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201208228 <br /> designated a substitutc notico address by notice to Lender. Borrowex shall pxomp��ly notiFy Lender of <br /> Borrower's change oP addreas. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower'a change of address, <br /> then Boxrowex shall only raport a chuige of address tluongh that�pecified procedure. <br /> There may be only one designated notice adciress mxder tl�is Secm ity Instrument at a�iy one time. tlny notice <br /> to Lender sha11 ba given by delivering it or by inailing it by first c1asE mai] to Londcr's �Catcd harcin <br /> wiless.I.ender has de.signafed anoH�er addtess by notice lo Borrower. Any notice in oonneetion with this <br /> Sccurity Ins�rument shall not ba deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. Ii' <br /> any no[ice required by this Secw'ity Inetiument is also required under ApplicaUle Law, the ApplicaUle Law <br /> requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement undar this Sccw'ity Insh'�nr�oiit. <br /> 16. Governing Law; 5everability; Rules of Construction. This Security lnstnuiient sha11 be governed by <br /> federal law and the law of thcjurisdiclion in wluch the ProperEy is located. All rights and obligaYions <br /> contained in ihia S€ctuity Instrument atre subject to any requirements aud limitatiions of ApplicaUle <br /> Applirable Law might axpli¢itly or iinplicitly allow t1�e pe�rtics to agroc by contract or it might be silent, 6ut <br /> such silenca shall not be construed as a proliibiCion agzin5t ngreen�ent by conh�act. In Y,he event that any <br /> provision or clause of Ihis Securi6y Inst�nmenf or tihe NoEe conflicts with Applicable L��w, such confliot s1�a11 <br /> noh affec[other provieione of this Sectu'ity Inst��ument or the Notc which cttn be given cffcct withouC Che <br /> covflicting provision. <br /> As iused in this Security InsUument: (a) woxds of the�nasculinc g�ndcr shall moan and ii�cludc corresponding <br /> neuter words or words of Uie feminiue bendc��; (b)worda in Uie singular sh�ll mean and include the plural <br /> azid vice varea; aud(c)tl�e word "may" givea sole disoretion without eny obligmfion to take nny ecGion. <br /> 'f 7. Bol'Yow er's Copy. Boxrower s1�a11 Uc givcn one copy oP Che Note and of ttus Security Ins�rument. <br /> 18. Transfer of Che Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in chis Section 18, "Interest in <br /> tihe Propertq" means any lc�g21 or benelicial interest in the Property, inelucling, but not limited to, t�ose <br /> beneficial in�eres[s h.2rtsferred in a bond foc deed, oontiracC for deed, installmenf sales contract or escrow <br /> agxeement, the intent of wluoh is the h a�isfer of title Uy Borrowar aC a firture date to a pm�chpaer. <br /> If�11 or any pnrt of the Property or any Intarest in the Properfy is sold or traneferrcd(or if Bonnwer is not a <br /> natucal person and a beneficial interest in Rorrowor i� eold or Cranefemed)wi[hout Lender's prior wriYten <br /> consent, Lc+nder inay require invnediate paymant in full of a11 sums secured Uy this Security Instrument, <br /> However, thia opt�on ahall not be exercised by I,ende��if sucli oxercise in prohibitcd by Applical�le Law. <br /> IP Lender exeroises this option, Lender shall give Borrower noticc of acccicraNun. 'I;l�e noticc shall provide a <br /> pariod of not less thpn 30 days front th�datc thc notice is given in t�ocordance with Section I S within wlueh <br /> Rorzower inust��ay all siun� secL�red by this Security Inst�•wnent. IPBorrower Pails to pay tliese sums prior to <br /> [he expirntion of tflis period, Lalder iney vivoke any re�nedies pennitted by tivs Soctivity 7nstrmnent wifhouh <br /> fin•ther notiice or demand on ]3orrowcr. <br /> 19� F3oYYOWeY'S Right to Reinsfate After Acceleration. ICBorrower meets certaiu conditiona, Borrower <br /> shall have Ghe right Co havo enforcemcnY oP Clus Seourity Hlateument diacontinuee1 at nny time prior to Cha <br /> earliast of: (-a) five days hefore snle of tke Property pursuaut Yo a�iy power oP sale contained in kliis Sec�u'ity <br /> U�stiunienC; (b)suck other period As Applicable La�w inight epecify for t11e terminntioi�of Borrowcr's right to <br /> reinatate; or(e) entry of z.jttdgment enPorcing fUis Security Itistcu�nent. T'hoso conditions are lhat Borrower: <br /> (a)pa�ys Lender al1 sums which thcn would be dne mxder Chis Securiry Ineh•nment�nd the Note as if no <br /> accclera$on haci occurred; (b) cures any default af any oUier covenauts or agreeinents; (c) pays all expeiises <br /> ixi�nrted in et�forcing this Security IlisUtiunent, inclnding, but not limited to, reasonal�le attorncys' fccs, <br /> property inspection and v�luat'ron fccs, �nd otlier Pees incurred£or fhe piupose of protecting Lender'a interest <br /> 24002d62 <br /> NEBRASKA-SingleFemily-Fannie�NaelFreddieWacUNIFORM INSTRUMFNT Porm3a281101 <br /> VM P 0 VM P6(NFl(i 1051 <br /> Wolters Klmver Finannlnl firrvinas PBge 12 of 17 <br />
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