<br /> sntisfaction, �rovided Ekiat such inspection ahall l�e undextaken promptly. Lsndcr n�ay pay for Ehe repairs
<br /> and restoration in a single disbursement or iu a series of progress payments as the work is cov�pleked.
<br /> Unlose ai1 agrcoment i� �zwde in�ariCing or Applicable Law requires interast to be pnid on such
<br /> Miecelltmeous Proceeds, Lender shall uol be requircd to pay Rorrower any interesi or earnings on such
<br /> Miscelleneous Proceeds. IP the restor�rion or repair is not economically fcaeiblc or.Lcudar's security would
<br /> be lessened, tha Miscell�neous Proceeds shall be applied to the snma seoived by Ihis Security Ins�rument,
<br /> whether or tiot then due, with the exceys, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miseelleneous Proceeds shall be
<br /> applied in Che ordcr provided frn� in Sa;tion 2.
<br /> In the ovcnt nF a Eat�i1 t2king, iicedruetic�n, or los.ti in valne of the Propeity, tl�e Misoellaneoue Prooeeds shall
<br /> l�e ¢pplied tu fhe sums seoured by this SecuriLy Inst�-�unenl, whelher or not t�en duq with tho escens, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower,
<br /> In the event of a paetial talcing, destruction, or loss in value oP tlie ProperCy in whieh the fair tn<�ket value of
<br /> Ehe Yroperty "v�unediately Uefore kho partial taking, destrnetion, or loss in v�lue ia equal to or greater than flie
<br /> ai7�ounC of Lhc sti�ms scc�ircd by this Sec�u�ity Inetrumcnf in�mcdiaYaly bcfore the p2rtizl talting, destruction, or
<br /> loes in vflhie, unless Borxower and Lender olherwise agree iu writitig, Che aums secured by tl�is Sccurity
<br /> Inettument ehell be reduced by the emount of the Miecellaneous Proceeds mulliplied by Che following
<br /> &actiion: (a) the total amotmt of the sums secw ed i�nmediakely Ue'fore the partipl t�king, destructiou, or loss
<br /> in valuo�3ivided by(b)tho fnir markct valiw of tl�c Yroperty imincdiately before tl�e partia�l Calung,
<br /> ctestruction, ar loss in vnlue. Any balnuce shnll be pnid to Barrower.
<br /> In Che evei�it of apnrCial taking, destruction, or loss in v�1ue of the Property in wl�icl� tl�o fttir marlcct valuc of
<br /> the Property immediately baf'ora Yha parti2l taking, desCtvetion, or lose in vAlue ie less th�ui the�monnl of the
<br /> smns secmed 'urunediately before the partial takin�;, destruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower aud
<br /> Lendar otherwise agree in wr{ting, the M�scell2ueoL�s Proceeds shall Ue applied to the stuvs secmed by ilus
<br /> Seourity in�h�nnctit whcChcr or not hho stm�s are thcn duc.
<br /> If the Property is abandoncd by Borrowor, or if, aften�i�otice by Lendcr to Borrower that the Opposing Party
<br /> (as defined in the nexC sentenoe) offere to make�n nwnrci Lo seCCle a olaim for damages, Borrower fnils lu
<br /> respond to Lznder within 30 dzys �tter the date Uie no&ce is given, Lender is authorized to collect nnd apply
<br /> tha Misccllancous Proceccis cithcr Co restoration m ro}iair of the Yroper�ry or fo the sutns secw•ecl by tliis
<br /> Seemity InsT�mneut, wheYher or uot then due. "Oppoeing Pasty" ineaus Yhe tliird p2rty Yhat owes Bonrowex
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or theparty�gainst whom Borrower l�as a righf of acfion iu regard to Miscellaueons
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> B�rrownr shall bc in default if any action or proceeding, whelher nivil ot crimin�il, is bcgun fl�at, in Lcndor's
<br /> judgmenC, oould resnl[in forfeituxe of the Property or other matieriad impvnnenf of Lender's interesC in t11e
<br /> Pa•operty or xights under thie Security InstrmnanY. Borrower can aure sucli a default and, if aoeeleratiou has
<br /> ocourred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, Iiy eausing tlie acEinn or procaediug Yo Ue dismissed wiUi a
<br /> xu1ing that, in Lendcr's judgmcnt, precliuiar forfei4m'o u�P thc Pro��er6y or okhcr material iinpair�ne�it of
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property or iighte uncier�kiis Seeuxity Inahvn�ient. T�e proceeds of any a�varcl or
<br /> claim for dunages that v�e aCtributable to the impairrnant�of Lender's int�erest in the Property ar�hereby
<br /> aesibnied anfl shall be paid to Lcn�dcr.
<br /> All Miscellaneous Proceeds flint aro not applicd to restoration or repflir of the Property sha11 be applied in tihe
<br /> ordcr providcd for in SeoCion 2.
<br /> 2400247.7
<br /> NEBNASKA�Single Femily-Fannle Mae/FredAie hlac ONIFORIA INSiROMBJT Form 9028 1f01
<br /> VM P n VM P6(NEI(�106)
<br /> Woltors Kluwer FLianclal Sorvices Payo 10 of 17
<br />