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201208228 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time f'or payment or <br /> uiodification of�mortization of the smne secureci by this Security Instrun�ont granted by Lcncicr to Borrower <br /> or any Suocessor ln Interest of Barxowex ehnll not opernke to release the liabilily of Borrower or nny <br /> Successors in Interest of Borrower. Lender shall not Ue requhed to coimnence proceediii�s against�ny <br /> Successor in 6�terest of Rorrower or to rofuse to oxt�7�d timc for payment or othc�wise modify aunartization <br /> of thc sums secured by fhis SecLu�ity Ivstnm7ent by reason of any dempnd made 6y the origin�l Bonrower or <br /> any Successoxs in InEerest of Boxrower. t1�ry forbearance by Lendar in exercising any right or remedy <br /> including, without limitntioii, Lender's acceptuice oPpayments fiom tlurd persons, entities or Successors in <br /> InYeresti of Borrower or in amounts less than the ainount then c1ue, s1�a11 not Ue a waiver of or preclnde tl�e <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Bono�ver covennnts and <br /> agrcas that Borrower's obligalions nnd liability ahall be joint and several. TTowever, aaiq Borrower who <br /> co-signs this Security Instrument but does uoti execute the Note(a"co-signer"): (a)is co-signing this <br /> � Security Listirument only to mortgage, grent and wnvcy the co-sipier's aiCeresC in fhe Properdy uncier the <br /> terms of this Sccurity Ins�rument; (b) is notpersonally obliga�ted to pay the emns secmed by this Secucity <br /> InstramenC; and(o) agreea thnt Lendar and any otlier Borrower cvi agree to extend, modify, forUear or mal<e <br /> any aecoltunodfltions with regard to the terms of this Sccurity Tnstrtuncnt or the Note without il�e co-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject to the provisions oF Section 18, a�ry Succcssor in Interest oPBorrower w6o asauu�ea Borrower's <br /> obligations uuder tivs Secw�ity Hi�trumant in turiCing, and ia ppprov�d by Leilder, ehall obtain all af <br /> Borrowcr'e righis and benefltis under thie Security InsY�'ument. Borrower shz11 not be released from <br /> Borrower's obligations flncl liabIlity uuder tl�is Seccu-ity fushumenf un7ess Lcnder agrcas to auch release in <br /> writing. Tha covenvits v�d a��eemcnts of this SecuriCy Inslrmnent shell bind(except�s provided in Seotion <br /> 20}and Ucuafit tihe eucc�,ssors and nasigne of Leuder. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. Lcnder inay charge Boxxower Pees for services perforined in comiection wi11i Borrower's <br /> default�, for the purpose of protecting Lsnder's intaresC in the Property aud rights tiindeY tl�is Security <br /> Instrnment, including, but not liinited Co, attoiroeys' fccs, property inepecfion and vahialion fees. In regnrd to <br /> 2ny other lees, the a�seuce of expresn autihority in Lhis Seonrity Insh'nmeut to ohnrge a specific fee to <br /> Borrowar sl�zill not be consuued as a prohibition on the charging of sueh fee. Lender may noY charge�fee.9 <br /> that are ex�resaly prohibited Uy this Secm ity instrument or hy Applicable Law. <br /> I�F the Lonn is subject to a law wlnch sets maximum loan cl�argcs, and fhat law is Gnally intierpreted so that <br /> tha interest or otl�er loan ahttrgos collecEed�or fo l�e oollected in connection wifh tlie Loan exceed the <br /> permittcd limit's, Chen: (a) aary suoh loan ch�rga slia7l ba reduced by the vnount necessary to reduce tl�e <br /> oharge Co the permittul lunit; and(b) any swns already collecfed fro�n Borrowcr wliich cxeccdcd pernvtted <br /> lnnits will be refwided to Borrowcr. Leiider may clioose to innke diis refimd by rulucing the principzl owed <br /> uuder tl�e Noto or by niaking a direct paymenE Yo IIorrower. If a rafund reduces prinoipal, tha reduction will <br /> bc h•eated ae a p�rtial prepayment without uiy prapaytnent cl�arge (��hether or not�prepa}�1�ent cl�arge is <br /> provided for under the Note), Borrower's acceptance of any sual� rofund n�ade by direcC payinent W <br /> Borrower will constitute a waive�•of atry rigpC of ac[ion Borrower might have arising ouc of such overcharge. <br /> 15. NoYiCes. All notices giveu by Rorrowor or Lender iu comiection with tlus Security Iusttument nmst be iu <br /> wriGing. Any notiw u�Borrower in connection with thie Security InsfrwnenY s1�a11 be deemed to have been <br /> givcn Eo Borrower whem m�iled by fust class mail or wlien actually delivered to Rorrower's uotice addtess iP <br /> sent by other means. Notiee to any one Borrower sl�all oonshittihe noHce to all Borrowers unless Applioable <br /> Law expressly requires��lherwise. The notice nddress shall Ue the Property Address unless Borro�ver has <br /> zaaozaez <br /> NEBRASKnSingle Famlty-Fannle M z�e/Freddle M ec UM FORM IN9TRUM ENT Fonn 302 n�1�1 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnnnclel Services PeAe f 1 af 77 <br />