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201208375 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrower ahell pay to Lender tlie amount necessnry to make up Che defioieuoy in <br /> acwrdance with RESPA, but iu no more than 12 montihly payments. <br /> Upon payruent in f"ull of all suma secured by this Security Insdument, Lender shall promptly refiand Yo <br /> Rorrower any Funds held by l.ender. <br /> h. Charges; Liens. Borrowe�'shall pay al1 tvices, assessme�ifis, eharges, fine.s, and impositions attributable to <br /> tho Pxoperty which can attain priority over thie Seeurity�H�strumonC, leasehold paymcnte ur groimd rei�ts on <br /> the Propaxty, i£aiiy, and Commimity Asaocinriou Dues, Pees, and Assessments, if any. To the exCent that <br /> these iteins are�scrow Items, Borrower shall pay tliein in the manner provided in Sectiou 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly clischarge any lien which has priority over this Security Iustxument unless <br /> Rorrower: (a) agrees in wriHng to thepayme��t of tho obligation sccurcd by thc licn in a maimcr as;ccry�tablc <br /> to Lender, buC onty so long�s Borro�ver is pexPonning sueh agreement; (b) contests the lien in good faith 6y, <br /> or defends ngainet enforcemenY of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lander's opinion oper�te to prevent <br /> tlie enforcement of'tl�e lien while Yhosa proceedings a��e pending,Uut only witil such proceediugs are <br /> cono1uded; or (s) secures frrnn khc ltoldor of tihn lien an agreeinent satiisfaclory to Lendor subordinating the <br /> lien to Chis Seourity Insh�umenk Sf Lender determinea thaY any part of Rhe Property ia subject to a lien which <br /> cnn attnin prioritq over this SeoLuity Instrwnent, Lender may�ive Borrower a notice ide�itityhig Ehalien. <br /> Witliin 10 days of Che datie on which t1iRt notice is given, 13a•rower shall satisfy tl�e lien or talce one or inore <br /> of the aetiona set f�rfl� eibow ii�this Section4. <br /> Leiidar inay require Borrower to pay a one-time cl�arge for a rea:l ostaCe tax verification aud/or teportio�; <br /> service used by Lunder in conttecti�n with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insufance. Borrower shalll<cep t6e impr ovcmc��ts now existiug on c�rcaftcr crcctcd on thc <br /> Yroparty insureci againet loss by fire, h�z�rds ineluded within the fern�"ex[ended oovernge," nnd�ny other <br /> hnz�xds including, but not limited to, e�uYhqual<es and floods, for which Leuder requires insurance. This <br /> insuraaice shall be inaintained in the ainomits (includiflg deductible levels) and for the Ueriods k1�nt Lender <br /> requires. What Lcndcr requires piu'suavt lo hhe preceding aenlences can change dt�ring fhe term of the Lotui. <br /> The insurance oarrier proviciing the insurauce shAll be cliosen by Borrower subject to Leuder's riglit to <br /> disnpprove Borrower's choice, wliich right shall noti Ue exercised unreasonaUly. Lender may require <br /> Borrower Eo pay, in connocTion with this Loan, either: (ei) a one-time cherge for flood zone delermiiiation, <br /> certificafion and 6r�cking services; or(b) a one-time charge for tlood aone deYerminaCion and certification <br /> eervices nvd subaequent ol�arges each tiine remappings or similar changes occLu whicl�i�easonaUly migl�t <br /> affect such determinafion or certification. Borrower shall also be respoivsible for the paymenf oP eny fees <br /> irnposed by ti�c Fcdcral Enrergenoy Manngemer�t Ageney iu connecl9on wiYh the review of'any flood zone <br /> determinntion resniting froin att objection by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower faile to maintain�ny of the coverages described aUove, Lender may obtatn ivsLu•anoe coverage, <br /> at I.ender's option aud Borrower's expe�ise. I.ender is undcr no obligarion Lo p�irchaec any pnrlicular Cype ox <br /> amouirt df coverage, 'flxn�ePorc�, s�icl� coverage shall oover L�ndex, Uut might or might not protect Borrower, <br /> Borrowe�'r's e�uity iv fhe Property, or the contents of the Property, �sinsti zny risk, httzard or liabtlitiy and <br /> might provide gr€ater or lesser aoverege tlaan was praviously in eff'ect. Borrower aclrnow1edges tl�at kl�e oost <br /> of the insurance coverage so obti�tined miglrt siyiificantly exceed the cost of insurance thati Borro�vcr could <br /> haue oUtained, Any a�noLmts disburscd by Lencier under this Sechion 5 shall become�dditionnt'debt of <br /> Borrow��r sacureciby this Secm�ity T�istrnment. These amounts shall bear interest at the NoYa rate from the <br /> date of disburaement avd ehall be payaUle, witih such interest, Ltpon notice from l,ender to]3orrower <br /> requesEing paymenC. <br /> xaoazaae <br /> NEBRASKA-Singl9 Gamlly-Fannle Meeff�odtlla Mac 11NIFOFM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1/07 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NG)(1106Y <br /> Woltees Kluwer Flnencial Services Pepe$of 17 <br />