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201208228 <br /> fnr tl�c rcpaire aiid ravtoratioS�in a sing1c payme��f or in a series of progress payinents as tha work is <br /> completed. If the tneuranee or oondenviation proceeds are noC sufGcienf to repair or restoro tl�e Yroperty, <br /> Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's oUligation f'or the coinpletion of sucli repnir ar restoration. <br /> Landar or its agent inay mnke reasonabla entries apon 2nd inspections of the Propexty. If i[has reasonahle <br /> cause, I,ender may inspect the interior of the improvements ou the Property. Lender s1k111 give Bon'ower <br /> noticc at flic rimc of or prior to siwh an infcrior InspocHnn spccifyiitg stiich reasonable oause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Applicatlon. 13orrower shall be in default if, during tihe Loan applic��ttion process, <br /> Borrowcr or airy persrn�s�r enNfics acting at thc diroc6on of Borrowcr or with]3orrower's laiowledge or <br /> oonsent g�uemakerially Palse, m'vsleading, or inaceurate infonnaCion or afatemenl.s to I,endc.�r (or f�iled tio <br /> pnovide Lender wiUi material information)in connection�✓ith the T,oau. Material representatiions iuclude, Uut <br /> aro not limitcd to, reprascntations concerving Borrowcr'a occupancy of the Yroperty as Borrowcr'F prinoipa] <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protectiarr of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. IP(a) <br /> Borrower fails to perform the covanants end agreements conYAiued 'ui this Seeurity Snstrument, (b)fhere is a <br /> lagal proceeding tliat inighC significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or riglrts uuder tl�is <br /> Secm�ity Insh�ument(such as a procecding n1 bnnkruptcy, probatq for condc�nnation or forfciturq for <br /> enforce�neut of a lien whioh may attain priority ovc�'fl�is Secm�iCy InFCilunent or Co e�'orce laws or <br /> regulations), or(o) Borrower hns aUandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay£or whntever is <br /> reaeonAble or �ppropriate to proteot Lender's iuterest in the Property and riglrts under(1us SecuriCy <br /> Histiwnent, including proteclittg a�id/or assessing the vadue of tho Proporty, and securinb and/or rcpttiring <br /> thc Pmporty. Lendor's nctions o�n include, 6ul Are not lin7ited to: (�)payitig any sums secured by a lien <br /> whictt hns priority over this Security Inst��ument; (U) appearing in court; and(a)paying re�sonable attorneys' <br /> �Feee to protect ite niterest in the Propa��ty�nc1lrn'righty tiutder this Soouritp]nstrumenk, includii�g its sectiired <br /> �Sosition in a banla�upCcy proeeeding. SeouriYig Che Property inchides, l�uC is noh liinitecl lo, enlernig Che <br /> Property to make repnirs, chnnge locks, replece or boaz d up doors aud windows, drain water from pipes, <br /> el'uninate buildiug or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and h�ve utilities tnmecl on or off. <br /> Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Leude�' does not haue to do so and is not under any <br /> duty or obligation to do se�. It is agreed hhat Le�ider incurs no liebilily Por nof falring any or all nc6ions <br /> �u�horized Luider tihis Section 9. <br /> Any anioimts disbursecl by Lendar under thia Section 9 shall bc�omo additinnal debt of Boirowcr ncemrod by <br /> 11iis Security Inatriui�enl. These nmounks shall beax intetest at the Not�rate from Che dake of disbursen�etit <br /> nzid shall be pAynble, v�ith sucli interest, upon notice fl om Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> I£this 5ecuriry Instrument ie on a leesehold, Borrower sh�ll con�ply with all the provisions aF the lease. If <br /> Borrower acquires fee title to tke Propertg�, the leaeel�old and tUe fee title shall not merge miless Iznder <br /> abn•ees to the merger in wriUng. <br /> 10. M ortgage I nSUYance. If Lcudcr rcquircd Morfgage IneLn�ance aa a oondihion of n2alcing i.he Loan, Borrower <br /> shall pay the preiniums required to maintain the Mortgage Ineurance in effect. Sf, for nny reaeon, the <br /> Mortgage Insur�nee coverage required by Lender ceases to be available froin the inorCgaga insurer tliat <br /> previously provided such iostiu�ance and 13�rrower wae rcc��tircd to make�sc;parately dcsigi�atcd paymcnts <br /> Cowtud the premiiuna for Morlglge It�sar�ice, Borrower shnll pny Hie premiums required to obtain cover2ge <br /> substanHally equivalent to the Mortgage Hism�azice previously in effeot, at a cost substa�rtially equivalant to <br /> the cost to Rorrower of the Mort'gagc Insuranco previou�ly in effecC, from an altcrnate mc�rtga.gc in�urcr <br /> selecfed by Lender. IP subsfanCially equivalenE Martgnge Insuranoe coverage is noC aveilable, Bon ower shnll <br /> 24002352 <br /> NEdRASKASIngleFamlly-FennleWee7FretldleMeaUNIFORM INBTRUMEM Porm30281101 <br /> VM P OO VM P6{NE)('11051 <br /> W olt ers Nluw er Financial Services Page A o(7 Y <br />