<br /> All insuruice policies required by Lender and renewals of'such policies sha11 be subject to Lender's right to
<br /> clisappm��e such�olicies, shall include u staudard inortbago clause, and shall naine Lender�s snartgagee
<br /> and/or as an additionpl losa p�yee. Lendex shell h�ve the right Co hold tlic policies and renewc�l certiifieates. If
<br /> Lender requiras, Borrower shall promptly give Yo Lender all receipte of pnid premiutns and ranewal notioes.
<br /> if Borrowcr obtains an�fonn of insurance coverage, not otlieilvisa required by Lender, for damage fo, or
<br /> desCrucCion oP, Thc Properly, such polioq ehall includc a standard u�ortgage clause[uid shall nune Lender as
<br /> mortgngee nnd/or as�n ndditional loss plyee.
<br /> In Lhe event of lo�s, Borrower shall give prompl notice�lo �'he insurauce carrier and Lender. Lender inay
<br /> meke proof of loss if not mede pxomptly Uy Borxower. Utilesa Lender and Borrowcr otherwisc agree in
<br /> wriCing, any insw�anca proceeds, whether or noC The underlyiug insurance wns required by Lender, shall be
<br /> applied to resCoral,�ion or repnir of th€ProperCy, if fhe restorntion or repair is econoinically feas'rble and
<br /> Landei'a seemity is not lessened During such repair nnd restoration period, Lender ehall haee the right to
<br /> hold euch insurance proceeds until Lender has had a�i opporhtuity to inspeeti such Propertp Yo eneure the
<br /> woflc has bce�ti compleWd Co Lancicr's saCisPlclion, provicied that such inspeofion shall be undertalcen
<br /> promplly. I,encler may disburse proceeds £ar the repairs and restornCion in a singlo�7ayinent or in a saries of
<br /> progrese paymeuts as the work ie completed. Unless an agreemeut is made in writing or Applio�ble La�v
<br /> requires interest to be pnid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> interest or eamnigs on such proceeds. Fees for puUlic ¢djusters, or other third parties, retained by Bocrower
<br /> shall not be paid out of thc insurttncc procwds aud shall bc tho solo obligati��n of Borrowe�'. Tf the testoralimx
<br /> or rep�ir is noC ecpnoinically fe�sible or Lenrler's security would be lessened, the insurance procec;ds ehall be
<br /> a�rplied to the sums secured by tl�is Security InsY�wnent, whether or not tlien due, �vith the excess, if nny,
<br /> paid to Borrower. Such i»surance proceeds s1�a11 be applied in tl�o ocder provided£or in Section 2.
<br /> If Borrower abandons the Property, l,evder may file, negotiate and settle ury availaUle insurauoe claiin and
<br /> rclatcd mattc�'s. Tf Borrower cioes not respond wihhin 30 dnya to a nolirs from Leudor Ehat the imsurancc
<br /> carxier(ias offered to settle e cleim, then Lender may negotiate and aettle the c1Aim. The 30-day period will
<br /> Uegin when the noiice is giveii. In either event, or if Lender acquiras the Property under Section 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Borrower hereUy assigns to l.ender (a)Borrower's rigl�ts to any insurance pxoceedy in an aanotmt
<br /> not to exceed H�e amotimts tmpaid under the NoCe or hh'us Secnrily&istnm�nnt, and(b)any other of
<br /> Borrower's righus (other than the right to any refund of unetuned premiums paid Uy Borrower) under a(1
<br /> insurance policies covcring thc Yroperty, ineofar es sueh righfs �re applicablo tn the coverago of tho
<br /> ProperCy. Lender may use the inaurnnce proceeda either to repair or restore the Properiy or to pay n�noimus
<br /> unpnid ttnder the Note or Yhis Security Hishwnent, whether or not then due.
<br /> 5. OCCUpanCy. Borrower sha11 occupy, est�Ulish, and use the Property as Borrowar's principal residence
<br /> wiflini 60 days after tlie excoution of this Security Instruincnt and shall continue to occupy the Vroperty ae
<br /> Borrower's principal �esidence for nC leasC oue year nfter the d�ta of occupnnoy, unless Lender oClrerwise
<br /> ag�ees in wriking, wluch consent shell not be um•easouaUly witl�lield, or unless estenupkiug circuinetnnoes
<br /> exist which tue beyond Borrower's conU�ol.
<br /> 7. Preseruafion, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower s1�a11 not destroy,
<br /> dainage or impau'the Property, allow 11ie Property to deteriorate or commit wasta on tihe ProperCy. Wlie�lier
<br /> or not Borr•ower is residing in tho Property, Borrower shall mainClin Lhe Property in ordcr to prevcn�t tl�e
<br /> Properf,y fi�om deteriornCing or decreaeing in vahie due to its condition. Unless it ie deeennined pursuanC lo
<br /> Seckion S that repAir or restoration is not econoinically feiasiUle, Borrower shall proinptly rapair the ProperCy
<br /> it'damaged to avoid ftrrthor detcrioration or d<unagc. If insm'ance or co�tdcmnation proceedu aro paid'u5
<br /> connec�ion wiCh damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrower shnll be respousible far repairing or
<br /> reatoring the Property onLy if Lancler l�as relaasad proceeds For such purpcjses. Lender mey diaburse proceecls
<br /> 24002352
<br /> NE6RASKA-Single Famlly-Fannle MaelFredtlle Mao 11NIFORM IN3TRUMENT Form 302b 1107
<br /> VMP(� NMP6(NE)(1t061
<br /> Woltera Kluwer Fin2nalel Servlcee aege'!oi 17
<br />