<br /> in the Propetty and rights under this Security Instrtinncnt; and(d)talcee sueh a�ction es Lender may
<br /> reasonably require fo assm�e that Lender's niterest in the Proper6y ancl rigt�ts under this Security Instiument,
<br /> and Brnrowa''s ob1igakion to pay tl�e swns sectn'ed by fhis Secuxity Inatrtiunent, shall continlic ttnclunged.
<br /> Lender may require thRt Boirower pay si�ch rciustatcme��t sums and expenses in one or mor�of the following
<br /> f'orms, as selecYed by Lendei; (a) oash; (b)money ordex; (c) cerdficd cheo1c, bacik check, treasurer's oheck or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any suoh chack is drnwn upon an institution whosc�deposits are iivvured by a
<br /> feder�l agency, i�shmnentality or entity; or(d) Elect�onic F'unds Trausfen U�on reinstatiemcnt Uy Aon ower,
<br /> tliis Sccurity Tnst�'�uncnt and obligations secured hereby sl�all reinaui fitlly effective as if no ncceleratioi�had
<br /> occiuxed. However, thia righG Co reinstntc shall noY app1y in tlie case of acceleration wider Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a pnrtial interest in�lie
<br /> Note (togatlier with this Security Inetrument) cnn be sold one ar more times wiHiout prfior natice to
<br /> Borrowcr. A salo m'rglrt result in a change in the entity(laiown as the 'Zoan Servlc¢r") that oollecCs Parioclic
<br /> Payments due under Che NoCe and this Seciu�ity Inst��urncnt and perfonne other inortigage Ioan servicing
<br /> obligations under tlae Note, this Security Insh•ument, pnd Applioable Law. Thcre also migl�f Ue one or more
<br /> changes of tl�e Loan Seivicer unrelated to a saTe oF the Note. If there is � change of khe Loari Servicer,
<br /> BbrroWcr will ba�iwu writteii norica of the cha�ige which wi11 state tha natne �nd eddress oP the new Loen
<br /> Seivicer, Cho address to which pay�ncntis should bo mado and any other information RESPA raquires in
<br /> eonneotron with a nolise of t���nsfex oP seivicing. If Che NoCe is eold and Chcr�after the l,oan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Seivicer other than the purchaser oF the Note, the martgage lonn servioii2g obligatione Cn Bon owcr will
<br /> remc�in with the Lo�i Servioer or Ue tra�isferred to a successor Loan Servicer and nre not assumed by the
<br /> Note�urchaser unless oEherowise provided lry the Nc�to purcl�ascr,
<br /> Neither Borrowcr i�or Lencier map commcnce, jpin, or bp joincd to any judicial action(as either an
<br /> individunl litignnt or the meanber of a clnse) that azises from the other party's aclions pursuant Yo thie
<br /> SecudEy Instiument or fliat alleges that the other paaty has Ureached viy provision oP, or any duty owed by
<br /> reason of, tl�is Sccurity Insfiument, �mtil sucl� BE�rrowor or Londcr has notified the other parfy(witih such
<br /> noiice given in coinpliance with the reqnirements of Section 15) oP such allegcd brcacl� �u�d afforded tlie
<br /> other party hereto a reasouable period after the giving of such noHce to take correcLive aclion. IP Applicable
<br /> Law providea a time period which must elzpse Uefore cerCain aotion can be tnken, that time period will be
<br /> deemed to Ue reasonaU1e for puiposes of U�is paragra{�1�. The notice of accelexatiion and opporCunity to cure
<br /> given to Borrowex pureLiant to Seetion 22 nud Phe notice of acoeler�tion given to Borrower pursiu�nt fo
<br /> Seotion 18 sl�all ba deemed to safisfy the notice avd opportuaaity to take corrective action provisiona e£this
<br /> Scction 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As �ucd in this Scction 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances"are Yhose substances
<br /> defined as toxio or hazaxdous subaE�noes, pollut�tits, or wnetes by Snviromnental Law and fhe folloNring
<br /> subsYances: gasolina, kerosena, othar tlTixunable or toxic patroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbieides,
<br /> volatile solvents, inaterials containing asbestos or fornialdehycie, aud radioactive matierials; (U)
<br /> "Nnvironmentnl T aw"nicans fedoral laws and laws of the jurisdietiou whcrc the Property iy located that
<br /> relato Lo health, sa�fety or ei�roironmenCal proCeotion; (c) "L`rsvtronntientr�l Cleanxil�"inclndcs any rasponsc
<br /> action, remediel aorion, or removal action, as defined in Environmentnl Law; nnd(d) an "Lnvironnaental
<br /> CQfatli6ion"meaiis a condition fhat can canse, contriUute to, or otherwiae trigger an Enviromnental Gleanup.
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit tl�e preeence, nse, disposal, storage, or xelease of any Hazardotts
<br /> Substances, or UireaCeu Lo release�ny H�zarclous SuUsfanoes, on or in the Property. Bc�rrower shall not do,
<br /> nar allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property(a}thaC ia in violation of any Environmental
<br /> I�aw, (b)which cireates an Bnvironmentnl Condition, or(c) whicl�, chie to�the presence, use, or releasa�af a
<br /> Hazzrdotiu�3ubct�lnce, crealea a condition t1�nC adversely affecLs Che valnc af tiho Property. 1'hc preceding hvo
<br /> zaoozasz
<br /> NFBRASKA-SIn9leFnmlly-FannleMae/FreAdicfdac UNIFORM INSTRW,4FNT Form 3028 7701
<br /> �/M P Q VM PB(�NE1(1 7061
<br /> WnllarsKluwarFlnannlalSnrvlr,es Pa {3nf1Y
<br />