<br /> Airy applicatioii of payinents, insurance proeeecla, or Miseellaneous Proceecis}�>principal due under T1ie Note
<br /> shall nof exfend or poetpono tl�c due date, or cl�ange the aAnouiit, of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Pnude for�ecrow ICems. Borrowcr s1�all pay to Lender on the day Periodic Paymeuts bre due under the
<br /> Note, unt�l the Note is paid in fiill, a siun(the "Funds") Co provida for payment of ainounts dua Por: (a)tnxes
<br /> and asessments and other items which can att�in priority over thie Security Inslrwnent as a licn or
<br /> encumbranec ori t1�c Yroperty; (b) leasehold pa�ymenSs or ground rants on tha Property, iP any; (c)pren�iume
<br /> for any and all insurauca rcquircd Uy Lc��der undar Seckion 5; and(d) MorCgage Insurance premiums, if any,
<br /> or any eums p�yable by Borrower fo Lender in liau of Lhe paymcnt of Mortgage Insm�ance preiniums in
<br /> accordance with the provisions of Secfion 10. These ikems are called "Lscrow ltcme," At origination or at
<br /> ury time during tha Yaiin of Yhe Loan, Lender may require that Community AsaooiaCion Dues; Fccs, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, be escroweci hy Borrowcr, and such ducs, focs and assessinenls sliall be an�scrow
<br /> Itein. Borrower shall prompYly furnish to Lender all notioes of�monnts fo be paid under this SecHon.
<br /> Bc�rrower s11a71 pay Lender the Fmids for�scmw Iteins tuiless Lendel'wctives Bon�ower's obligation to pay
<br /> the Funds for aa�y or all Lecrow Itoms. Lcndar may waivc Borrowex's oUl'igation Eo pay Co Lander Funds for
<br /> tuty or all Escrow ICems �t any time. [1ny siioh waiver mny only be in writing. Ln tl�e event of such waiver,
<br /> Bouowar sha11 pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts dne for�ny L+scrow ICeins for wl�icl�
<br /> payment of Punds has been waived Uy Lender �nd, if'Lendel•iequires, shall furtriah to Leuder reoeipts
<br /> evideucing such payment witl�ii7 such time period as Lendet may reqture. Borrower's�oblig2tion to make
<br /> such payment�and to providc rcceipts shall for all pnrposes Ue deemed to be ti cove�saart and agreeivenC
<br /> �contxined in this Seeuri6y InaCrumenC, as the plv�asc"covenant �nd agre¢�nenf" is used in Section 9. If
<br /> Borrowe.�• ie obligated to pay Escrow Items directly, purs�iant to a waiver, and Borrower Paile to pay the
<br /> ainount due for an Escrow Item, Lendei may exercise its rights wider Section 9 and pay such nmount and
<br /> Borrower shall then be o6ligatecl under Scc;tion 9 to rcpay to Lcnder any suc1� �tmount. Lender inay revolce
<br /> the waivar as to any or ell Escrow Items pk any tirne by a no6oe given in acoorduice wii1� Seckipn 15 and,
<br /> upon sucli revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender a11 Funds, znd in such amounts, thAt nre then required
<br /> tmder this Section 3.
<br /> I,onder may, at any tim¢, collec t and hold Nut�ds in an ui�otimt(a) sufficient to perinit Lender to apply Yhe
<br /> Punds nf Lhe time s�eoif eci nnder RGSPA, and(U)not to cxcccd thc mauimum amount a lender cau require
<br /> under ILESPA. Lender shall estimnte the�nn7ount of Punds due on Che basis o�f cnrrent data avd reasonable
<br /> e.sfimates nf oxpcndituras of future Escrow Items or otl�erwise in accord�nce wiUi Applicable Law.
<br /> Thc b'unds shall Ue ha1d ii� an institution wi�oea deposits are nisw ed Uy a faderal agenoy, instr�umentaliry, or
<br /> entity(inoluding Lender, if Lender is ari instiCuCion whosa de�oeils are so insured) or in auy Cederal Home
<br /> Loa�i Banlc Lender sl�all apply the Fwids to pay the Escrow Items no later thpn the tinie specified timdcr
<br /> RL+SPA. Lc;nder shall not chetrge Rorrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually anelyzing the
<br /> escrow ncooimt, or verifying lhe�acrow Ifems, unless Lender paye Borrowcr interest on the Funds aud
<br /> ApplicaUla Ltiw permita Lender W make such a charge. Unless an agreemenC is u�uic in writing or
<br /> ApplicaUle Law requiras interest to be paid on Yha Funds, Lender shA11 not be requireci to pay Borrower any
<br /> intcrest or earnuigs on the P'unds, Rorrower and Lender can agree in writivg, however, th'nt interest shall I�e
<br /> paici on Cl�e F�wda Le��dcn sl�all givc to Borrower, witl�out charge, an ennual accountivg of the Fuuds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> Sf Yhere is a snrphis of Funds held in escrow, ae dofined under R13SPA, Lender sha11 accoLult to Borrower for
<br /> the excess fiuids in accordance�viUi RESPA. If there is n ehortage of Tunds held in escraw, as dcfned undcr
<br /> IZL;SI'A, Lettder sh�ll notify Borrower as required by RRSPA, and Borrower ehall pay to I,ender the amonnt
<br /> neoessaiy to make iip the shortage in accordanca with RLSPA, buC in no more tl�an 12�nontlily payments. IF
<br /> Uiera is a defieieuey of Fmids held in esorow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha11 notify Borrc>wcr aF
<br /> 24002362
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famlly-Fennle MaelFretldle A7ec UNIFOWv1 INSTRUWENT Farm 3028 1707
<br /> VM P ry VM PA(NE)(9105
<br /> lNolters Kluwer Finencinl 9ervlces Papx 5 0(1�
<br />