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201208477 <br /> 12, Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. �xtension ofthe time for payment nr <br /> inodiflcation o'F amarEia�tion of'the stuns secLtred by this Secw�ity hTstrumc��t�,n'anted hy Lcnder fo Borrower <br /> or nny Sucoessor in Interest of Borrowcr sl�all txoC oper2te Lo ralease Lhe lia6ility of Borrower or Any <br /> Successors in Intetest of Sarro��er, Lender ekiall not be requirecl to commence proceedings agaiust a�iy <br /> Succeesor n� intorest of Bouower or to refuse to extend time Por paymenC or otlier�vtse modify a�norfization <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instiuuient by reaeon of any deinand made by the origivall3orrower or <br /> any Suocessore in Iuterest oPBorrower. Cv�y forbeu�ance Uy Lenc9er in exercising any right or rcinuYly <br /> including, wi&iout limitation, Lend�'s acceptanco vf�aymenfe froin fhirdpersons, entities or Suceeseors�in <br /> Interest of Borrower or in amoar�ls lcse [han Lhe ui�ount then due, shall not be n weiver o£or preclude the <br /> exorcisc of any right or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and 3everel Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Bonrowcr covenanfs and <br /> �grees that Borrower's oUligations and liahility shall be joinC and several. IIowevex, any Borrower who <br /> co-signs Uiis SecLuity Ins&u�nenu hut doea not execute the Note(a"co-signar"): (a) is co=signing thi9 <br /> Security lnsbmne��t only fo inorCg�ge, grant And convey the co-signar's interest in tlie Property Lulder U�e <br /> tern� of this Sccuriry Inatrument (U) is noC personally oUligated to pay the snms secured liy thiF Sccueity <br /> inetrumenl; m�id(c) ftgxees tliati Lendar 2nd any otl�er 13orrowcr cnn agrce fo oxtend,�noc{ify, Porbear or make <br /> nny ncoommodatioiis with regard to�tl�e tcrms of this Security Inatrun�ent or the Note without Hie co-signer's <br /> conseut. <br /> Subject to flie provisione of SecCion 18, �ny Successor in Interest of Borrower who aseumes I3orrower's <br /> obligations imdec this Secw-ity Inshlunent in writiing, and is approved by Lencier, shal] obtain all of <br /> Borxower's rights and benefite mide�'th'rs Scoiu�ity Inslrumetit. Borrower shedl not be released from <br /> Borrower's obligations �nd IinblliCy tmder Chis Secucity Insktuneut unlass Lender agrees tio such re1ease in <br /> vniting. "IY�a covenants and agteemente of this Secw'ity InsTrmnent sha11 buid(exoept as provided in Section <br /> 20) and beneflt the successors and assigus of Lender. <br /> 14. Loan Charge�. Lender mny charge Borrower Fees for seroices perfouned in comreotion witl�Bon•ower's <br /> defnult, for the purpose of protiecting Lender'y iiat�rest in the Yrt�}�crty and rigl�te iitider chis Secm•ity <br /> Instrument, includiug, but uot limited to, atkxrneys' Pee,s,property inspection and valuation fees. In regArd to <br /> aiiy otl�er fees, thc absence oF express authoxity in thie Securlty Ins�uinent to chu�ge a spacific fee to <br /> $orrower shall noC bo cotrstrued ae a prohibition on the chnrgii�g of buol� foo. Lmzdor inay not charge fees <br /> Uiat a��e expressly}�rnhiUited by 6his Seourity Instrument or by Applicable Law. <br /> If the Loan ia siil�,jcct to a law wLiot�sets mnximum lo�n clklrges, azid tliat la�w is fnally infeipreted so tliat <br /> tl�e inYerest or other loan chnrges colleetied or fo�be collected in conuecEion wit11 the l.oan oxcccsci the <br /> pernvlted limite, then: (a) any such loan charge sha71 be ruiuccd by tt�e amounti kiecessacy Co reduce the <br /> ch�rge to�the peru�iCCed limit; and(b)any stiuns alroady oolleaCeci Prom Borrowet which exoeeded permitted <br /> limits wIll be refiulcled to Borrpwcr. Lender may ol�oose to make thia refund by xulucing Uie�rinci�al owed <br /> mider the Noto or by rnalting a direct p�yment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, 11ie redLtction will <br /> be h•eaCed as a paxtial prepa�yinent witliout any prepa�nent charge-(whetl�er or not a prepayinenf chargc is <br /> provided for mider the Note). 13orro��cr's acocptance of any sunh xefimd made by direct pnyment to <br /> Borrower will consLitiute 1 waiver of 1ny right of action Borirower inighY have aa•ieiug out of suoh overcl�axge. <br /> 15. No4ices. A11 nc�tioes given by Darxowec or Leuder in wiuiacYion wiSh tl�is SecuriCy Instrameirt lnast be i�i <br /> writing. A1iy uatice to Borrower iu eoimectiou witU this Security Instrument nliall Uc deeined Co h�tve been <br /> giveix to Borrower whao i��ai1od by fii�st clzes mail or when actunlly delivered fo Borrower's notice addreas if <br /> sent by oCher ineane. Nofice Co any one Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applic�Ule <br /> Law expressly requires o[herwise. The notice address shall be tha ProperGy Address unless I3orrower has <br /> ' z�ioosaz� <br /> NCORn SKn�single Fam Ily-Fannle M aelFreddle W ac UNIFORivI INSTRUM FNT Form 3028 i 10 1 <br /> VM P� Vlvl P6(NEl(1105) <br /> Wol�ers Kluwer Finanr,lel3ervinae Page 11 ot 1� <br />
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