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201208477 <br /> concinue to�ay Go Lender the amount of the aepn�•ntely designeted payn�e�its Ytiat wcre due wheu the <br /> inaurxnco covcragc c ot�sed to Ue iii effect. Lender will accept, use and reYain these paymenfs �s a <br /> non-xefund�ble loss reserve in lieu of Mortg�igc Insurance. Sucllloss reaerve shall be uon-refimdable, <br /> noYwitl�standing Yhe Paot that the Loan is ulrimately paid in fiill, and Lcndcr sha11 not be required Eo pay <br /> ]3orrower airy interest or earnings on such loes reserve. Lender oen no longer rcquire loss reserve payment� <br /> � if Mprtgage G�surance coverage(in Uie ainount aud i''or the peiiod that Lender reqniresf provided by an <br /> in.sL�rer aolccted Uy Lcndcr again becoiues available, is oUtained, and Lender requires separnCely deeignaCed <br /> paymei2tis toevtucl tihe�remiums for Mortgagc Tnsuranc�. Jf I,u��der requtred Mortgmge Insurance as a <br /> condiYion of mAleing the Lonn and Barrower wns required So n�akc scparatcly desi�iated payinenYs Eownrd tlie <br /> premiums f'or Mortgage Insmance, Borrower ahall pay the premiums required to ma3ntain Mwtgage <br /> Inaurtuice iu effect, or to provide a i2on-refundaUle]nse roscrvc, until l.endzr'a requirament for Mortgage <br /> Inauranoe ends in aeoordance with nny written Agreement between Borrowor and Lcnder providing for such <br /> tennination or m�til tenninntion is reqnired by Agplicabla L�w. Nothing in thia Seetion 10 affecte <br /> Borrower's o6ligaCion to pay ivterest at Y7�o rate ptovided in tlie Note. <br /> MorCgagc Instirancc reimburses Lender(or a.ny entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may inour <br /> if Borrower does noC repaq the Loan as agecd. 13�rrowet is nof apa�'ty to Uie Mortgaga Insurnnee, <br /> MorCgago ii�surors ovahiate their total risk on all such iusw�aiice in Force from time to time, pnd mRy enter <br /> inW agreements wiCh otl�cr parties tHat sharc or modify their rlslc, or reduce losses. These agraements [u•e on <br /> terins and eonclitiona that Are satisfactory to tha morlg�ge it�sw�er and 4he othor(�arty (or pacties)to these <br /> agreements. The�e ageeemenCs inay reqLiire tiie morYgage insw•er to malce paymenta using uiy sotiircc of fimds <br /> thaf flie mortgage ineurer inay havc availab1c(which inay include fuuds obtained fi'om Mortgage Insurance <br /> pre�niums). <br /> As a result of these ¢greements, Leixder, anq pLu�ch<iser pf uhe Note, another i�isurer, any reinsu�er, any otl�er <br /> entity, or erly affilia�te of any of the foregoing, may reeeive(d'n�eotly or nidirecCl�) amount�that derive from <br /> (or mighC be cl�araoterized as) a poruon oP Iiorrower's paymente for Mortg�ge Insurauce, in exchazige for <br /> sharing or modifqing the n�ortbage insurer's risk, or redncin�losses. If such agreement provides that nn <br /> nffiliale oP Lende.�' Calces a share of Lhe insurcr's risk in cxchango for a sUare of fhe premiums paid to Uie <br /> insurer, the arrnngement is often tetrned"oaprive reinauranoe." Purther: <br /> (a) Airy such xgreements will uot affect tho nmom�te that Boxirowcr hns ngrced to pay for Mm�lgage <br /> Instiirance, or any otlier terma of the Loan. Sucli ngreenients will not iucrease che amonnt <br /> Borrower will owe for Mm�tgage Insurnnce, and they will noC enfitle I3m•rower to xny refund. <br /> (b) Any sncli agreements will not affect the righl��Bon�ower Las -if any-with respect Eo tlie <br /> Mortgngc Insurancc nuder Clie FIomoowncis ProtecYlon Act of 1998 or any oClier law. Tl�ese riglits <br /> may i�iclude the right tu reeeive certnin discloaurce, to reqncet ancl obtain cancellation of the <br /> MorCgage insurance, Uo have the Mortg:��;e Tosnr�nce termiuxted �ntm�la�tically, and/or to reccivs <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Lis�u•auce premiiuns Cl��t were mionrned Ht the time uf duch <br /> cnnccllatimi or tcrminntion. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iSCellaneouS PYOCeeds; FoYfeituYe. All Miscelltmeous Proceeds 1re hereby assigncd [o <br /> and sha11 be paid to T>ender. <br /> If the Property is damaged, snch Miscellaneous Proceeds shall Ue applied to resCoratiosz or repair of Lhe <br /> Property, if the resCoratioit or repair is econoniically fcasiblo and Lcnder's security is not lessened. Dwin� <br /> such repatir nnd restor�tion period, Lender shall have the right to holcl sucl�i Miscel7aveone Yrc�ceeds until <br /> Lender has had a�i opportunity to insyeot sueh Property to ensure the worlc hns Ucen completeci to Lender's <br /> 24002427 <br /> N[oR�SKA-Single Fam ily-Fannie M aolFrodtlle M ac UN IFORM INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 17U 1 <br /> Vfri P(ry VM Pfi(NC)(71051 <br /> Wolters ICluwer Flnflnolel 8ervices PeAc 9 af 17 <br />
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