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201208477 <br /> senteuces sh�ll noY apply to the preaenee, uae, ar stor�ge on the Property of small quantities oP Hazardous <br /> Substanccs tha#are genernlly recognized to Ue appropriata to nnrmal resideu�ial uses and Cu maintenance of <br /> the I'ro�erty(inchtciing, buC not liinited to, l�azardous subsGances in consumer products). <br /> Rorrowcr shttll p�omptly give Lender wriCten nottce�of(a) any investigarion, claim, demand, laws�litor ot7�er <br /> aclion by any govcinmcntal or regulatory agency or priva�te party involving the Pxoperty and any Hazaedoua <br /> Subatanoe or Enviro�m�enfal Law oP which Borrowcr l�ae achtal lo�owledg�e, (b) any Environtue�ital <br /> Condition, including 6nt not limited to, nny spilling, le�lcuig, disohargc, r�cicase or tl�reat o�f release of any <br /> I-Iazardous SuUstance, aud(c) aaiy condition caused by Yhe presence, use or release of a HazEirdous Snbstcmoe <br /> which advereoly affocts the va1ua of t1ie Property, If�3orrower levns, or is noYified by atry govertunental or <br /> xegiilatory puthority, or any private ptuCy, tl�at atty rexnoval nr other ramediation of'zny Hazardous 3ubstance <br /> �ffecting the Property is uecessary, Rorrower sha11 promptly tnlce a11 necessary remedial actio�s in <br /> accordanoe��ith L7nvironmcntal Law. NoYi�ing I�crcin sl�all create auy oUligation on Lender Por an <br /> Environmental Cleenup. <br /> Non-Uniform Couenants. ]3orrower aud Lc;nder a�vcnant and agree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. l,euder sliall �ive nutice to Bm•�rowcr prim� to xceclorntiov following <br /> 13orrower's brench of any cpvenanC or agreement in Cliis Secudty [nstrnmeut(bnt noC prior to <br /> acceleraYion ander SecYion 18 miless Applicail�le Lnw provicles olherwise). 'Phe�notice shall specify; (si) <br /> thc default; (b) tlie ncGon rcqnired to cui•c tlio dcfanit; (c) a date, uot less tlxsn 30 clflys frmn Che date <br /> the notice is given to Korrower, by which the defanlf niust be cared; and (d) thnt failnro to curo the <br /> defniilt on or before the date specified iu tlte no[ice may resnlC in acceleration uf the sams sectn•ed by <br /> this Scmu�iCy Instrmnont and salc of thc Pxroperty. Tho notice sl�all fiu�ther infor�n Bm•rower of the <br /> ri�?ht tu reinst:�te after .wceler��dou and tLe riglit to bring n court nchou to aescrt the non-ezistence of a <br /> defaiilE m� any aCher defense of 13or�rower to acceleration xnd sale. IY tGe defsndt is not enrcd on or <br /> before tlte daCe specified vi i'I�e notice, Lender�C ils nplim� may require iromedi:�ke puyment 'vi fiill of <br /> � nll s�m�s seom�ed by this Security InsYc�mnent witlront fnrtlier tie�uflnd and�nay i�rvolce Che power uf Sxle <br /> nnd any othcr remcdics permittcd by Applicablo Law. Londor sliall ue eufltled to collecC all expenses <br /> i�ficurwed in pm�suing tlxe remediey provided in tlais Sectiun 22, inc4iding, bat not limited to, rcasonable <br /> attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> If tl�o powor of salo is involced,Tx•nstco ahall rccord a�xotico of defnnit iu eacL counCy iu whicU any <br /> p:�rt oY tl�e Property is located .�nd shall �uul cupies of'simli nodcc ui tlie mmutor prescaibed by <br /> Applic�ble Law Co Borrower flud Ln the other p�ram�s preNecihed by Applicable I,aw. AfCe�•the tiino <br /> required by Applicnble Law, Trnetee slinll give pnblic votice nf sale to the persons and in the mxTmer <br /> prescribcd bV ApplicnU1c Lnw. TrnaCce, wiYliont domand on Borrower, shall sell lLe ProperUy aC pnblic <br /> auotimi tu tlie higliest bidder t�t tl�e tune and Plxce smd m�der thc torms dcRigunted in tlie��otice of sale <br /> in one or mm•e parcels and en xny m�der'Prustee determines. Trustee�nn,y postpmte snle of nll or any <br /> parcel of tl�e Property Uy public amionncement at tl�e tlme and place of any previously schednled sale. <br /> Lendcr or its designec mny pnrcl�nse tlm ProperCy nt any sale. <br /> Upon rccclpt of pnymont of the pricc Uid, Trnstec sl�all doliver to Yhe pnrcliaser Trnstee's deed <br /> conveying the Property. The recit:�ls in the'13•ustee's aeed �ihnll ue�rima f:icie ovidmiac of tl�e trutli of <br /> tlie s[xten�ents made[liex•eiu. Trnsl�ee slinll apply eLe proceede oP CLe aale [n tl�e followin{; ordcr: (x) ta <br /> all coets aud oxpenses of excrciaing tl�c power of snle, and thc sale; inelnding the payiuenC of Cl�e <br /> Trastee's fees achially incarred :md reasonable atforneys' fees ns permittod by Applicable Lnw; (U) [o <br /> .�ll sums secared by t6is Secnrity in5trument; and (c) nny exceSs ko the person or peraons logally <br /> �eniiCled Co if. <br /> znooznv <br /> NEBNASKA-SingleFemlly-FannleMaelFretldleMacUNIFOHfA INSTRUMENT Form30201101 <br /> VMP pp VMPO(NE)Z1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnencial5ervlaes Nage 14 oi 1] <br />