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201208375 <br /> All insuranoe policies reqnired by Lender and renewals of eueh policies shall I�e subject to Lencler's right tio <br /> disnpprove such policies, shall includa a stendard mortgage clnuse, anci shnll name Lendzr as mortg�gee <br /> ancUor as an acidiCional loss payee. l.ender sl�all have the right to hald the policies and reuewa] certificates. lf <br /> Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give fo Lender all receipCs oCpvd pren�iums and renewal noPices. <br /> If Borrower obtains any form of insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, for dnmage to, or <br /> destxuction of; the ProperYy, such policy shall include a siandard inortgage clause aud sliall naine Lender as <br /> mortgagee end/or as an addikional loss payea. <br /> Hi tha euent of loss, Borrowar sha11 give proinpE notice to the insurance cacrier pnd Lender. Lender may <br /> malce proof of lose if not made promptly by Rorrower. lJuless Lendcr aud I�orrower otherwise agree in <br /> writing, nny insurance proccods, whefher or not Lhe underlying insiirance was rcquired by Londer, shall be <br /> applied to restoratioix or irepair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is ecotioinioally feasible and <br /> Londor's sccurity iM uot lcss�ned. llueing sueli rcpair and restoraliun poriod, Le�zdcn�shall have tho right to <br /> hold such insurance proceeds until Lender hes h1d en oppor[unity to inspec[suoh Pxoperty Co eusure lhe <br /> work has been coinpleted to Lender's satisfaction, provicied that such iiispection sl��tll Ue undertalcen <br /> promptly. Leudar may disbarse proceu3s fa•the repairn and restoration in d single pa}nnont or in a series af <br /> progrese��syments aft thc work is wmpleCed. ai�agreement is made in wriling or A�plic�ble Law <br /> requires iuherest to be paid on auoh iusurauce proceede, Lender ahnll not be required to pay Barrower �ny <br /> interest or earninga on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, ar other Yhit•d parties, reeeined by Borrower <br /> shall noY be paid out oF Y1ia ivsurance proceeds and sl�all Ue the sole oUligaUon of Borrowen If Yhe restoraCion <br /> or re��air is not economically foasiUle or T�endcr's sccurity woLtld hc lessc�ied, tho insurancoproccode sUall Ue <br /> applied So She suivs seeured by khis Seotu'ily InaCrun�ent, whether or not Hien c1ue, �vi6h Che excess, if nny, <br /> paid to Borrower, Such inaurnuae proceeds shail be npplied in Yha order provided Por in Section 2. <br /> If Borrower nbandons the Property, Lender may file, negolinte and settle any available insurance claim and <br /> related mattars. IP Borrower does tiot respol�d withu�30 days to x nofice from I.entier that the insurence <br /> carrior has offcred to ectNe a claim, then Lender inay negofiafe�id sefl�le Lhe cl�iixi. The 30-clay pe�iod will <br /> begin when uhe noCice is given. In either eveut, or if Lendei•ncquires the Property under S�ction 22 or <br /> fltherwise, Barrower hereby assigne to Lender (a) Borrower'e rights to any insurance proceeds in an a�noaiC <br /> not to exceecl the alnounts unpaid mider the Note or t1�is 3ecurity instrument, aud(bj�tny other of <br /> T4orrower's rigl�Ts(other than the right to at�y rcfiYnd of unearnod prcmiums pa'rfl by Borrower) mider al] <br /> insurance polieies coveiing the Property, insofar as auch rights are applicable to tlie coverftge oP Uie <br /> Properdy. Lender inay use the insurance proceeds either to xapair or restore the Property or to pay amou��ts <br /> unpaid undar tl�e Noto vr this 5ceurity ineh�un�ent, whcCher or noC Lhen due. <br /> 6. Oeeupan¢y. Borrower shall occupy, cstal�lish, aiid use thc Property�s I3orrowei'r principal residenoe <br /> within 60 days aPter the exeoutiou of this Secuxity Iust��ument ancl shzll continue to occupy the ProperCy as <br /> Borrower's principal roaidence f'or at least one year a1�er the date of occupancy, unless I.ender othe��wise <br /> �agrees ni writuig, wl�ich consent shall not be unteasonnbly withhcld, or �mloss cxlonua6ing circumaCances <br /> exist whicl� ara bcyond Borrowcr's control. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower ahall not destroy, <br /> damagc or impair$�o ProperLy, allow the ProperCy to deteriorate ar convnit woate on the Pcoperty. Whether <br /> or noC Borrower is residing in tlie ProperEy, Borrower shall maintain tlie Property in order Co prevent the <br /> Property tcoin deteriorating or decreasn�g in value due fo its conditiojt. Unlcss it in deCe�mincd purstxariS Co <br /> Section 5 fhati repztir �r restoration is nok econoinically feaai6le, Dorrower shell promptly repair the ProperEy <br /> if daivaged to avoi<l fiixther deteria aYion or damage. If insuraaice ar condeimiatiou proceeds are paicl in <br /> comiection with daznage to, or the talcing of, tho Property, Borrowcr sl�all bo responsible for repairing or <br /> rc;.qYorin�;LUc 1'roperCy only if Lender hns relensed proaeeds Por such purposes. Lender mny disbuxse�roceads <br /> 24002385 <br /> NEBRASKk-Single Family-Fennle Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFDRtd INSTRUM[NT Porm 3020 1101 <br /> VM P D VM Pe(Nf.)(1106) <br /> Wolters I(luw er Financlal Servicee f'aqs]of 11 <br />
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