<br /> recpiired by Rl?SPA, nnd Borr�wcr shall pay to Loucic;r the amount necessary ta malce up tlie deficiency in
<br /> accordanoe with RLSPA, but in no more tli2n 12 monthly payinenta.
<br /> Upon paymenl iu Rill of all sim�s secured by this Seourity Iustrument, Lender shall prom�Cly refimd ta
<br /> Borrower any I imds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Lfens. Borrower ahall pay all taxes, assessinenYs, charges, fines, �uid impositions �ttributable to
<br /> flie Property wluch oan attain priociTy over tliis Security Jnahtunent, leasehold payments or grotuid rents on
<br /> Uie Pro�€rty, if any, and Commw�ity Associatixm llues, Fccs, and AesesSuients, if any. To the extent$�at
<br /> these items ere Fscrow Ttc�vs, ,Borrowcr shall pay lhem in the manrier provieled in SecNon 3.
<br /> Borro��er sliall promptly discharge any lien whicl�has priority over this Security lustrnment unless
<br /> 13orrowc;r: (a) agrees in v,n-iCing to the payment of the obligation aecured vy fhe lien in a maruier uceepYable
<br /> to Lender, but only eo long as Borrower is parforining sLich agreeinent; (b) contests Uie lien in good faith Uy,
<br /> or defends against enforceinent of the lrcn in, leged procecdings which in.Lcndcr'e opiivon operatc to prevenf
<br /> tl�e e�iforccmcnt of 4he lien while Ihose proceedings tu�e pending, but olily until snch prooeodings are
<br /> eonchided; ox(c)secures frouz the holder of f$e lien an agreeinent saCisfactory tio Lender subordinafing the
<br /> lien fo this Security Instrmnent. I£I,e�ide�� detennines thaf any part of Yl�c Property is snbjcct Yo a licn which
<br /> can attain priority oVer this Seeurity InstrumenC, Lender m�y give Borrowe�'a no6ioe identifying Che lien.
<br /> Within 7 0 days of the date on whicl�i thnt notioe is given, Boccower shnll sakiefy tha lien or teke one or more
<br /> oP[he aatione set forth above in this Sectiot�4.
<br /> Lender niay rec�iire Borrower to p�y�on�time chtuge for a real estate tax verification an<llor reporting
<br /> service used by Lender in comiection witli tliis Loazi.
<br /> 5. PYoperty InsuYanCe. Borrower sha11 keep Uia improveinents now existing or hereafter erected on tl�e
<br /> Property insured a�ainst loss by fire, hazards includcd wiChin Lho term"oxtciided covcrage,"and any oCLec
<br /> hazarcie including, but nol limifed to, earthquekes nnd Aoods, for which Lender requires insuxance. This
<br /> insurance shell be meintained in tlae ainounfs (including deductiible levels) and for fhe peuocls Chaf Lender
<br /> rac�uirea. Whati Lender requires pLu�suant fo tl�e prccc,ding scntcncc.s cais cl�ctngc dip�ing tl�c tcrm of tUe Lo�an.
<br /> Tha instvance carrier providing tl�e insurance shall 6e ohosen by Borrower su6jecl to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprove Borrower's choice, wl�ioh right shall uoY be exeroised unreasonably. Lender may require
<br /> Borrowcr Go pay, iu connection with thi9 T,o1n, either: (a) a one-time oharga for't7ood zone determ'rnatioi�,
<br /> cerfification and tracldng scrvices; or(b) a one�Ciine ch�rge for f1ooQ zone deferminakion and certifica6ion
<br /> se�vices and eubsequenC chzrges each time remappiugs or similn��ohanges occur which reAsonably might
<br /> ttffect such deternunztiion or certiificatiion. Roirower sl�all also be responsiUle.ior Uie payment ol'any fees
<br /> imposed by tlie I'edesal Wtncrgency Managc�Y�ont Ag�,K�cy in c;onuccYiou wifh thc rcvicw of any flond zone
<br /> deteiminatioil resulfing froin an objeation by Borrower.
<br /> If Borrowor fails Co maincnin�ury of the covera�es descriUed above, Lender may obtain insurance coverege,
<br /> aY Lender's oprion and Borrower's expanse. Lender is under no oUligatiou Co ptiuchase ury particular type or
<br /> auiounC of coverA�ge. Therefore, sucli coverage shall cover Le�ider, btirt inig6t or might not protwt Rorrower,
<br /> 13orrower'a equity it� thc Vi'opc�'ty, or lhe conhonta oP Cl�e Prope,�rty, againsC any rielc, hazard or]iabiliCy anc{
<br /> n�ight providc greaCer or lesser ooverflge th2n wes previously in effeot. Borrower aclrnowledge,s thnt the cost
<br /> of the insurpnce ooverage so obtained tnight significantly exceed tlia eost of insLvanee that Borrower eoulci
<br /> have obtained. Any ainoui�ts disburscd by'I.ender undc�'this Section 5 sliall beoome additional debt of
<br /> Borrowcr sccurcd by this Seourity InstnimenC. These ninounts shall bear inherest at t�he Note rate fron� Che
<br /> date of disbuisemeut and shall be payable, wiYh such interest, upon notice fi•om Lender to Borrower
<br /> requestiing payinent.
<br /> z�oozssz
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sinqle Famity�Fannie fel ac/Fredtlio Mao IJNIFORW1 INST2UM ENT Fofm 302A 1f01
<br /> VM P B VM PB(NE)(1105)
<br /> Wniters Kluwar Flnanclal SerNces Page 0 of i�
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