<br /> Any applicalion of p�yments, insurance procceds, or Misccllancous Vroceec9s Yo principal due mider khe Note
<br /> ahall not extend ox postpone the chie date, oi chenge the amount, of th�Periociic Payinente.
<br /> 3. I'mids for]Cserow Iteuie. Barrower shall pay to Lencler on Che da,y Periodio Yayinenls aro duc undor tiho
<br /> Note, until tha Note is paid in full, a sum(the "Funds")to provide for payment of amonnts dne for: (a) t�xes
<br /> �v�d asseasme�rts a��d ot1�e�-iten�s whiah can attain p�iority ovet tl�is Security Instrmnenti as a.lien or
<br /> enciunbrance on Che Prop€rty; (l�) leasehold paymenls or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c}premnuns
<br /> far pny and all insur�noe required by Lencler under Section 5; and(d) Mortgage Insurance premi�uns, if any,
<br /> or any sunis paynble by Borrower Yo Lendex in]ieu of the payment of Morlgage Inaurance pre�niunia in
<br /> aecordaaioe with the provisions of'Section 10. These iEems u�e called"Eacrow Tteina" At origin�rion or at
<br /> any time during the terrn of The Loqn, Lender in�y require thati Coinmmiitiy Association Dttes, Fees, azid
<br /> Assessments, if any, he eserowed Uy Barrower, nnd suoh dues, feas�uid nasessments shad be an Cscrow
<br /> Item. Borrower s1�a11 promptly fwnish to Lender all notices of unounts Yo be paid under this SecGon.
<br /> Borrowcr shall pay I.,ender f1ie Fw�ds fnr Rscrow 7tems unless T,ender waives.I3orrower's oUligatiot�Co pay
<br /> the Funds for any or all L+scrow ICems. Lender inay waive Borrower'a ol�ligulion to p1y to Lrn�dcr Nunds for
<br /> any or a11 Escrow Items et any time. Any such wniver may only ba in writing. In the evenC of such waiver,
<br /> Rorrower sl�all pay direotly, when aud where payaUle, the axnomrts due fot any Lscrow Iteins For which
<br /> paymcnt of Funds has bnen waived by Londer and, if Lcndor requires, aha11 furnisli to Leitder receipts
<br /> evidencing suoh p�yment withiu auch time periocl ns Lender may require. Borrower's obliga6ion to make
<br /> such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes Ue deemed to be a coven�nt and agreeu�ent
<br /> contained in this Secw'ity Instiument, as tlie phrase "covenant and a�reement" is used in Section 9. If
<br /> 13oi rowar is obligated to pay Fscrow Ifeu�s directly, purseiant to a waiver, and l�orrower fails to pay tl�e
<br /> amortnt due for an�scrow ILein, Lende�may exereise itis rig]iCa under SeoLion 9 anci pay such amotml�nd
<br /> T3orrower shall theu be obligeted under Section 9 to repuy to Lender nny such emount. Lender mny revolce
<br /> the waiver as fo auy or all�scrow Itema at any t�ime Uy a notice given in accorc3ance with Section 15 and,
<br /> upon sucli rcvocafion, Borr��wcr shall pay to Lender all Funde, and in snch amounls, Lhat arc thcn required
<br /> under this Sectiion 3.
<br /> Lcnder inay, at any fime, colleck�nci holcl Fimds in an atnount(a) su£ficien[to permit Lender ta npply the
<br /> Punde at the time speei£ied under T2ESPA, and (b)not to exceed the maximwn amomrt a lender cu�reqLure
<br /> wide�•RSSPA. Lender sha11 astimaYe the aznomit oP Funds due on tha Uasis of ccurent data azxd reasonable
<br /> cstiuiates of expcnditiuros oP f�iture I.�+gcrow Iiems or olherwise in necordence with Applicttl�le Law.
<br /> "1;hc Funds shall bc held in an instihition whose deposits ere insured by a Pederal Agency, insdriui�enlality, or
<br /> enti�y(including Lender, if Lendex ie an institution whose deposits are so insured) or in any I'eder�l Hoine
<br /> Loan Bnnlc Lender ahall apply the Fuuds tio pay Uie$scrow Items no later tl�qn the time specified under
<br /> RF,SPA. Lender shall iiot charge Borr<�wer for holding nncl applying Lhe Fwnds, avmially nn�lycing the
<br /> escrow account, or verifynig the L+sorow Items, u�il�ss Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds�ncl
<br /> Applicable I.aw permits Lender to malca such a chaa•ge. Unless an agreement is made in vniting or
<br /> Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on tl�e H unds, Lcndcr sl�zll not bc rcquircd to pay Bon�owcr any
<br /> interost or eamii�gs on thc�'unds. Borrower �nd Lencier can agree in writing, however, that interest shall be
<br /> pud on lhe Fmids. Lender sliall give to Borrower, wi�liout chzrge, an�umuel accounting of the Fuuds as
<br /> xequired by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of runds held in escrow, as defned under R�SPA, Leiider shall account to Borrowar fm�
<br /> the excess iunds iu accordanca wit�h RESPA, [f there is a shortagc of Funds hcld in csarow, as defincd widcr
<br /> �RF,SPA, Ler�der shall noHCy Borrowe�'�s required by I2LSPA, �nd Bon�ower ehnll pay to Lender the aniount
<br /> necessary to n�ake up Hie ehartage in accordance with RESPA, but in no more tlu�n 12 mon{lily payments. If'
<br /> there is a deficienoy of Funds held in escrow, as defiined under RFSPA, l,ender sl�all uotify Rorrowcr ue
<br /> 24002385
<br /> NEeRASKA-SingleFarolly-�annle h1aelFreddle Mac UNIFORM INSI'RUh1ENT Farm 3028 1101
<br /> VMP� VMP6(NE)(71061
<br /> W ollere Kluw er F7nanelal 8ervlces PeBA�`oF 7 7
<br />