut or tl�o�ncmber oP a class) that eriees from the other p�rty's actiona pursunnt to this
<br /> Sccurity I�istnunent or that alleges thnt the other party has breached any provision of, or aaiy duty owed by
<br /> re�sQn oF, tive Seciu ity Instrumeut, until suoh Borrower or Lznder has notified the other paa ty(witl�such
<br /> notioe given in com�l�iance wi[h the require�nents of Scction 1 S) of sucl� allogcd brcacl� and affordcd El�c
<br /> other party hereto a reasonablc period after the giving o£suoh notioe fo [eke oorrective action. If Applicnble
<br /> Law�rovide.s a uime period whieh must elapae be£ore certani aetion ctm Ue taken, that ume period will Ue
<br /> deemed to be reasonable 4�or ptu'poses of tl�is para��aph. "Che notioe of�cceleration and opp�rtunity to cm�e
<br /> given m Borrower puesuant to Seotion 22 and the noCice of acoeleration given Yo Borrower pm�suant to
<br /> Sectiari 18 shall be deemed to satisf'y Che notice and op�orhuilty to take correcfive acNon provisions of this
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. HaZaYdous SUbstaltCes. As used in Uiis Section 21: (a) "Hctzardous S¢tbstmxcas" are those substa�tces
<br /> defined as toxic or hAaardous subste�izces, po1lutttnts, e�r wastcs by Environmental Law and Che following
<br /> substances: gasolinc, kcrosone, oCher Plainmable or to�c peh•oleum produots, to�c pesticidea nnd herbicides,
<br /> vol�tile aolvenfs, mnt�erills oontaining asbestos or formaldehyde, aud radioactive materials; (b)
<br /> °EYzvirorarnental Law°meuis federzl la�ws and la�we of the jurisdiction wliere tlle Prope�ry is located t1��Y
<br /> relate to he�ltl�, safety or enviro��montal i�rotcction; (o) "L'nvironmentaZ Cler�nup"inclndes auy respo��se
<br /> acGon, reinedial acCion, or remov�l action, ps de&ned in Etrvirontnental LA�v; and(d) an "EnvironmenYal
<br /> Coridttion"means a condition that can cause, coutribute to, ot�ofherwise higger an �nvironmental Clenmip.
<br /> Barrower sh�ll not cause or peianit flie presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hezardous
<br /> Substaneas, ot tln�eaten to release atry Hazardoti�s Substances, on or in tho Propc�rCy. $orrower shall not dq
<br /> nor allow aziyone e1se to do, arrytliing affecting ��he Property(a) Ch�t is in violakion of Any Environmental
<br /> Law, (b) wl�ich creatcs ari Pviviromnental Condition, or (c)which, due to ehe proaence, tkae, or relenae of n �
<br /> IInznrdous SuUstance, createe a aondiYion tih�k aciversely afFects tl�e value oF tl�e Property. 'I'l�e preceding two
<br /> -- aaoa�az�
<br /> NE�MSKA-Single PBmlly-Fennle MselFetldle Mac UNIFOHM IN3'I'RUMFN'I' Form 302D 1101
<br /> VM P� VM P8(NE)(71061
<br /> W oltena Kluw er Flnamlel Seroleee Pego 13 0(t Y
<br />