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201208477 <br /> designated a suUstitute notice address by notiice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of <br /> Borrowcr'�changc of address. If I,ender specifies a proceclure for reportiiig Barrower's change of address, <br /> then Borrower shall only report a change of addrees Chrough that spccificd prooeduro. <br /> T'l�cre inay bc oi�ly one designated noticc addi'ess undor ilvs Secnrity Instrmnent at a�ry one time, Any uotioa <br /> to Lender shnll be given by delivering i�or by mailing iC by firet class mail to Lendc�''s xddress stated herein � <br /> unless Lender h�a designafed another address l�y notiee to Borrower, .4ny noCicc in oom�ecCioii with lhia <br /> Securiry Instrument sha11 noY be deeined to h�ve Ueen given to Lender until achially reoeived by Lender. If <br /> any noCice required by this Seciuity Histrtunent is also required uuder Applicnble Law, f(ie Applicable Law <br /> requirc�n�nt will sarisfy tihc corresponding requiremcw�t under this Secmity fnstrunient. <br /> 1 B. Governing law; Severability; Rules of Construction. '1'his Semuity Icistrumenc shall be gove�ned by <br /> federal lnw and the law oP tlie jw�isdiction in which tlie ProparCy is located. �111 rights and oUligations <br /> contaiucd in this Sccuri{y C��d�umc��t are subjcct to any rcquircmcnU and 1'vnfitations of Applicab1e Law. <br /> Applicable Lnw inight expliciCly or iinplicitly nllow the parlias lo ageee by contr2cl or it inight be silent, but <br /> such silence ah�ll not be construed es a prohibition against�greement by oonh nce, Iti the event that any <br /> provision or clause of this Secw�ity Instrwnent or Yhe Note conflicts with t�pplicable Law, such colict shall <br /> not a1'f'ut other provisions of Cliis Securitiy Ins(�wnenti or Uie Note which can Ue given effect wiUiout the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As ttsed in tlne Seem'itq Listrwnent: (a)words of tl�e masculine geiider sliall mean And include correspondii� <br /> neuter words c�r wordn of$�c fr,uiininc gonder; (b) worde in Lho aingular ehall incan and include the plural <br /> and vice vers� �nd(c) the word "may" givea sole diacretion without any obligation to Yake any aetion. <br /> 17. Borrow er's Copy. Borrower ahnll Ue given one copy of the Note and of thie Securiry Instruruent. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As usect in tliis Section 18, "Iuterest in <br /> [he Property° means any legal or benePicial interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, thoae <br /> beneffcial interests Yranaferred in a boud f'or deed, contract for deed, instalhnant sales conh act or escrow <br /> agreemant, the inCent of which is Uie transPer of title by Rorrower at a fahu'e date to a purchaser, <br /> If all or atly part of tlie Property or any Interest in t11e Property is sold or Cransferred(or if I3on ot�rer is not a <br /> natural person aud a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or hansfcrred) without Lendcr's prior writfen <br /> consent, Lender may require nrunedfate payment in full of all smns secm�ed by this Security Instrament. <br /> I3oweuar, this option sUall not be exercised by Lctidcr if such cxorcinc is prohiUitcd Uy Applicablc Law. <br /> If Lender exercises�this option, l,cndcr shal] givc&n'rpwer iiotice of aa;cicratiou, 'Chc noticc shall provido a <br /> period of not less than 30 daya froni the dete the notice is given in accardence with Section 15 within which <br /> Borrower musY pay all sums secured by this Security Iustruinent. If'Borrower iaile to pay these smns prior to <br /> Yhe axpiration o£thie period, Lender may invoke at�y xeinediea permifted iry Uiis Security lnstrnme�rt without <br /> fw�tl�er notice or dc�nand on Borrowcr. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acaeleration. TfBo,l��wer,,,eets certain cond�tions, Botrowei <br /> s1�a11 l�avc tho right lo havo enforceinent of Chis Securi6y Instrumen[discontimied�t�any time prior Co lhe <br /> eaxliest of: (a) five days before sele of tl�o Property pursuuit to any powar of sele contvned in this Security <br /> Listrtunent; (b) such od�er period ay Applicable might specify for the termin�ttion of Borrower'�ri�ht to <br /> reinstatc; or(c) cnhry oP a judgmen6 enforeing Lhis Seeurily Instrumeni�. Those oondiCions�re thnt Borrower; <br /> (a)pays Lender arll sums whieh then would Ue due mider this Seourity Instrwnent and the Note as if no <br /> acceleration had occm'red; (U) cw'es �ny default of aziq other covenauts or ageeatneuts; (c)pRys all expenses <br /> incurred in e�iforcing this Sccurity Tr�sh•utncnt, including, but r�ot limiCcd to, reasonablc�ttorncyc' fecs, <br /> property r`nspecHon aud vahtalioiz�Pees, ancl olhex fees inem�red for thepiirpoae ofproteoiing�I,ender's interesC <br /> rzaoaz4v <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famllyfannle�Aae7Freddie Mao 11NIFORM INSTRUMF.NT Form 3�28 1l07 <br /> VMPCN VbIP6(NE)(11051 <br /> Wollnre Kluwer Flnnncinl9ervlr,es Paga12 oi 11 <br />